/scg/edg/ Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous General #123

"Dad is a state of mind" edition

Welcome to the merged general of Elite: Dangerous and Star Citizen. Don't fucking reply to obvious bait.
Previous Thread: →
>Elite: Dangerous information:
Gamescom info:
>Frontier Official YT
>Star Citizen information:
>CitCon2016 Full Presentation:
>Star Citizen Official YT

>Current Version: 2.6
Referral code randomize:
>Other games:
If it doesn't have a general, post it here; just don't get upset about sharing. If it DOES have a general, please go. We don't need your baggage.
Above is a pastebin of games you can play while waiting for SC and E:D to become playable.

Discord: discord.gg/3VB6srz

Other urls found in this thread:


When will you all admit that Elite isn't as bad as you make it out to be?

>Previous Thread: →→

where do you think you are?

>Discord: discord.gg/3VB6srz
Fuck off.

Actual link

damn I fucked up

>Ved is at it again

>no power rangers

*chuckles in the background*


I've made plenty of /scg/ OC over the years but I think only 3 of them have been saved and posted by others.

Well? Why aren't you posting them?

Just got E:D how do i make lots of credits edg?

I made the one with Ben throwing the guy out of the window but I no longer have it.


Thank you!


>I am well versed
>don't look at me, I have no clue

The fuck is wrong with this nigger?

bounty hunting


wait for 17 Draconis to go to civil war then stack massacre missions and kill shit for 3 days.

>data delivery missions drying up in Wu Guinagi and HIP 10716
>mission failed bug affecting missions 20% of the time
rip cutter

nice, I was going to do that later today. Braben'd

>mission failed bug


You take a mission and it immediately bugs out and is instantly failed. All you can do then is discard it.

most of the time it's 0/0 missions across nine or so factions and then sometimes two missions for two factions and maybe one of them is Empire, and the mission isn't donation or data delivery.

hope it's just shitty luck.

rest in peace uberfamine 17 draconis and getting rear admiral in three hours while watching anime

How is Star Marine?

Maintaining the ED wing-up initiative another user started in the last thread.

Post your Pilot handle and link to this post if you're interested in finding CMDR's for group play.

- CMDR Vinous

Why would anyone ever do anything in a Wing. You literally lose money for doing the exact same shit you could do alone. The only exception to that is mining in a HazRes and there are WAY easier ways of making money.

Add me in

- CMDR Gluttony Fang

I've tried before and trying to do anything with others without having Engineers is just fucking torturous. I hate Frontier for releasing Engineers, literally "buy this fucking expansion or you are outmatched by everyone."

Engineers is the worst designed MMO mechanic in modern gaming. I though Legion's artifact weapon grind was bad until I experienced this bullshit.

Meh, passable

Bounty hunting in res sites is the best way to start.

For really quick money go to a high res and shoot at targets that the security ships are already engaging. As long as you get a few shots on you'll get the bounty reward.

>not adding the jump point/subart megapack back

Why the fuck did we change the OP format again?


let it be known that this SUBVERSIVE KIKE has deliberately fucked up the op AGAIN and put old, useless information here when we already have a new one and he has been told repeatedly to fuck off with it

kek. is he off his meds?

>ATV now a useless look at what is already playable instead of showing what is being worked on

Why the fuck did they change the ATV format.
No one gives a shit about pirate swarm.

>implying he ever picked them up

Why people fly to Colony? Isnt it far away?


There are people playing the game, you know. Multiply people in fact.

Dads are not people, they're golems made out of nostalgia and delusion.

It ain't necessarily about the credits or the kills, so much as playing with others being an end unto itself.


They have seen the vision and it did not turn them back.

On the hunch that it's gonna be the staging ground for something big, or perhaps to get away from the Powerplay antics in the core worlds and develop a tight nit frontier community of players eking out a scene of their own on the edge of inhabited space?

>bounty hunting
im lucky to find a bounty mission for like 100k reward, they ever go higher? if so how?


>Bounty hunting in res sites
>res sites
whats a res site

CMDR Eagleboy, at your service.

Resource Extraction Site. Check the pastebin. Ship elimination missions can augment your income if you'll be shooting ships of a certain faction anyway, but leave them until you're sure you can do them. Tagging along with system security and landing a few potshots while being careful can net you some good starting money.

CGs are community goals where you everyone contributes to a certain goal - check any mission board for instructions. Payouts are delayed though.

I like how after discussing hair in Star Citizen, Chris makes a small remark on Sandi's hair and goes to touch it, while staying on topic. Sandi then backs off as if she's not even married to the guy.

When can Sandi fuck off of this project and stop fucking other men behind Chris' back? I actually kind of wish she just died in a car accident or something. She contributes nothing to the company, and bringing her onto the company as a co-founder was an obvious fucking mistake. Fuck that cunt. Bless Chris.

Could this be Gillian Anderson?

well I know she's hurting my impression of CIG. And seeing her or knowing of her is giving me that "somethings not quite right about this" deep inside.

Both statements you made completely parallel how I feel -- something isn't right, and I've wanted her out of the company for at least a couple of years now.

>I actually kind of wish she just died in a car accident or something
how much do you have to spend on a video game to type this sentence

Hello newcomer.

do I look like I give a fuck about your OCD nigger shit?
this atv was again a total disaster, I will just call it day and come back next year


What is DSmart's fav ship?

whats the ED exploit of the week?
I'm not a fucking dad and i want my CR now!

How many millions they spend on that?

Sandi x Himself

Skimmer missions at Naitis rely on a small bug for maximum efficiency. Otherwise enjoy getting the mission failed bug on a 4.6m mission.

Eyes look right.

first one looks better than 100% of western females in the last 5 years, yes including overwatch. looks like a realistic but attractive lady that female players could appreciate. last one looks like they were going for a young george takei and I'm gonna get him killed on our first mission together.

>do I look like I give a fuck about your OCD nigger shit?
You took the time to reply, so clearly you do give a fuck.

Please refrain from making new threads from now on.

Sandi would probably want more than one man fucking her at the same time. Doesn't matter who or what race they are, as long as it's 3 or more in her holes.

Gotta agree with At least a female character that don't cater to hollywoodian "look cute and fragile" or "look old and treacherous" if evil.
I still want my crew of bikini blonde bimbo

Other characters are also very nice. Lot of variation in the bone structure without looking unrealistic.
I bet this is their best model or the one they scanned from live person, "no way they are all like that"

Elite """"pvp"""" reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/5oyh7u/colonia_psa_and_call_for_aid/

Seeing shit like this brings me so down that they didnt just make this a singleplayer game. I hate Braben and Sandro.

>call for aid
>pls jump a gazillion times to save my poor dad ass and my Safe Space Imagination Zone project from evil griefers
Hah, tough shit.

If these so called dads like roleplaying so much, how about people roleplaying bandits, robbers and whatnot, are they also against that?
They could also roleplay hiring protection or similar.

why does chris keep allowing sandi to be on camera? she makes it so obvious every time she speaks, and even more so when shes on camera not speaking that she doesnt give a single shit about whats being talked about. shes incapable of on the spot dialog with chris and just looks at him strange when he does something not scripted

shes so bad at acting, but she must be a master of dick handling to keep getting center stage on every video and stream possible

pic related
>sandi on the left, me on the right

I hope it's not shit, I have one and it's thus far the only fighter I really like Aesthetically.

I want to like the gladius but the odd forked underbody and weird landing gear ruins it for me.

He said he was attacked by someone who roleplayed and I guess he doesn't care about that one. It's only le mean griffer that he's complaining about and asking for help with.

Your just upset that a female is in charge and large

She is a respecteble woman who is singlehand leading this project


Probably the only explanation for Chris being into her is that CR is actually into traps and Sandi has a feminine penis.

>m50 confirmed frustrating nuisance

gotta admit that if you could actually get players close enough to help it would make more than shitty mercy kill against unprepared enemy.

I give full credit to Your fascination smell like autist who got triggered, anybody else would have moved on

pic btw

Lisa Ohanian Superior , big tits and knows games

Sandi G. Fail farts, hates games, terrible actress, and only claim to fame is shes fucking CR to be placed with greats like Mark Hamill and Gillian Anderson.

Sandi only good for her tickle fetish.


what was bad about this, it's a typical atv

But Sandi has a really nice laugh.

nothing, good info as usual it's just sandi has no place being seen on camera and clearly has some mad pussy game to keep chris interested



One butt hurt autist

she got FIRST NAME ON THE ATV CREDITS for fucks sake, right before chris

shes clearly a pro at satisfying whatever depraved sexual desires need to be satisfied to get credit above chris for anything

The only reasons Sandi still exists in this project:

1.) Mother of Chris' kids.

2.) Will take half the company in a divorce.


When SQ42 gets released I want to get some rule 34 porn of Sandis model in game and get Dereck Sm*rt to ram her up the a** p*rn. and D.S. take a huge dump on her chest and post it all over the forums and porn hub. Kinda like the overwatch porn, but with Sandi and Derek giving it to her hard.


If you want custom made r34 about your fantasies you have to pay for it yourself derek, you fucking crazy faggot.


the fact that ben isn't dead yet greatly heartens me. The fact that he can remain alive in such a state helps me worry a lot less about my own
weight issues spontaneously killing me.

I've lost 60 pounds in the last three years, which is slow as hell, but I'm still at 240 and still feel like an unhealthy fatass.

Why doesn't Sandi wear a wedding ring? Something really strange about it. I'm not a goon and I don't appreciate their bullying or doxxing but I think maybe there's more to it that it appears.

same reason she doesn't take his last name or acknowledge the marriage openly, she's an empowered radical femenist womyn and it's a make of possession perpetrated by the patriarchy.

acceptable for what it is, being the very first real test environment for FPS and on foot gameplay


Weight problems don't really pose a problem until you're at least 40. However, due to Ben being around 40 or so, I'm starting to think he's the exception rather than the rule (i.e.: being kept alive by the will of Jehovah/Yahweh/Allah)

I don't think Sandi really cares for Roberts as a husband, but more of a tool for getting what she wants. Having children with him was something she was willing to do to keep his power in check, and under her control.

Because of these obvious observations, I'm starting to think Chris Roberts is the largest tool in the space sim industry.

No I don't think Sandi is a terrible person, I just think maybe she doesn't want it to seem like she's only around because of being married to CR so she takes it off.

Shut up, goon. Take your r34 garbage and piss off.

Also I'm not a redditard but I recommend getting an account just to downvote cultists. Pic related.