/elyg/ Elysium General

This server is objectivly worse than Kronos 2 edition

>What is this?
This is the Elysium general. A private server for vanilla World of Warcraft.

>Recent news

Horde guild:
Alliance guild:
Horde guild:

/who "guild name", whisper anyone!

>Server Homepage

>Vanilla WoW database

>Leveling Guide

>Nos Pre-Bis

>Leveling Specs



Old Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


DOA server

server imploding

jump ship while you can

what a joke

So which MMORPG is everyone going to flock to once Elysium gets shut down soon?

We all know it's coming, so may as well say which MMO you're going to now.



Reminder that /wpsg/ fags are upset the HG guild is going to be dead in a month when everyone realizes it's the same garbage scripting it's always been.

Either back to retail where all my friends already went, or might try out ESO, how long do you think this server has left?

t. Suzerain

It's almost February, AQ event better be coming out soon.

With all the drama and shit going on, most likely a month, maybe 2.

i love karu and he is mine forever

All of /wpsg/ finally united on one faction.

Honestly you guys got tricked nobody would play on their shit server a few months ago and now youre eating it up.
Have fun with mc for 8 months kek

what's up with the server is ded meme
am I the only one who is still enjoying the game?
it's not perfect but it's comfy. chill out nerds

People are just being emo because the server is having some drama and will most likely be shut down now that it has the attention of blizzard

Am I the only person with trade window bugged that needs to click 4-5 times to trade something because it keeps getting out of trade?

>he says as he plays on Valkyrie
Fucking kek


Another private server, might just quit private server MMOs all together, they always get shut down and it just feels like a waste of fucking time in the end

>It's Trap

Fucking gay. I really liked that art style.

Which faction is the guild going on?



For anyone who is tired of shitty Elysium and wants to play tbc

It's not a trap.


Most of my guild went back to retail for the new patch, not sure what I'm going to do honestly, MMOs just kind of suck now, so I'll most likely just stop playing.

>daily reminder that if you're not AT LEAST level 55 on fresh at this point you should just give up and wait for HG or Crestfall, if you're on fresh fresh you're wasting your time because it's already a dead server.

Or you can stay on Elysium for the 2 more months it'll be up and enjoy
>level 60s anally raping and corpse camping you
>legions of xiaos tagging every mob in sight
>corrupt admins who will sell items for money
>broken scripting for quests, dungeons and undertuned raids

Will arenas be available from the start?


Do you guys recommend installing all of the addons?

Which addons are you guys using?

Shit spec.
You dont need more than 3 in Suppression.
You dont need Improved Imp.
Just use this guide, except dont take Improved Drain Soul.

go away /wpsg/?????

Sadly back to retail, everyone I know stopped playing vanilla, they all say the same shit to me

>Takes too much time and it's going to be shut down anyways

Was so much fun leveling with friends, I miss it.

Care to elaborate?

Why do some people have to be this way

>BFD run
>kill Kelris
>someone activates 3 candles
>I didnt even get to loot the head

>Elysium GMs caught selling gear for real life money
>Staff tries to justify it by saying it's okay as long as it's from official staff members and items aren't BOE


INB4 >reddit

They had threads on the official forums but they kept getting deleted until this popped up on their reddit

So what are your thoughts? Is it okay for GMs to sell people gear for real life money as long as it somehow supports the server?

>higher level rogue jumps me when im low on hp from rezzing
>try to get away and manage to get my roots off
>he somehow backstabs me all the way from where he was snared
>does the /chicken meme for some reason

no its not
crestfall when

Why would the server get shut down because of Blizzard? I thought it was managed by Russians.

What in the fuck? seriously???

I guess they have to make money somehow, but that's fucked up.

>Those comments
>"So what just enjoy the game?"

I bet you faggots are going to say the same shit "Who care if they're selling the best gear for real money durrrr"

How the hell can ANYONE defend this shit?

where did they say that its okay
I can't find it
I believe it, but I cannot for the love of me find it

also salty dogs please stop being shitters

Took only 5 deaths to get all the quests at nesingwary camp


And it looks like more cases of this are popping up everywhere, I was wondering how some people were getting geared so quickly.


And this shit right here is how the server died, there's no defending shit like this

pay2win piece of fucking shit server, RIP

Servers that need to be shilled as hard as Hellgrounds are 100% DOA

How exactly do I get a group for LBRS? I've only seen anyone do UBRS.

PLEASE tell me this is somehow fake, I really love this server but I'm not going to bother playing on it if you can just buy all the gear you want.

this good? (leveling mostly, idk what to respect to then)

idk about dark pact

Our investigation continues as we dig deeper as I am certain that there are more created characters that are still out there and need justice dispensed. We have dealt with this situation with intense severity and it has consumed our time in the past few days as we are determined to rid the server of any outside interference that could invalidate the legitimacy of the server.
>people still running around with full BiS gear they acquired 1 week ago on Nost.
>a guild not being banned for knowingly allowing a warlock with GM powers to kill Nef for them.
>chinese gold spam and hacked accounts completely ignored.

We have confirmed that the blackhat hacker no longer has access to any sensitive information and that our jobs now are cleaning up the mess he left us.
>posts appear on a popular hacking forum talking about how they will soon have access to fresh/fresh fresh and do the same exact thing.

The Elysium team is fully committed to ensuring the legitimacy of all achievements on all our servers and we appreciate your partnership in that pursuit.
>Rag killed within 2 weeks of server launch by random level 58s wearing greens and level 30 gear.

How are you guys still falling for this meme server? It's a sinking ship so just get out while you have your sanity... just relax and save your energy and wait for a proper vanilla release from Crestfall. I hear they're blocking VPNs so xiao can't infest the server.

crestcuck shills going all out

What even is the status of crestfall? I always thought it's a meme like corecraft

Did you miss the last two days of investigations?

They're banning the realmplayers list posts now for "witch hunts" despite those "witch hunts" being the only thing that made them react to it at all.

The first hacked characters have appeared in the database over a month ago and they didn't do shit since, until people started stirring shit up on le reddits. So naturally they banned stirring shit up.

it's in beta, currently adding each class and checking for bugs.

O Lumikaru, Lumikaru, wherefore art thou Lumikaru?


When is this going up?

I was about to roll on Elysium with a couple friends but all this talk of it getting shut down is making me nervous.

Should we just wait for Hellground?

don't take improved imp
don't take improved CoA
if you're not drain tanking you need imp VW, if you are you need imp drain life (and no imp drain soul)

elysium isn't going down anytime soon



I wouldn't waste your time

>Server has Blizzard's attention now thanks to Nos
>GMs caught selling gear to people

Server is slowly going down hill, people are talking about it shutting down for good reasons.

why are there so many samefags holy shit at least put in some effort guy

Well fuck...

What now?

Kronos shill is late.

That's what people on Nost thought too, and Elysium is much more popular and has more enemies. I'd give it half a year tops, but even that's probably too optimistic.

This server is fucking worse than kronos what a joke.
How can you fucking play this .witb a smile, it's fucking terrible

>Server has Blizzard's attention now thanks to Nos
lol if you think there isn't a guy at blizzard whose job is to keep up to speed on private servers

Where is the best place to farm for Demonic runes alone?

>elysium isn't going down anytime soon

Well that's good to kn-

>Server is slowly going down hill, people are talking about it shutting down for good reasons.

Fuck help me guys I'm a sheep. Isn't elysium managed by Russians? I thought Blizzard couldn't shut them down.

>full denial
Just let it go man. You're playing on a funserver

Blizzard can't and won't.

The Russians will fuck it up themselves.


Elysium had a good thing going here, why are they fucking it up by doing shit like this?! THIS IS HOW SERVERS ARE KILLED!


>How exactly do I get a group for LBRS? I've only seen anyone do UBRS.

Does anyone even do it anymore? Looks like Nost really is a raidlog server :(

Where's the proof that they are selling items? I thought the story was that someone hacked a GM's account and gave people stuff.

Reminds me of the old days...

>Isn't Nostalrius managed by the French? Blizzard can't shut them down!


I did 2 last week trying to get my rosewine circle.

How do I buy BiS gear and how much would it cost me?

So if the server is going to shit where should we go? I don't want to play TBC and I don't even know how to get access to Crestfall

Please respond.

DWARF or HUMAN paladin?

Stop supporting Elysium.


Why does this piece of shit even exist?

Keep supporting Elysium.

>Servers that need to be shilled as hard as Hellgrounds are 100% DOA
There's 400 archived threads of nostralrius with the exact same image and exact same text on /v/, and look at what we are at now.

It's called "Nostalrius", after "nostalgia".

This is a really good build for efficient leveling with wpvp added.

Keep it for 5man dungeons and until your first raid, healers wont be able to heal your lifetaps until then so you improve your dps a lot wjth dark pact.

When raiding you just lifetap like crazy and it gives you more mana per cast.

>look at what we are at now.

Two PvP servers bursting at the seams with more population than was ever intended, and one with a more than healthy popuation, before we even talk about PvE?

Yeah.. sure is fucking dead kiddo

pretty accurate lol

Kronos W O N.

>alliance """players"""

How did they do MC without everyone being 60 and getting attuned? Or can you attune pre 60?


Dwarf male

stop running baby!!!

Nost has been the worst thing to happen to the pserver scene. Their nostalgia for their overblown buggy server runs deeper than most vanillafags. Not only that, they will run to the next "torch bearer" with arms (and mouth) wide open while readying themselves to latch on to the next dick. Instead of looking at this staff's past history critically, they bury their heads in the sand waiting until the dissenters are silenced permanently.

Honestly, you're all worse than retailfags. Well done.

>always some nigger with 999999 posts riding admin dick

Reading is not a dump stat