Is religion a choice?

Is religion a choice?

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More often than not it isn't. Your geographic birthplace and ethnicity are pretty strongly predictive of your religious affiliation.

Maybe, it's religion that chooses you.

Religious affiliation.. yes.

Religion itself.. no.

may choose to identify as religious

a tumor in the brain might make you a pedophile

I sure hope so. It feels like a totally submissive choice so I keep putting it off, should get there one day.

I've heard it said that values are picked out of sentimentality, rather than reason. I suspect religion is not a choice, but instead something that comes to you by confirming and legitimizing previously existing sentiment.

When you learn religion as a child from your parents, no it's not. Usually around adolescence and adulthood people will be skeptical of it, but ultimately end up religious or non-religious, unless they're pretty anal about religion, like people in the midwest or deep south.

It becomes a choice, yes. It doesn't necessarily start out as a choice, but a filial duty.

The only real choice

like choosing to worship santa claus or not

Well, depending on what religion you choose or you don't choose you'll get after you die either:
>something good
>something bad
Pascal's wager is correct in that sense that you're better off with a religion than without one

Pascal was playing the lottery with it as expected by a mathematician, and Darwin came a century later to explain evolution, BTW life goes on after you die so your heritage and legacy matter the most.

Unless we imagine a deity that punished those who follow an established religion. There's no reason to take his existence any lighter.

>t. Retard who thinks the last 35 years of history is like any other time

>life goes on after you die
>heritage and legacy matter the most
But that exactly implies that your "heritage and legacy" in fact doesn't matter because life would go on regardless

I'm not saying that you should stick with one specific religion like Pascal proposed with Christianity but that any religion has a higher chance at "paying off" than no religion

It isn't


life as in human life (maybe), and what many may call natural / animal life / human life . For legacy and heritage to matter there has to be a human brain that wants it, that´s why it matters to some other human alive.

It can be.Most people are indoctrinated when they're too young to make an informed choice, tho.

Why? He made sense

OP asked:
>Is religion a choice?
Said retard then chose to speak about religious affiliation instead

Nope, real Christian faith is the result of irresistible God's grace, you don't have a say in it.


They're the same thing the vast majority of the time you autist. That was the point.

Fucking autist deleting posts. Refer to here now instead:

this thread has nothing to do with religion

this thread is about determinism vs free will

spoiler: determinism loses

>muh magic

Fuck off.