League of Legends general - /lolg/

"Brotherly" love edition


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xth for breast metal waifu

>People over 25 still playing videogames

Oh uh, we've got a bunch of manchilds in here, huh?

I keep screaming but god wont answer


>now you're imagining preggo sjokz

Lamb butt.

Dead thread during e-sports


If you play video games and are over 20 you are a failure to society. Get a real hobby like stamp collecting, or getting divorced.

there's no simpler joy than a man being able to indulge in his hobbies after handling the day's responsibilities user

Is runaan really a mandatory on Jinx? I feel more comfortable with stattik shiv.

You need it for the increased presence in teamfights and faster waveclear

>literally buying the downgrade runaans



RFC > Runaan's > Shiv on Jinx

She gets the most from RFC/Runaan's.

>furfag edition

>rfc > runaan's

What killed the Chime Man?

Was it that "bug" fix?


It's called skillcap

hey man, that's a great elaboration on your thoughts, i'm sure you're highly intelligent and skilled at this game. you certainly convinced me!

Lulu is cute. Do you like Lulu?

Friendly reminder to treat your fellow teammates with respect even if they're not doing so well.

We're all in this game together.

got chu covered


So how long until singed gets his legs broken by Riot Game?

No way they are going to allow a champ that old to remain viable in pro play.

guro smut user are you around

Remember when riot tm buffed zed and lee just before worlds because le epic high skillcap plays
dont question the "bug" fixes

What if one of my teammates bans a pick one of my teammates were going to play? When asked for their reasoning they said "Rule number one of LOL, don't be a one trick pony". It wasn't even me he did it to but it still really irritated me.

I am definitely going to disrespect this kind of shiteater, especially if he's bombing.

i want to test diana womb of steel!

I quit about two season ago, is EU still better than NA?

>Chinese year of the Rooster
Azir rework/return to metacancer soon lads.

Yes, what do you need

Is deadmans good on Elise?

this is still one of my favorite pictures of league of legends by riot.

Why isn't Elise picked in pro play?

is that Kalista warming her hands in Sions Soul Furnace? that's cute, I'd like more cute Kalista


I finished your story but idk if it's up your alley. You added me a little while ago.


Where do i search replays of my matches? someone was asking how i got a penta with MF...

i would say runaans is better too because of the rocket spread

How much does sona weigh with such a lewd body?

Oh my gosh.

I want that.

Unless you signed up to LOL replays beforehand you can check op.gg to see if they have it, otherwise you're fucked. LOL doesn't have native replay support, remember?

any /lolg/ matches going on? i wanna style on you nerds

>people still think video games are a niche form of childrens' entertainment.

This isn't the the pre-2000's anymore.

The video game industry earns more revenue than the movie industry now. Gaming has become a staple past time and form of entertainment today; almost everyone under 35-40 plays them to some extent. Be it PC gaming, consoles or mobile app trash to pas the free time. Adults 40 and older still see it as a childish hobbie because they didn't intrinsically grow up with it like millenials and gen-z'ers did. So saying people need to drop video games past a certain age is the equivalent of saying that people need to drop movies and TV past a certain age.

Rather, it's more likely that your tastes will change over time with age. The gaming industry's genre shift from FPS shooters to single-player action adventure games is one such example. But even then, some people will still stick towards some childish hobbies out of nostalgia. Star Wars and Nintendo games are such examples.

tl;dr - 25 years old; out in the real world nobody gives a damn about your private hobbies as long as you do your job. The people telling others to grow up in this regard are likely not out in the real world (IE underage or college kiddos) themselves.

Look up your match history and there it should be unless that was twenty games ago.

>falling for the bait

jesus christ user
lurk more before posting

Who are you, just asking?

Been posting since 2007 though.

I still responded to the bait either way.

>Tank v ADC
>the 'immovable object' can out damage the 'unstoppable force'

>Been posting since [newfag year]

Okay buddy

Mating Press?

you want me to pastebin it here or just send it to you over the client?

>roll project yasuo permanent skin from box
>literally never played yasuo in my life
>hate yasuo with all my heart
>300 ip short of buying yasuo
I'm going to be one of em project yasuos who just feed so fucking hard and I cant fucking wait.
Hope you cucks dont get me in my game.

Pastebin it


Poppy is pure

you got a Veeky Forums gold account too?
here's your (You)

Mating Press.

Comfiest bfs~

>red smite lee

what is this

Haven't watched e-sport in years, is febiven or zven the best western player?


The Zodiac Shirt has Battle Bunny Riven for year of the rabbit

>The video game industry earns more revenue than the movie industry now.

I think that's the fastest I've ever stopped reading a post.


>sightstone leee

oh ok nice meme build

I want to look exactly like diana and be MATE PRESSED by all league boys

You think she has daddy issues?



>enemy Ryze thinks he can outtrade you during laning phase
Low elo is pretty funny sometimes


It's not like League has a champ who is actually a rabbit.

Wait shit, we're overdue for an actual bunnygirl.

Yeah, pure sexual pleasure.

>watch Tarzaned's stream
>people complaining he's toxic af
>when you listen to what he says, it's a 100% accurate description of what many games in solo queue are like
Reminder that it's a lot harder to solo carry due to Riot consistently nerfing solo carrying as a result of wanting to make everyone feel like they're not left out.

poppy is literally mentally a kid, she's definitely a virgin

I want diana to kill me

This is how real life irelia ass looks like

are people even watching the EU lcs right now


that guy's a retard and a terrible player

>got rank 1!
>d-during worlds while all the pros were gone

No it isn't, the camera is just incredibly close up to it.

The hands are gigantic, which means it's either a tranny, or a tiny ass. Get that literal shit out of here. It doesn't even have a nice shape.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I thought it was funny

I think it looks pretty nice.

Yeah JUST 156k people are

people haven't liked feb in awhile and zven choked at worlds but is generally still well-regarded


>poppy is literally mentally a kid

like that's ever going to stop me

>she's definitely a virgin

Not an anal virgin though.

The movie industry is in a pretty awful state right now, user. Especially in the western world. Hollywood has to pander to China and the east to earn their ticket bucks back.

Now DVD rentals, streaming and sales - that's something else entirely. But people just don't want to spend money on expensive movie tickets and popcorn anymore. Especially when so many movies out there are trash right now. Blockbusters in general have been under-performing, aside from the Disney or Cape-related shit.

Why would she have daddy issues user?

Lunar Revel skins are up.

>all three of the new Warring Kingdoms skins are amazing
>I rarely play/do well with any of those champions
>ugh they're so cool though
What do?


jesus why did I ask you guys even

>get the skins
>play them

You buy them now anyway since they're limited-time only.

He was rank 1 since the middle of season 6 you inbred mong.

Free icon, if anyone cares: na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/skins/lunar-revel-2017#/gift

RFC is your second attack speed item as Jinx after Hurricane

How is this champ pool?