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Which hero does Elon main, /owg/ ?

gg ez

I love Hana.

>slight Dva nerf
>roadhog OHKO buff

What? Nothings gonna change


Love that Amélie.
>tfw no new skin anytime soon

And Hana loves me!


sexy alien races in OW when?

So is this game worth buying? My friends want me to buy it.Can someone give me a short explanation of the backstory of this game also?

Turns out people don't know what makes the tank meta effective, Anas burst (which isn't going anywhere) and Roadhogs 1-shots (which are changing but not going anywhere).

>on Attack in Dorado
>enemy has Torb, Symmetra, and Mei
>never get out of our spawn point

>on attack in Hollywood
>Torb turret on the elevator, Bastion with Reinhardt on the roof beside it, Symmetra turrets everywhere
>I, as Winston, am the only one who even manages to kill some of the enemy players, we fail miserably

Some days this game is so much fun, some days it's utter bullshit.

It's shit. I will keep using her normal skin forever probably


It's fucking perfect.

ded gam

dnt bye

>tfw no lyric
>tfw no timthetatman
>tfw no moonmoon

Whats a relaxing stream to leave open?

>tfw no Loserfruit
this day just keeps getting worse

are those good streamers? I want to get into OW streaming

What if Rein is really tiny and just looks big cuz of his suit? What if he's shorter than torby?

not you again


>people advertising their twitch channel after matches

Have you missed his comic and his sprays that show him without the armour?

that would.be a great ruse but we've seen rein without the suit

he's still a big guy

Too bad her character got absolutely ruined

Seriously Blizz, how hard is it to half and half her health? It's the logical answer!!!

D.Va was also a problem because of her being better at Reaper AND Winston's job, plus Defense Matrix. Honestly, the only thing I see happening is D.Va dying faster, Ana healing more and Nano Boost being up more often. Bilzzard has not addressed the issue with Tanks vs Attackers in this game. Soldier 76 is literally and unironically the only Attacker that can go toe to toe with Tanks. Even when Attackers should be """countering""" Tanks at range. Yet range means literally nothing in a game with such cramped maps, and D.Va + Reinhardt invincible shield advancing with Lucio speed buff.

Blizzard are fucking terrible.

>is this game worth buying
I think its pretty good. Worth giving it a shot if you don't have anything better to spend this cash on than video games.

>short story summary
Robots were niggers and fucked up planet Earth some decades ago
Special task team Overwatch was created to fight them back
It succeeded, and became a peacekkeping organisation afterwards
Eventually people in OW grew apart and started internal conflict until they really fucked shit up and blew up some building in Switzerland
Overwatch got disbanded and banned from future operations by UN or some shit
Now people are mean to robots, a second robot crisis is starting in Russia, and some old OW members want to bring it back but in a cuck pro-robot version


Sombra online.

D.va just made the triple tank an occasional quad tank and cucked Reaper out of existence. The new meta is just going to end up being triple tank with 76 everywhere because D.va won't be able to bully him off high ground as well.

long war 2 is out

Wait and see, D.Va needed some serious fucking down-tuning. Current D.Va is literally Reinhardt, Reaper, and Winston in one fucking character and arguably does a better job than 2 / 3 of those characters.


>he doesnt advertise his camwhore channel after every match

Hana pleases old men for buffs.

Why are there no italian characters in this game?


So is Sombra's Cyberspace the only bit of titservice we will ever get?


>unironically watching le overrated loud funny gaymer streamers
Kys your kys

>tfw too intelligent for spread patterns

D.Va will still be picked if 76 is going to see an increase because Defense Matrix eats everything in the game for absolutely free, including his Ult. She just won't be able to 1v1 every single character in the game.

Well, D.Va is going away, since the nerf is not that slight. For some reason, people act that D.Va is responsible for tank meta and apparently forgot three tanks were rolling for pretty much whole S2 with Zarya. Which is also the only thing that is going to change, we are back to bubble in every game as opposed to matrix in every game.

Winston was never really relevant outside of occasional combos with Zarya bubles and what killed Reaper was the speed boost nerf on ana ult, not D.Va.


By "getting into streaming" do you mean actively stream or passively consume?

As much as I love Peppermint I'm thinking of putting it away, its getting near February already

Can confirm. She pleases me greatly.

>slight d.va nerf
She's now a rape victim, user.

Winston was relevant when squishies were picked more often. He has no place in the meta because he is dogshit against Tanks. D.Va was also able to do his job because of her flight and insane DPS close range, exactly where Winston needs to be.

witch mercy is pretty slutty

DM relies on the Meka being up, with the changes to its health and D.vas damage (less damage = less ult charge = less free refills) it'll be up less often.

>oh no I can't face tank everything with 500 Armor and use Defense Matrix to eat everything in the game and solo 1v1 everyone in the entire cast anymore, woe is D.Va.

One Amongst Many is pretty chill to watch and he starts 3 hours before Tim's late night stream. Today he is doing some annoying sub games but his coaching streams every Friday and Saturday are pretty sweet, chill, and informative. He is pretty small on Twitch still but he started just a couple of months ago. Here is his coaching series and its VODs.


passively consume

I'm not a young man anymore so this is all very confusing

Lena influences Hana in a bad way

Now this has my attention, thank you user.

>that short skirt
>those thigh highs

Jesus Christ Hana

could you be more of a slut?

I like to watch ster, stanky and dreamkazper

I think Lena likes Hana, but I am not sure yet...

Choose you are husbando


I honestly never understood this whole "the tanks are the real problem with the meta"

Zarya, D.Va and Hog can be shat on quite easily even with an Ana around. Sombra was made to counter Rein's shield and other nuisance abilities but no one plays her to do so and so everything is around tanks standing being the shield while ana pumps them full of drugs.

Winston is a laughable tank when being a minor distraction at best for decent teams.

neat as fuck. Blizzard's skins are amazing.

Jamison Fawkes!

My favorites are McCree, Roadhog and Lucio, would it be worth to have three mains i get gud at?


Genji, Lucio, and 76 aren't husbandos, they're waifus


Stop bullying soldier 76

Why does Genji look in-tact.
He should look like a glorified zombie.

Idk I'm not gonna lie I just watch Loserfruit because she is cute. CUTE.

The gameplay is mediocre and she mumbles more often than not

i played widow in quick play for the first time
someone called me a hacker...

as should reyes.

>tfw I only like this outfit cause her green eyes are a turn on

This. Anit-Winston people always reply with "He's not supposed to hit hard because no aim and hit three people and shield and waah waah wahh!", with all the changes to everyone else and the nerf to his shield Winston isn't viable at anything right now.

Kill squishies? What squishies? Soldier and Ana are the only ones around and one will DPS Winston down like nothing and the other simply puts him to sleep and runs away.
Flank? Can't flank three/four tanks with armor/huge HP/bubbles and expect to do anything meaningful.
Tank? Ha ha ha, you're so cute.
DPS? Any form of armor cripples his damage and any form of healing outright negates it. Plus the fact he has to be practically in melee range against ranged, facing them with his big-ass critbox ripe for the blasting.

Give him back his 1000 HP shield, have the cooldown start when deployed, and up his damage to 40. And make Primal Rage immune to crowd control so that Rein and Ana and Zarya can't just go "LOLOLOL!!" and hammer/sleep/black hole him while raging.

Daily reminder that Mei it literally worst asian girl


You are in the club and this guy hooks your girlfriend.What willyou do?

>tfw no comically flamboyant and fabulous Omnic hero with a typical tranny voice that calls Lucio "cutie" and 76 "darling" or "honey" much to their embarassment

get that gaylord away from that child

Who does Korea ship D.va with? Anyone?

here's my "bustclip", i guess

Watch later as he gives her a good pounding. So fucking hot


Go behind a thin pole.

get mad that he would rather have some 3dpd's bacterial hole over my fresh boipussy

Be happy he missed me.
Then get sad because he hooked nothing.


I just want S76 to have a legendary skin with a campaign hat. Is that too much to ask?

Ask him to fuck me

Eh, i played her in S2 and the ptr version feels and plays pretty much same as back then. If she worked then for me, she's gonna work now as well. Not gonna leave my waifu on bench just because she's not mandatory pick anymore. Especially with that skin.

I bet Lucio would secretly like it.

They do look nice

Why couldn't Sombra be a squatting Ukrainian qt instead? ;_;

Do you think Emily get's jealous of all the sexy Overwatch girls?

fuck off lufu is literal garbage
any time i get put with her and a bunch of garbage fucking diamonds we fucking lose


>fuck every single Mei skin by being just a recolor
>fuck Christmas event too. THE Mei event with another recolor.
>its okay guys we will fix it
>Chinese event
>Make an ugly skin for her and give D.Va the better one who is Korean lol

Is Blizzard the most retarded video game company of all times?