Why humans are naturally communistic?
Why humans are naturally communistic?
Human nature.
and like the sun rise in a binary solar system, the bait thread begins again
Why can't you into grammar?
Look at the Harry Harlow experiments. They show what "individualism" does to rhesus monkeys... and Veeky Forums users.
I've never met anyone solidly right wing who wasn't a cringey autist.
I haven't met a single communist who wasn't a histrionic sperg, a cuck of the highest order or a spineless opportunist (I'm from East Europe and we had plenty of opportunists).
>total isolation = individualism
Fuckin commies.
How is it edgy?
>tribe mentality
you need a balance m8
>missing the point
There is no coherent individual you cuck. People and the society they're in are intrinsically related, there's no "you" without other people.
That's what collectivism means.
>hurhur I have no perceptual biases
>delirious nonsensical babbling
I see humans as naturally capitalistic. I wonder what economic system we both support.
That's because you've been deluded by propaganda you read.
It takes a bunch of propaganda to do that. Why do you think right wingers are always going off about blacks, "rising crime", communists, etc., to a right winger there are 700 million threats which make antisocial, exploitive behavior psychologically tenable.
>still being deluded by classcuck propaganda
>fact based information is propaganda
Wow, didn't see that coming.
Humans engage in both cooperation and competition. They're not purely communalist or cut-throat.
Humans are naturally tribalistic, that why tribes were invented before communism or capitalism. We should invent neo-tribalism.
its directly proportional to the physical distance from the centralised collective of power & its teleographic reach
Oh no, it's another case of "what I believe is factual because I believe it".
>implying one system replaces the last rather than built on top of
Oh no, it's another case of, "I'm going to ignore and criticize unbiased peer reviews of information b/c I'm an edgy, boring fedorafag who has nothing else of value to do".
Cry some moar, little cuck.
Or maybe because right wingers care about real threats will communists only care about trying to do the impossible.
I dunno, suppose it depends on what ideology you start out with.
> right wingers care about real threats
Like these jews that are plotting to destroy pure white arian society?
I see humans as naturally feudalist.
>Human nature exists
When will this meme end?
If your'e that kinda right winger, sure, then it's a real threat.
Just like communists will according the the right winger waste time on trying to reach communism and ultimately hurt people more than benefit them.
Forgot those primitive hunter gatherer societies had capitalists and wages
I don't remember them being under a vanguard party and building the better future.
>tabula rasa
When will this meme end?
>we should be like hunter gatherers
Lets smash all computers up and modern medicine too while we're at is.
>reading comprehension
>peer reviews
>capitalism is peer reviewed
*tips fedora*
>imaginary bullshit
*tips fedora* why are you guys so collectively retarded?
>race doesn't exist, cultures don't exist, sex doesn't exist, everything is a spook
>but classes, those are totally real and not a social construct!
Commies everyone
Who am I really?
So far I am just saying this is how things work according to the rightists.
>being so buttmad he has to make up what I believe and argue against that
Fucking lol
>vanguard party
Forgot tribes didn't assemble around intellectual elders or a chief
>building the better future.
Forgot there was no technological advancement in human history
I'm not buttmad about communists considering they lost and are now in the rightful dustbin of ideologies.
> technological advancement
> in tribes
The rock and stick aren't real inventions, user.
>rightists believe strict hierarchies must exist in society
>they don't believe in classes
fascists everyone
>marxists believe strict hierarchies are natural
>but they want to abolish them
I think the point is having a class consciousness/identity is no less retarded than having a race based one.
>marxists believe strict hierarchies are natural
do they?
Class in Marxist thought is a relationship to the Means of Production. You own it or you don't.
You're a serf or a lord, slave or slave owner etc.
You can be a person who controls a lot without owning anything.
You can't. Name at least one example.
Yes, well done. A CEO is labour aristocracy.
What a nonsense. To own means to control.
He owned the state.
So general Rommell personally owned all the tanks, airplanes and artillery in the Afrika Korps, good to know he was such a rich man.
What capital are you creating with tanks and planes user
You conquer land with them.
Conquering isn't creating. This is why fascism fails at anything and destroyed Europe forever.
What about investment bankers?
>Given money that isn't theirs to spend to make money
Hmm I see what you are saying, I guess that could be classed as 'primitive accumulation of capital'
Marx did think western capitalism was started with the wealth of colonies and appropriated land.
I have no idea why do you feel the need to put creating anything into the equation to begin with.
>This is why fascism fails at anything and destroyed Europe forever.
Unlike communists who totally didn't turn developed countries into 3rd world shitholes
They aren't controlling what happens with their money. Did you hear about failed investments.
They arent humans hate the idea of other apes having more than them.
Communists also hate the idea of other having more than them.
In other news, I'm more concerned about this mounted longbowman conspiracy going around. There's actually shills pushing an anti-mounted longbowman agenda on Veeky Forums.
But for what reason?..
>But for what reason?..
They hate skub
The fuck is skub, you mean skrub, noob?
This is skub
>capitalists so cucked they can't even see their oppression
>capitalists in full damage control mode
humans are naturally tribal you retards. Tribes are KINDA 'share-y' but nowhere near communists. You do everything for your tribe, all other tribes are bad and to be raided or are to be traded with. People in the tribe are cared for unless they are a harm to the tribe.
Just like how in elementary school everyone formed cliques and hung out with them nearly exclusively for years.
If you wiped out most of humanity, what was left would re-form into tribes that competed for resources.
Am I selling them? I mean, if so, that sort of answers itself.
As for the matter of consuming them, comsumption is not necessarily supposed to create a reproduction of its value. So it is for silk clothing, so it is for air dropped bombs.
>thinks communist = vanguardist
>communism is anti-individualist
Fuck off petty bourgeoisie liberal
what about communist states? communists in sweden spend billions on 50 year old "refugees" that the swedish taxpayers have to finance.
How did country go from a shitty feudalist society to defeating one of the strongest militaries the world has ever seen and becoming a world power in less than 50 years?
Don't make me laugh, user
>any concept that goes against the interests of the revolutionary intelligentsia is a meme and must be disconsidered
>thinks human nature is still a valid argument in favor of capitalism, after "Mutual Aid: A Factor in Evolution" by Peter Kropotkin has existed for 114 years
Capitalism doesn't even exist. It's just a buzzword invented for political purposes, like "Cultural Marxism" to the right.
Marx himself admits that he made things up when he wrote about economics.
Are you talking about China?
China became width something specifically because it abandoned most of the economical aspects of Communisn in favor of a much more capitalistic style of economics with heavy government oversight.
>Pyotr "Entente shill" Kropotkin
Nah fuck that retard. Even Malatesta thought he's a cuck.
Swede here, AMA
Malatesta did not think Kropotkin was a cuck.
He did. Look up Manifesto of the 16.
It's not entirely unlike how the Chinese communists worked with capitalists to deal with Japan, feel. Anyways, Malatesta was still a friend of Kropotkin
it's all spooks to take advantage of people's psychology and instincts
Commies think the state is their mother
Fascists think the state is their father
Liberals think the state is Chad and they have to like it to be popular
Libertarians think the state is Chad taking their lunch money and it makes them reeeeeeee
Can people exist without altruism
>ignoring anarcho communists
Cause they donĀ“t naturally shit money and care about others when they are not worried about enslaving themselves with debt in a money-market system to pay off their monetary debt.
>haha le cuck meme le XDDD I'm le so le funny le lolololol so funny and original and le clever le XDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!
You're literally fuming with arsepain
The Eskimos would like to have a word with you.
>marxists believe strict hierarchies are natural
Strawman harder.
>people think communism took wealthy countries and made them shittier
Pure ideology. It was the other way around most of the time.