How promiscuous were women in the 50s? Were they sexually devious as they are now? Please go into details and post some qt 50s chick.
How promiscuous were women in the 50s? Were they sexually devious as they are now...
Not as much so as they were in the 20s. As far as I know they were all housewives in the 50s.
Here's a 50s woman like you asked
Forgot pic
They fuck with the milkman in the neighborhood.
Yeah but I want more detail. Like how they fucked, what they wore, what they did. Yesh.
Ask your grandma
Grandma died.
Do you not know how sex is done
I'm just wondering if women fucked differently back in the day. Chicks these days want to try too much shit to look hot. I washed my ex's clit once with a shower head and she ended up with a UTI. She stopped talking to me for a week and threatened to sue. What happened to the good old days Veeky Forums?
Adults weren't but teenagers were.
Is that Betty White?
You know she did nude pin ups back in the 50's, right?
Way more than what you think they just didn't talki about it. Your idealized 1950s america never existed. Had you lived then you'd have been even more unmarriageable than you are now.
You are an idiot. Your ex as well.
only sensible post in the thread.
Women have always been sluts. All that changed is now society lets them do so with pride.
I don't know about the other women but Audrey Hepburn was always pure and true.
Not to be confused with Betty Page - the ultimate 1950's sex symbol.
Do you really wanna imagine your gramah fucking? Meh...
Clearly, given the huge population boom that followed, they were fucking like rabbits, but they weren't particularly open about it.
The rainbow of "how" people fuck, however, hasn't changed all that much since the Kama Sutra was written. I mean, yeah, there's all this S&M stuff, and that's been around forever (I'm looking at you Marquis de Sade). Really, the greatest revolutions in sexual gratification have been within the past 30-40 years, with the introduction of various machines, and virtual reality. Before then, as strange as you got, was the pain and pleasure line, and the occasional massive orgy. (Discounting off the chart deviants and outright illegal stuff.)
But in America, the 50's were before women's liberation really kicked in, and doubled the size of the work force, so being suitable for marriage was still a critical factor for most women. Thus, most of the more extreme proclivities were among an older lot than now, often between swingers who were already married, and most sex symbols were in their late 20's, rather than their teens/early 20's. Everything was behind closed doors and in dark rooms - this wasn't the age of Rome with its massive public orgies, but it also wasn't so taboo that folks the majority of women barely knew it was going on, or how to do it. ...Even if that was certainly more common then than now - there was no sex education, women didn't watch porn, and men had a hard time getting a hold of it, as aside from a few shady book shops, it was still all passed around behind closed doors.
>I washed my ex's clit once with a shower head and she ended up with a UTI
WTF did you do!? (Though, aside from being one for this history books, I probably shouldn't pursue this line of questioning on this board.)
>most sex symbols were in their late 20's, rather than their teens/early 20's
That's probably the biggest difference - Betty Page was in her 30's at the peek of her nude modeling career. Most girls under 25 wouldn't risk ruining themselves for marriage, and thus couldn't risk being labeled sluts.
Nowadays, even if you are labeled a slut by the time you're 18, it doesn't much matter, as you're expected to work anyways. There's thus no point in saving yourself for anything, or even getting married at all, so you may has well milk it while you got it.
When this society goes to crap it won't be pretty.
I've seen that a thousand times and it disgusts me every time.
For women, marriage moved from being something you did as soon as you became an adult, as a matter of survival, to something you did after you were well established in the world and ready to settle down, cuz you have to have a stable career before you can consider responsibly having children, really. So the modus operandi became: fuck for fun while you're young, intercourse for the means of procreation when you're older.
Of course, so many women not having children into their 30's led to the "lost generation", and the inevitable population decline, in addition to an increase of mentally handicapped children among the few that were being born.
Cork's off the bottle though - there's no putting women back in the kitchen. More importantly, there's no sign of corporations being willing to increase wages and reduce the labor pool to the degree where families can live off a single income again.
The society has always been crap - it's just hindsight is often through rose colored glasses. Society, as always, will have to adapt to this, however, and that's going to be a tricky process.
who cares man find the one thats right for you
protip you want the youngest one you can get