/rwg/ Rimworld General

zoomed words edition

Previous Thread:
Voting for the waifu name (this is not definitive; I'll leave the final decision for the mod authors):

>What is Rimworld?
Dwarf Fortress but with no z-levels
>New patch notes

(I'm new, what mods should I get?)

(/rwg/ mods)

(Current /rwg/ projects and progress)
>Thrumbo Storyteller
We only need to finalize it.

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for WIP example of our waifu

xth for ayy waifus

Shit OP, you missed the Reddit link.

>no reddit link
>stupid poll with lack of choices
kill yourself

Deus Vult guy here.

Would you guys prefer to see shields as a big blunt weapon or as in the medieval mod, where the top clothing layer acts as a shield, so you're able to wield ordinary weapons?

It's all really about which layer you wanna give up for shields, the top clothing layer or the weapon layer. If the shield gets the top layer, i'll have to make my armor for the middle layer.

We should just post that subreddit to the OP.

Is there no way to add a "sword and shield" weapon?

Damn, that's a tough choice.

We don't want faggy crusader crap.
Make futacocks instead.


Fitting a shield and weapon into a 64x64 square is gonna be difficult to make look good.


Thrumbo is for cud and only for cud

Here's the WIP link to the storyteller: mediafire.com/file/qti9eoizehqxwac/Veeky Forums_Storyteller.rar



Why not have futa crusaders? You're obviously not thinking this through clearly.

Post it on mySpace before reddit, fags.

Don't forget to visit reddit.com/r/RimWorld/

Here you go, you sick fuck.



>want to post rimworld stuff
>the waifufags and degenerates are busy shitting the thread by making sure they plant their banner

Fuck it.

It's a living.

If you think you are too cool for us then go to >>>reddit.
We won't miss you.

Honestly, shields as blunt weapons could be kinda cool though I would rather have sword and board. So that'll be a vote for shield's attached to clothing layer.


It's fine. The colonist was just carrying the Thrumbo away into the Rimworld Thrumbo Reservation so he can live a happy and long life with his Thrumbo friends!

So I don't think Sereniz Sadistic from Rimsenal is telling my story as intended. Shes just showering me with cargo pods. Occasionally a harmless animal will go mad or even less often there will be a 2-3 man raid. I've got so much shit that I've had to designate one of my colonists as a trader and constantly send her back and forth to the other village to unload my excess. I'm not complaining or anything but damn

stop using that stolen gif

>tfw no GLaDOS storyteller to fuck my shit up for science

>Steam community is garbage
>Reddit is a hugbox
>Ludeon forums is dead/retarded
>/rwg/ is full of shitposting

>>/rwg/ is full of shitposting
well I'm glad you finally found the place you fit in :3

>Expecting anything other than shitposting from a Mongolian knitting forum

reddit it is then

What would the GLaDOS storyteller setting be? Can you even set storytellers to send more enemies of a certain faction?

I'm posting z-levels until Tynan adds z-levels

>toxic fallout
>poison ship
>toxic fallout
>volcanic winter
>toxic fallout
>poison ship

I'd imagine plenty of raids, lots of toxins and some fires. I don't know if incidents can be combined but having resource pods followed by raids when you as a "bait and switch" would be interesting.


That's just plain fucking evil.
I like the idea. Can't say I'd like to feel it tho'

hope you brought a lot of z-levels

Do deadfall traps can be triggered by colonists?
I have a full corridor and they step trought these like nothing

It's been nerfed, but there is a very very small chance. I think it's like 0.5%

Much lower chance to trigger but they still can. You should really make a non-trapped corridor for colonists or else that shit is gonna eventually kill someone.

Is there a non-steam link for this ?
(moar incidents)


filedropper com /835151481
Here you go.

Is there a Lovecraft general on any of the boards?

Are you serious?

Yes, wanted to share some cool Lovecraftian dark ambient music

heh fuck yeah

Thank you!

How do you make a mechanoid faction that sends sieges? Or an insect faction that does the same?

Maybe you can copy the siege settings, make a faction in XML files of regular pawns, but with mechanoid sprites.

I dunno, sounds like a big project.

Damn. Was kind of hoping I could just do some cut and paste stuff in XML.

More races when? Even a mod would be dandy.

Alright guys I guess I'll fucking do it then, I'm going to abandon my base and try to get to "Journey Destination". By going drop pod into caravan it'll take me 4-5 base setups, it's going to take a while, wish me luck.

It ain't difficult making races. The hard part is getting a good artfag to draw up some nice sprites for you.

God speed, user! Don't let the manhunters bite!

Already been done, mods exist for it, ask the authors how they did it. Hardcore SK has antis and gnawler invaders from a hive faction and different mechanoids like crawlers, mammoths and zeons.

I kinda want mechanoids as pets, senpai

*extension: is there a mod that makes them breedable? cause I can technically just spawn them in

Doesn't make much sense, researching their anatomy, machining the parts and assembling them is probably how it'd be done. You can look at a centipede's constituent parts after shooting it up for an idea of just how expensive that would be.


Just found out about the Lamia mod, this adds to the Oni mod. Soon I will be able to realize my fantasy monster girl farm. Milk, hair, eggs- all of it is mine! Now if only someone would add cowgirls to A16.

I thought someone already did.

>desert start
>all darkies
My faction name will be Followers of Muhammad, my community will be New Jerusalem , my cult will be Islam, what God should I follow?

Cowgirls are NOT for sexual

>Animal face

Patrician tier.



Quick question: Do bug hives keep reproducing forever or is there a cap?

>tfw can't have sex with your monster girls because they are classified as animals.

At least I get nuzzles..

Beastiality mod when?





That's pretty l-lewd, anons.

30 hives was the max in a15 barring a few out of the ordinary situations. Each hive supports a certain number of bugs, with 30 hives you're looking at around 150.

>Download robot mod to build my base while my people fuck off
>Download Orassans mod for cat people
>Capture and lop off the tails of any cat caravans that roll through my land
>Cult of the Cat Tail is formed
>Mod gives cat people crazy weapons with insane damage
>Total player wipe

It was fun while it lasted.

>Looking over destruction
>See robots sitting in power save mode near a battery

>Cult of the Cat Tail


=== Sex Mod Progress Update ===

- DONE: HIV: Has acute and chronic components, reduces blood filtration, develops into AIDS as blood fil. falls below 40%
- DONE: AIDS: Causes opportunistic infections and sickness-like debuffs
- DONE: Syphilis: Very deadly but easily treated, damages mood, can cause permanent damage if the infection becomes severe
- DONE (but not tested): Genital warts and Herpes: Gives a relations drop with other pawns that notice the warts/rash, also causes itchiness and pain
- DONE: Some misc balance/polish changes that I forgot the details of
- ONGOING: Ignore mod for past 2 days to play Factorio instead

this actually sounds like a reasonable piece of art

Awesome! I'm glad so much progress is getting done, at least since I last saw your update!

do all mods work on a pirated copy of rimworld or will there be some problems

Should have lopped off their heads, user.

It is. Though it begs to question how it would fit on a warhammer.

how do you increase social? I don't really have anyone with good stats to trade

They should work no problem user, though steam exclusive mods might need a king user to dl for you.

>Taking a meme sta
That's your problemt

mad hyped for a release, user

also rollin


How do I become a slave-trader?
Is there a way to ensure people get wounded rather than killed when they raid my village?
None of the people that send caravans can send slave caravans, why? why cant I sell slaves to pirates? do I have to hope for random slave caravans to come by?
How do I prevent people from getting unhappy thoughts when buy/selling slaves?

There aren't really good answers to these without mods, aside from MAYBE trying to use blunt weapons to capture them (although I'm pretty sure it's rigged to just kill them anyway if the AI wants them to die). Psychopaths don't get sad from selling slaves. It's pretty hard to get a whole colony of psychopaths, though. You can always like, get the non-psychopaths to smoke weed and drink for a while after you sell off a bunch of prisoners you've gathered, I guess.

In terms of mods, there's one which removes the AI's ability to magically choose whether people live or die when you down them, I forget what it's called. If you have Call of Cthulhu, Cthulhu allows you to get a psionic brain growth that causes intercranial pressure with melee attacks, which can reduce their consciousness to the point where they get knocked out without actually killing them, although I'm not sure if the AI's murder algorithms can interfere with that anyway. One of the other gods also allows you to imbue your colonists with the gift of psychopathy and cannibalism, so you can convert everyone to psychopathic cannibals given enough human sacrifices, though this might override traits they already have. This could be a good or bad thing.

I am a guy who is pissed off at the development of dwarf fortress. Is this game better? Are there actual sieges?

>Is this game better?

>Are there actual sieges?
The sieges feel more like sieges than the ones in DF, and they are still in a pre-release state.

Siege-esque raiders are twofold

1.) sieges: these raiders come into the map and set up mortars to bombard your base
2.) sappers: these raiders come into the map and use explosives to break holes in your defenses

What is the purpose of hives other then being a nuisance?


prevents tunneling into mountains to make bases

>still no redist heat update

Whatever, I am going to make a cramped an uncomfortable submarine esque base inside of a mountain.