Have you read it, Veeky Forums?
Have you read any of Francis' writings?
I rather liked this one, personally. It's very medieval, I might even call it a neomedieval work.
Have you read it, Veeky Forums?
Have you read any of Francis' writings?
I rather liked this one, personally. It's very medieval, I might even call it a neomedieval work.
Other urls found in this thread:
We don't support made up nonsense cults that worship invisible wizards.
>It's very medieval, I might even call it a neomedieval work.
What makes it especially medieval?
It's advocacy of inquisition tactics and calls for a new crusade.
It particularly emphasizes a sanctified view of the whole world which is very medieval, very Catholic, obviously derived from Aristotle filtered through Aquinas, Anselm, Bonaventure, and the like. In Laudato Si, violence done to the environment and violence done to humans is of a piece, and the cause of both is our failing to see the divine origins of the created world.
Is the catholic church involved in any green energy initiatives?
Yep. Started under Benedict, actually, and Francis has kept it going. All of Vatican City is on track to be powered by clean energy, I believe, and there's a push for the Vatican Bank to divest from fossil fuels.
Benedict's relationship with climate change and clean energy is actually really interesting, and worth delving into in its own right. He actually believed that by focusing on the disturbances of the natural world, he could highlight the concrete existence of an objective natural law, and so gradually draw people to God.
>Benedict's relationship with climate change and clean energy is actually really interesting, and worth delving into in its own right. He actually believed that by focusing on the disturbances of the natural world, he could highlight the concrete existence of an objective natural law, and so gradually draw people to God.
Interdasting. Makes me more concerned that people seem to dislike him and his politics, especially in relation to this US election. Sounds like an ok lad.
I've been dabbling on the idea of ecology seen through a religious lens for a while, i'm glad the pope has views on it
Can't say I have. Made it through some of Evangelum Gaium, though. It really impressed me with the interconnectedness of the work. He has a excellent sense on there not being categories of sin, or individual bullet points of orthodoxy, but a complete whole of Christian living, and an absolute opposition to it.
This isn't reddit.
Veeky Forums is a Catholic board
*Eastern Orthodox
constie pls
why so many fedoras??
Perhaps because you're on a Taiwanese pottery forum?
I did, it's great. Francis is redpilled as fuck.
They're a minority, 38%, the overwhelming rest is theist.
I don't think they advocated for gay marriage and socialism in the middle ages.
The Office of the Inquisition still exists, and is chaired by Ratzinger, the Hitler Youth.
The Catholic Cult couldn't be more evil if they tried.
They didn't give a shit back then. Middle Ages would be fairly liberal by today's standards just because nobody cared about buttsex or women doing things.
Why is only the atheist given a brown skin tone? I'm a brown skinned catholic, should I like this picture?
It's probably a /pol/ image, like it or dislike it, either way will say something about you.
Most Catholics are shitskins.
*Non-Conservative Zoroastrian
Do you call yourself Christian?
Veeky Forums is a Christian board lads
No heretics allowed m80
which is why you have to go
Catholics aren't Christian
Only Catholics are Christian.
>ignore scripture
Christ left a Church, not a collection of books.
>considers scripture heretical
>prods literally worshiping some inbred brit's translation of a man-made scripture
fucking idolaters
Cathcucks, on the other hand