/agdg/ - Anti Grape Death Group

Orange Edition

> Next Jam: Comfy Jam

> Play Demo Day 12!

> Helpful links
Website: tools.aggydaggy.org
New Threads: Archive: boards.fíreden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqs627

> Previous Thread
> Previous Demo Days

> Previous Jams

> Engines
Construct 2: scírra.com/construct2
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemäker
Godot: gobotengine.org
LÖVE: love2d.net
UE4: unreaIengine.com
Unity: uníty3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

>When a businessman's tweets make you chuckle so you use a numerical ouija to awaken an egyptian chaos god...

Other urls found in this thread:



links are still broken

well this has been a learning experience

about to paint over the old texture again after remodelling large parts of it

>that face
is that nicolas cage?

Should I make a non-shitpost thread?

hurry and stop bumping this one

No, just ignore the OP and post progress. We went through this the other day, no need to have five or six agdg threads at one time.

It will instigate a thread war and get deleted anyways.

The mods will probably delete it. You might be banned.

Absolutely. We can't let reekpham keep poisoning the OP like this!

Why games have shit AI ?

Thank you OP for finally bringing gamedev back into the focus of agdg. May all your children live long and prosper. Truly a scholar and a gentleman of fine taste.

The REAL new thread!

fucking stop

Nice 1. Super nice.

>the AI figures out where the core is in Gradius and goes right for it

That was intentional. This is a shitposting OP.

Just Like Make Game


Can we let all the threads die and just start fresh later?

Why is there some kind of secret cabal dedicated to destroying Comfy Jam?

> Next Jam: Comfy Jam
> Play Demo Day 12!

Fixed those links since they're the most important. Maybe next time the autistic shitposter wont make the OP.

3d modeling is hard


and texturing, rigging, and animating

>reek is doxxing FBI members now to try to avoid going to jail

All links fixed here

Dumb question, is there a shader that only renders the intersected area of an object in unity?
I've looked everywhere and I only find stencil shaders but those render all the time the object overlaps another, and not only when the object is intersecting.
Pic related is a rough drawing of what I mean. I want to render only the area of the sphere that touches the plane (the red area), is that even possible?

>yet another thread

> Next Jam: Comfy Jam

> Play Demo Day 12!

> Helpful links
Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
New Threads: Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

> Previous Thread

> Previous Demo Days

> Previous Jams

> Engines
Construct 2: scirra.com/construct2
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
LÖVE: love2d.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

There, quit making new threads you donut.

Just use cubes.

Make a cube head, a cube body, cube hips, cube arms, cube hands, cube legs, cube thighs, and cube feet.

Cubes aren't cute enough

opengl rocks

is this the real thread?

This is the thread that will be used, of course, because it was made first.


why does this keep getting posted

what even is it

It's shitposting. This is a nodev thread, shitposts are board culture. Progress posting and yesdevs are not board culture.

And done

I feel like this would look so much better if you just ditched the pixel textures.

>shitposts are board culture
No. Shitposts are just shitposts.

>mods pruned all the other threads
wew lad.

I'm the opposite. Love the pixel texture, but the roundness feels out of place, especially on the side thingies.

A sub 0 fps furniture shooter.

Thank you janitors for cleaning up the trash.

Yeah I think that might be what's throwing it off for me. The shadows and the roundness of the models just screams "hand painted textures" to me.

>mods delete the other threads but leave this one
ok I guess
>source shitposter is back but the mods will ignore him
fuck this

why do ppl keep posting this just to shit on it

it looks like progress to me

Complaining about the moderation is against the rules

Yes they are. Shitposts run rampant and get replies, yesdevs get ignored.


>has perfectly round bits all over it

triggered, this shit is worse than mixels. if you

If it's a sphere, you can do this quite easily by using the shader of the other object and checking if the position of the pixel is inside the sphere (distance to sphere centre < radius, for efficiency, delta_x^2 + delta_y^2 < radius^2).

today i was killed in a dream but didn't wake up because i secretly want to die, now i know what happens when you die in a dream

you respawn in a new dream

Oh shit its bingo

I can second this.
>tfw you get corpse camped in your dreams in an endless ping pong match
feels bad man.

>open Unity
>create 2 new projects for 2 ideas I had for Comfy Jam
>make the proper folders for prefabs, textures, scripts etc
>close Unity
I hate this part when you have to START making things, I wish I could skip it and go directly to the part when you actually DO stuff.

And to the guy who asked in the dead thread, I can't combine them because they're too different, and the scope is already pretty big as it is.

what do we call this?
molygons or moxels?

inconsistent resolution, i guess


Where's the "I make nodev bingo cards instead of making games" panel?

These are molygons

not sure what this is proving? why is "over 10k downloads" a nodev thing?

At least I finished it


Can't say the same about your game.

Subtle motivation post


Nice shitpost

>in unity?
dont ask in this way

shaders are reliant on reading the screenspace in relation to game objects, which is not engine-specific.

>weigh over 200lbs

This is misleading because if you're 6ft or over you're going to be damn close to 200 just by existing, assuming you're not anorexic.

>a cube is a three-dimensional solid object bounded by six square faces

why does this cancer shit exists

I'm 6ft. 180 is the heaviest I've been and I was a fatass. I'm 160 now and still out of shape.

Where is your game, Literally Insane Shitposter?

If you gained muscle, you'll gain weight. Weight isn't the only determining factor in healthiness.

Put on some muscle mass.

I'm 6'3 and lifting since highschool and I probably havent been sub 200 since 2004.


>is there a shader
Not yet, but you could always make one.
Don't render the object that intersects. Render the intersection on the other object. Render the plane, not the sphere, and then modify the plane's shader based on the sphere.

I know a way to do this for THIS SPECIFIC CASE, with a sphere and a plane. In general this seems hard because you are essentially checking collisions.

The steps:
1. The shader will go on the plane.
2. In the C# code, pass in a float3 center and a float radius into the shader, updated every frame.
3. In the fragment shader, you need to calculate worldspace. This is easy to google.
4. Check whether the calculated worldspace of pixel is less than radius from the passed in center of the sphere.
5. If within the radius, render red. Otherwise, render white.

>in an engineering general

right here

True. Maybe I should dev while on an exercise bike or something.

>giving the Discordfags any attention
>giving that one poster who keeps talking to himself attention

In general I believe it's possible to adapt stencil shadow rendering to accomplish this. They work the same way - you extrude the shadow casters into shadow volumes, which then don't apply the light wherever they intersect with lit objects.

Idea: arena shooter where you cast spells by typing their names and can counter incoming spells by typing the counter spell.

>perfectly round
No it doesn't. It looks to be about 16 sided at most. It's extremely low poly, you're just stupid.

>hit chat button instead

Sounds like typing of the dead.

The smaller the edges, the rounder it looks. The circles are all 16 edged but the smaller ones look better.

>radome-looking thing on the side is higher resolution than the actual tire bit
that is just stupid ok

>idea: slow paced arena shooter
Oh boy, that'll sure fucking work.

Good core idea, user, but if you don't ditch the "arena shooter" part, it won't go anywhere.



>/agdg/ thread is endica dev AGAIN
>this time with trump stuff in it
Oh my god is this going to be the new norm?

Yeah, just like that. But multilayer

i don't know how to do this with a shader but an alternative i'd offer is going round the object, measuring it with raycasts and then creating and connecting vertices according to your measurements. is this a good solution? i don't know, good luck friend.

yes danny

It's just board culture haha, this is normal and okay.

because you keep replying to it you retard

this way

why would someone post it in the first place

why would someone make it in the first place


Is there any resources or sites tailored to giving reference for 3D animations? I'm working on learning 3D animation.