Is Islam inherently worse than other religions?
Is Islam inherently worse than other religions?
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Debates about Islam on here is like preaching to the choir. Its rare that we get an educated Muslim to debate.
I suppose because most Muslims aren't educated about their own religion and its history.
Worse than some, better than others.
Does other mean at least one?
Does other mean all?
Also does saying so constitute a form of bigotry?
Only if you dislike Islam because it's different and not because it's a misogynistic, cruel, barbaric, violent, murderous, religion that allows open treachery and honor killings. The latter is just being rational.
I'm of the mind that "religion" is much more dynamic than any religious person cares to admit. People will do whatever they want and then try to come up with a justification later. Everyone gives way to much credit to the "ironclad" authority of these 1000+ year old books. Both Muslims and non-Muslims will try and tell me that Islam cannot change by its very nature and I don't believe them for a second. If it's a religion, then it can and will change if the people will it to be so, and the people will implement any new line of philosophy to make it happen. The Middle East is a backward shithole today because the culture and mindset of the people keep it that way. The Quran was made by men and it can sure as hell be altered by men if they truly willed it to be.
It's worse than all other religions when you factor in how widespread it's become.
The obvious analogy to make is with the measurement of a virus's impact on a population. Ebolavirus for example is extremely virulent (it makes its hosts very sick / dead very quickly) but also relatively low in transmissibility (it doesn't spread too well since it kills its hosts before they have much of a chance to communicate the pathogen to others). HIV therefore has a much bigger impact as a virus than Ebolavirus does.
Similarly, the Branch Davidians and Scientologists are probably worse than your average Muslim, but they also don't have anywhere near the transmissibility of Islam.
if islam itself is a religion which is incapable of educating its own people, that might be an indication that islam is flawed
I don't see a problem with catholic schools
Islam HAS changed. But every little change starts a centuries-running, extremely cruel bloodbath, and today muslims use modern warfare to address medieval conflicts.
Jews and Christians waged war for their religion, against others and amongst themselves, but they overcame them soon enough. Islam never managed to persist and secularize in a society since it's contrary to this BY DESIGN. Islam rules every aspect of human conduct, there is no picking and choosing on wvich parts make up the essence of Islam, there is no conscience or spirit to find for the muslim man. He. MUST. Submit.
Not inherently, but modern Islam is certainly worse then modern Christianity/Judaism. There were times when this wasent the case
It's both better and worse than other religions because it's still so crude even today. It's resillient against reformation and weakening and while Muslim societies are human garbage they're winning the demographic race which is the only thing that matters in the long run. Christians and atheists can act as rational, high and mighty as they like, but it won't do them any good when Muslims outnumber them 20 to 1 in their own nations.
Yes, its content is violent, and its interpretation (as the word of god) is concrete and literal, making for a very violent religion.
> they're winning the demographic race
China and India won this race anyway.
I second this.
you might as well go to a mosque and ask the same question about Christianity.
Itt: /pol/
Thank you for contributing with your informed and well written post.
Currently it's the worst religion in the world.
t. butthurt Islamaboo
>if islam itself is a religion which is incapable of educating its own people, that might be an indication that islam is flawed
>I don't see a problem with catholic schools
So you've never heard of a madrasa?
Oooh, meesa madrasa gone big boom-boom!
Madrassas and non saudi funded schools used to be good, now the former and the latter are synonymous.
Literally semantics. You're just saying "I want to use 'worse' in this other way."
Okay. But you still haven't defined that very well. Are you saying Islam has had more negative historical effects than other religions? I'm not sure it's taken over Christianity at this point. It might be more widespread and harmful at this moment in history, but why is this moment more important than others?
it technically should be no worse than Christianity but ever since the goddamn Mongols fucked everything up beyond repair Islam went down the shitter.
I read somewhere that the states everyone says are perfect examples of how Islam isnt bad, Turkey and Indonesia, somewhere around 40-50% still support fucking Sharia Law.
Obviously you cant really blame the people, but holy shit is it frustrating trying to debate Islam online. I hate having to agree with le no spin zone man but he said it best when he accused liberals of only protecting Muslims because they believe them to be non white (even though islam isnt a race) and therefore oppressed despite their nature as the most oppressive force in the world today.
Say what you will about Saddam and Qaddafi but they knew how to deal with these people.
yes because it doesn't only function as a religion like the other Semitic religions, but as a ideology and the foundation for a theocratic government
>why is this moment more important than others?
This has got to be the absolute stupidest thing ive ever seen.
We dont have the benefit of being able to look back on these moments because we live in them, so obviously they are a bit more pressing of a matter than what happened a few hundred years ago.
Islam absolutely has overtaken Christianity and did so quite a long time ago. The butchering and enslavement of Blacks under Islam was far more devastating and cruel than it was under Christian leaders.
Im assuming you are one the people who count the conquest of the new world as a genocide, and if that is the case then yeah it would seem like christianity cant ever really be topped. But do you honestly believe the Christians were aware of how disease would spread? You are talking about a people who didnt even consider bathing to essential to health, and still used leech treatments for fucking everything.
But sure. Lets pretend that germs are Catholic so that Ahmed can sleep at night knowing that no matter how many children his people enslave and rape, they somehow arent the worst.
If christianism itself is a religion which is incapable of educating its own people, that might be an indication, etc...
There is a world of difference between "render unto Caesar" and sharia.
Technically, no.
It's supposed to be the same abrahamic principles and moral rules(and desu, it has some pretty cool ideas sometimes). But then you have "all that your right hand possess" and other chilling stuff like that in the book(with clarifications, in case you think it's a little vague about the enslavement thing), and you realise it's fucked up.
>inb4 muh Levicius quote.
Yeah, 2 millenia ago, they got together and a little debate in Jerusalem on the subject. They said that since the Messiah had come, all that stuff wasn't binding to them anymore.
Add to that the fact that Jesus was a pacifist and adept of non-violence, and it might be a bit more problematic.
And other religions don't have levitical or shariah law to begin with.
Yes, it combines the imanentism and tribalism of Judaism with the otherworldly promises of Christianity and it's evangelist mission. The result is a religion that seeks universal adherence, but persecutes outsiders, that believes God promises the righteous an empire here on earth, but creates followers who are prepared to kill and die for that cause.
[spoiler] All religions are inherently violent because they rely on a "us against those who aren't us" mindset [/spoiler]
Islam is a lot less wacky than Hinduism imo
Islam is inherently right-wing and imperialistic in wags that Judaism and Christianity are not, although I believe a moderate Islam is possible if it isn't fundamentalist.