If you could prevent one murder in history, who would you save?
If you could prevent one murder in history, who would you save?
myself from the future just in case
>gaurdian angel
harambe xD
Your mothers pussy, just so I could slay it again.
You know what goes in all fields.
That picture is INCREDIBLY inaccurate. Holy shit, that is the MOST inaccurate picture I have seen ALL DAY.
>if you could pr event one murder in history, who would you save?
Tsar Nicholas II of all Russias
I really wish I had the image where that fursona starts the holocaust...
Seems like hes deleted his deviantart
Abraham Lincoln so our sub saharan friends would be comfy back home.
>Tsar Nicholas II of all Russias
Why though?
>tfw you have a size fetish and a vore fetish but hate feet and 99% of size fetish material is this sort of thing
So Russia actually develops correctly and the current leftwing now would be pretty much non-existent along with socialism and communism simply being small footnotes in history.
Also because I want to troll leftists in this thread like you.
And yes, you're probably thinking why I even admitted I was trolling you, well, I like being honest to my enemies.
Anyways, have fun on Veeky Forums.
>when you find something giant that involve feet, sweet and crushing and you feel bad because of it for days
Tsar Nicholas was pretty incompetent though.
Better murder Princip or Willhelm the second, no world war no commie revolution.
>Tsar Nicholas was pretty incompetent tho
Aldo Moro
thats the funniest picture i have ever seen in my life
like franz ferdinand was just on a casual sunday drive and he got shot in the neck
The Eastern Front of WWI
Either MLK or Ghandi
MLK for his opions on race relations and Ghandi on the Partition of india
>Interesting response, could you elaborate?
You are a massive faggot and I hope you die painfully.
Meek Mill
>to troll leftists
/pol/, you have your own board.
Pim Fortuyn
Are you implying Gavrilio WASN"T aided by a fursona?
more of this guy's artwork for 10/10 thread potential
Ghandi for his opions on race relations
Julius Caesar
>All this big man theory
Without Tsar Nicholas Russia still gets fucked, Lenin still takes power
Caesar would have done nothing that his inheritors didn't do
Lincoln would still have his arm twisted by Congress and reconstruction would have been the same
MLK was shut out by the media by 1968 and his movement was meaningless. The riots after his death were minor and generally would have happened anyway due to racial tension.
World War I was inevitable no matter who you kill
Gandhi was old anyways, he had two years left in him at most
If Caesar didn't get murdered, Rome wouldn't have went through decades of disastrous civil wars as a result.
Also I want to see if Caesar could have actually kicked Parthia's ass like he was about to set out to do.
>Thinking Caesar could beat a legit country
>Implying that civil war wasn't inevitable even without his death
It'd have just been one more year until they conspired to push him out of power and he'd be nothing
reddit, you have your own site
Obligatory Majorian
Julius Caeser easy.
So apperantly he was a Italian politician who got kidnapped and killed by commies and America might've had something to do with it. Can someone tell me the full story?
Pyotr Stolypin
He was the man Lenin feared the most, because the Bolsheviks knew that if his reforms succeeded the revolution would become impossible in Russia. That's why they killed him.
Uncle ben
Can I have Burr die instead of Hamilton? Please?
Franz Ferdinand desu
>WW1 never sets off
>WW2 never consequently triggers
>Communism wouldn't be as powerful
>This would result in the sparing of approximately 200 million lives
>Nukes aren't discovered
>Traditional European values remain in place until the modern day
>Colonies remain subservient to their European overlords and compromises are worked out, resulting in better developed non-western nations
If Nicholas II doesn't abdicate then you've just delayed his murder, not prevented it. I mean, if you want to go full red-baiting meme then you should say save Kerensky from himself.
Something else would've kicked it off within 18 months.
Tensions were incredibly high, Germany was eager for a war.
>WW2 only happened because of Franz Ferdinand
It happened because Germany got assfucked by the conclusion of WW1 resulting in poverty and consequently support for radical parties.
Sadly desu.
>You will never live in a world where wars magically stopped occuring after 1900
Imagine it.
The US, The British Empire, The Russian Empire and The French empire all still bro tier. Nationalism all day. Plus the lack of war would mean we'd have /comfy/ 70's era technology and a less americanized culture.
>Without Tsar Nicholas Russia still gets fucked, Lenin still takes power
A credible republican government could have worked if Nicholas abdicated quickly and maybe even fled the country for awhile till things settled down and the Whites beat out the Bolsheviks. With him dead and the aristocracy dead or in exile, the Whites were basically just causing damage to the new state rather than preserving anything. Think of Russia like France, with a credible monarch to prop up you can rally forces and eventually take things back but with promises of reforms.
>Caesar would have done nothing that his inheritors didn't do
Caesar might have eventually ceded power back like Cincinnatus or, more likely, Sulla. He held a pretty precarious position and without his death and the zeal to avenge it you don't get the vested power in his chosen progeny, without a dead Caesar you don't get an Augustus who's anything but a pampered patrician with no laurels.
>We'd have less technology
Would we now?
I imagine little to no internet as we know it would be present, also no nukes, and we'd be very behind in nuclear technology in general, but wouldn't other matters proceed as usual?
WW2 happened because the treaty of Versailles was too easy on the Germans and germans are violent by nature
If your treaty allows its target to wage total war 20 years after its fucking shit
kill yourself you robot faggot
you'd still be a virgin no matter the scenario
not it would be comfy as fuck and racism would still be practiced
you just sound like a bluepilled cuck, heh, I guess your just a sad little specimen of why the first world war shouldn't have happened
Stop idolizing gone times
The world has never been safer and better to live in than today
It risks not being so for long
>implying Gauls weren't skilled and organized forces
Kid looks fly tho
Same to you, pal.
So do you, /leftypol/
My mom. ;_;
Just imagine if he lived to conquer Carthage or Rome
So you want to destroy all civilization?
The purge would have happened anyway. Stalin had the urge to purge.
Franz Ferdinand.
Would have prevented WWI and II
epic troll
>blue pilled cuck
*teleports behind*
nothing personnel kid
The White Race.
>germans are violent by nature
Meme history like this is the cancer that is killing this board
>The urge to purge
Why are my sides in orbit now?
Don't care about his policies he was Qt3.14 on an unimaginable level.
>When you feed the troll after he literally tells you he's a troll.
You new?
Martin Luther King Jr cuz niggers are starting to get feral again. MLK Jr needs to see this shit and shame them back into civilized people.
fucking niggers
>Communism wouldn't be as powerful
Keep telling that to yourself
I'd keep the meme man alive
I think civilization would still exist, it just would be a lot gayer.
>"I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection."
-Letter from a Birmingham Jail, 1963