>Deck lists, news etc:
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>Deck lists, news etc:
>Arena Help
>Open Tournaments:
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1st for Kazakus
ded ded dedski
I fixed Priest
No you didn't, I did.
Next set, trogg, totem golem and reno will rotate out and Warrior will regain his rightful place as the #1 class in Hearthstone.
Lok'tarrr ogarrr!
Why is his lower face all blacked like that, anyway?
haven't you ever watched flintstones?
How would you fix the Grimy Goons?
Who is the cutest HS streamer and why it's the one you hate the most
Increase all their buffs by +1/+1
Thats what happens when you eat ass on the regular
he's transnigger you shitlord
My thanks.
*hits face*
Well played.
*brawl noises*
does nothing vs pirate aggro
is this a joke? not only does this do nothing vs pirate aggro, it's an overcosted spell in a deck that wants to have only minions
i've never lost a goons game because my opponent used a bunch of removal spells on my minions
literally the only thing holding goons back is pirate aggro, and the reason they can't beat pirate aggro is because they're forced to run only minions, and every non-aggro minion is shit
What do you think?
absolutely worthless, among the worst 10 cards in the game
Its a shittier Void terror that also kills your board and we all know why void terror is not viable.
>tfw I run void terror in my wild demonlock deck.
>Standard to rank 13: grind trough Mid/Aggro Shamans, Renolocks, Renomages and Pirate Warriors
>quest for 5 Warrior wins
>assemble a hobo version of PW with half of the cards missing
>win streak to rank 15
When does the cancer start? Is it actually easier to get Rank 5 in Wild with an Aggro Shaman deck? Or was I just lucky? Or is Pirate Warrior really that much easier to rank with?
>Control warrior
Is freeze mage dead?
goyims, i have a tournament tommorow, and i have no idea what the meta is right now
Bo5, 4 decks 1 ban, conquest
any lineup advice appreciated
3 mana bait out hard removal for my more impactful minions? Or is it win condition?
Control Warrior
Midrange Hunter
Freeze Mage
Zoo Warlock
Secret Paladin
It's not bad at all, you can get it to something stupid like a 9/7 on curve pretty easily, if the opponent doesn't have removal, he's immediately fucked.
just copy the top meta decks from TempoStorm.com, you can't go wrong with them.
nice bait
he's probably talking about some casual school tournament. Why the fuck are you suggesting netdecks?
Because TempoStorm.com gives you the best tools to stay ahead of the meta. Become Legendary.
post the most fun 2-class cards combo (from different classes) you can think of
anyone else cringe with korean stripper elves?
>tfw I crafted cairne before naxx when he was good and then he became irrelevant so you dusted him and then he came back for a little while after wotog so you recrafted him but now he's irrelevant again and I'm thinking about dusting him again
maybe he'll be good in the next rotation... maybe
Alternate win condition to combo with PO or voidcallers.
This probably wouldn't even work the way it's worded. Same as Ancestral Healing or Reno won't work with it either. It's only cards that specifically say "heal" and have a number attached.
shadowstep plus most of the goons stuff would be good.
heal to full = heal for max health
so they do 30 damage to heroes
exactly. there's not going to be a meta similar to ranked
nah, its a tavern hero qualifier
are you fucking stupid. you shouldnt have dusted him in the first place.
Reno causes sudoku with auchenai
i needed to craft dr.7
am I supposed to know what that is?
then stack your dust and wait.
its a tournament that qualifies you for the tavern hero part of the prelims
it's part of world championship. if u don't know shit then keep quiet shieldbearer
I think you take this CASUAL first baby card game too seriously my man. Go play a real tcg
>it's a dumb mtg yurotrash talking shit episode
good post
>magic is the only real tcg
wow user
name 500 others
>Someone who will participate in an official tournament doesn't even know what deck to play
Really shows the skills involved in this game.
it's a qualifier. anyone can sign up.
Why would someone with no understanding of the meta sign up?
he's probably just stupid
faeria looks fun
deader than cuckstone
>i dedicate every single day of my life to this game, because i will be the BEST!
i usually do pretty well in tourneys, but been traveling since dreamhack winter, so havent really followed the meta all too well
>Want to play arena
>Need to save up 1400 gold before the adventures get rotated out
What to do lads?
Save the gold, obviously. It'll save you a lot of gold in the future to just buy the other wings instead of having to craft them.
Post waifu OC!
>fall for the arena jews
>go 1-3
>regret it
save the gold
Do we know if we're getting an adventure or expansion next?
new cards got announced
Not exactly
>Go arena
>Waste 3 hours to go 9-1
>Get 150 gold and 2 common cards
>Would've made 100 gold playing pirate warrior on ranked instead
>resigning a 9-1 arena run
Adventure, they alternate between releasing adventures and expansions
>Playing 2 more hours against control mage net decks to go 9-3
at least concede twice, make 2 guys happy
so i got finja from a pack and decided to use him as a gimmick since i had a druid quest and i felt like innervate and buffing murlocs could work
im 17-12 right now with this
ive won pretty much all renolock and dragon priest and jade druid match ups
won every single pirate warrior match up
as far as shaman goes, i do poorly against aggro and shaman deck that use the 477, while jade and midrange are a lot closer to 50%WR
im still thinking one to add or remove and i wanna know what u guys think
I've seen Rogue play Luckydo once.
Also I've used stolen Piranha Launcher.
no one cares shieldbearer play shadowverse
I'm not sure about double mark of the lotus, how about mark of the wild instead
>Wanting to make renomages happy
well, im considering scrapping mark of the lotus all together. most of the times i turn the game around either by using finja to pull bluegills and warleaders and then buffing them, or by using fandral and synergy
most of the times, u already get warleaders on the board one way or another so tnd that +1/+1 doesnt really make a change
its also a really bad card if your board is wiped
>net decks
it's arena you monkey
make it 2/3 and "until the end of your opponents next turn" and it will be fine
Can't unsilence in hearthstone, that's literally impossible to program.
is this week's brawl come down to RPS again? meta deck vs counter to meta vs counter to counter?
if so, what do? (I've been playing freeze mage and that's working just fine, albeit a bit cheap)
Point proven. Thank you.
how do they not understand the power of a 477 is not like you can punish it by using the failed insta kill minions mechanics as they have a tone of off board ways to protect the 477
the good draw of t1 astral t2+ rags and deathwings beats pretty much everything
geode will probably get used as a filler minion once dragons rotate
it doesn't really do anything worthwhile. even for a kazakus deck there's a lot of 2drops with stronger effects like ooze, mad alchemist, wild pyro etc
what the fuck, i've just had 4 opponents concede immediately to me. what's going on?
hearthstone has a lot of bots, some blizzard added in to give out free wins
are you rank 19-20? could be farmers
literally built a trash overload deck to get a quest to play in casual. i have no idea what's happening
that's why
Can someone comment on the current status of /pol/? I'm too afraid to go there today.
I main Control Warrior btw.
>afraid to go on /pol/
why? are you a pinko sjw libcuck?