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Year 2 has been confirmed. New CTU's will be Spain, Hong Kong, Poland, and South Korea.
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Heart Breaking Defeat:

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I want to sniff Valkyrie's keffiyeh!


Could this be another ubisoft fluke?

It kinda looks better now

Second for Rook is Bae

does anybody else have a much better Win/Lose ratio when it comes to "bomb"?
I wonder why that is the case for me.

also why did "secure area" happen so fucking often? My matchmaking settings were on default the entire time...

5th for don't fix goofy looking bugs

is there new hack already? Just played with a sketchy lvl 26

Huh maybe it MIGHT be good

Valk's character art is so good. I love fit girls, it's such a shame her in-game model is probably the ugliest one.

i am shit at the game

>"super tactical third-person open-world shooter"

Stop trying to force this meme

Im skeptical still

technical previewfags called it shit

why does blackbeard tell everyone to get behind him when the rifle shield can only protect him?

People are saying the Wildlands beta is shit, but the same thing was said with the alpha and betas for Siege

Why did they have to make Caveira's face look so manly instead of like it does in her portrait?

Because he's such a fat fucking piece of shit that he's really good at catching bullets.

just bought the season pass, go ahead and call me a cuck


What made you go ahead?
Tempted to get it myself but that price is bullshit.

Amen. 30 bucks for 200k renown doesn't seem worth it to me.

Places had the 2nd season pass for like $20 when it came out

I got the game for free and have spent so much time with it, plus I wanted to be free to use my ubi funbucks to buy cosmetics instead of sitting on the mountain to buy all the new ops

Should I do it lads?


>custom shields

Fucking finally. Jesus.

>Operation Velvet Shell
>slogan is "Let's see what hides in the darkness"
>Glaz gets Thermal Scope rework
>lighting is now destructible

GSH-18 Laser sight when

The year 2 pass will give me all the DLC operators right?

Just the upcoming Year 2 ones.

>Valk's character art is so good

absolutely shit taste

>connection failure

nice game ubisoft, esport ready


only ones i really used on console were buck and caveira anyways

>start game
>win 1 mp match
>lol np
>proceed to lose 7 matches in a row
Really starting to hate this game's matchmaking.

Happened to me 2 nights ago
>4 heartbreaking defeats in a row

Is this 'fat frost' thing a meme I haven't heard about?


nothin personnel, kid

I have been training with comrade buck in hockey to make soviet ancestors proud

t h i c

do other battleeye games have a constant stream of public bans?

Just some testing for THunt renown farming, came up at the end of last thread.
Keep in mind, renown gain is tied to score, so reward can fluctuate a lot depending on how many headshots you get etc.

~140 base renown reward
Enemies do not flank much
Enemies react slowly
Enemies miss first shots even at close range, usually can't hit shit at longer range
In all, can be reliably and fairly safely rushed down in 2-3 minutes if you know how they spawn on the map.

~160 base renown reward
Enemies flank a lot more
Enemies react a bit faster
Enemies will usually hit with first shots at close range, will generally miss with first burst at long range
Enemies react to weapon noise, and will try to wallbang you occasionally, but they usually miss
Can still be rushed in a similar 2-3 minute window, but much less reliably, since more mobile enemies means you can't trust spawns, and have to constantly be watching your back for flankers, and all enemies can kill you much quicker if they catch you at close ranges

~190 base renown reward
Enemies flank A LOT
Enemies react much faster, to the point where character speed has a noticeable impact on how much fire you take on an average peek
Enemies will not miss you at close ranges, and will hit you at some point within their first burst even at longer ranges
Enemies react to weapon noise a lot, often hitting you on wallbangs if you're standing right next to a wall, and will in some situations even preaim the spot where they heard your shots when rounding corners, cutting down their reaction times
Can be done in ~5 minutes if you get good spawns and do not make any mistakes, but that's by no means guaranteed. Unreliable as hell

My conclusion: it's much more reliable and efficient to just breeze through 2 normal runs in the time it would take you to do a realistic run.

>no "this region is locked off until further progress" shit
Is Ubi finally learning what people don't like in their open world games?

but which game mode is the fastest, though?

house hostage extract is fastest without a doubt

Don't you receive a little less renown if the enemies kill themselves, like a bomber blowing himself and his buddies?
It's probably nothing, since victory is more important than kills anyway.

Hope you guys like it.

Some tips for anyone who's still set on farming realistic:
-Get inside as fast as possible. The AI on realistic is very happy to go outside and flank you in wide arcs, and they will absolutely slaughter you on open ground.
-The AI can't path through vaultable holes created by destruction. This can be used to make yourself effectively unflankable in certain situations. Just remember, they can still shoot through the hole just fine, if they happen to walk past it.
-As soon as you make noise, it's more than likely that some enemies will start moving to hunt you down. Don't do anything risky until you're sure you've killed all the flankers you've attracted.
-Once you've attracted a large train of enemies and are waiting by a corner to take them out, try to vary up your shooting positions a little. As I mentioned previously, Realistic AI can "preaim" you under certain conditions if you're making noise, and you can find yourself taking fire in situations where you normally would not expect to be if you stay too still.

Extract is theoretically the fastest, but it depends on the spawn. Classic is a bit slower overall, but is a bit more consistent.

Yeah, but the difference is usually small enough that it doesn't matter much.

good shit my man


who would be Hank?

Oh, and one more thing:
Suppressors actually matter on Realistic: you will draw a lot less flankers in when firing a suppressed gun as opposed to an unsuppressed one.

>tfw still see people try to bandit trick
>instead of putting down their batteries and waiting for a thatcher they tempt fate and allow hibana to take the site anyways

You mean an open world? You gotta cut them some slack. That one was hard to figure out.


Shame that it'll probably end up having major graphical downgrades on release, along with content promised on release missing for a year or maybe ending up in a DLC for a low low merchant friendly price.

>far cry + phantom pain
Was about to drop dosh on a piss poor 4 for ffxv but if this let's me cruise the land with three AI bros it sounds a lot cheaper.

to be fair, that was the old style of doing it before hibana, they may not understand her mechanics, you can still do it that way but you have to be quick as fuck and lucky that she doesn't beat you to the trigger

Honestly you can't beat a hibana if she mashes her ability button so I don't know why people try.

They're not ignorant to hibana, but they want to be heroes play what if. It's not like there's a hibana on attack every round because her gun+ability is good.

If you know which panel is being hibanaed you can beat the detonation, the problem is hibana only has to hibana a wall a little bit and it become un-bandit-able

You can't beat Hibana though, that's the issue. Her ability can't be tricked; if she mashes the detonate button as they hit they immediately trigger.

At least she's identifiable as a woman-like creature

Hibana is some sort of teenage boy thing

Ditto with Frost without a mask

someone post fat frost


When planting breaching charge, is there a way to cancel the animation? Like say if you hear someone coming while planting?

Would you rather have a buck or nippon girl on your team?
Almost saved up 25k and thinking of getting one of them.

Is it possible to cheat on console? I was playing on ps4 and I swear to god there was something so unbelievably fishy with one guy.

(and no, he didnt drone me/wallbang a typical spot or whatever)

>not considering Valk

You lack taste

Hibana is basically another Ash on your team, which is always nice

FAQ. Controls section. First thing.

Here more info: the dude was playing Hibana and stood far outside on Kanal, looking into an open window. Suddenly, out of the blue, he aims precisely on a barricaded window (no holes), shoots 3 times, perfect headshot on me, aims back at the open window like nothing happened. This happened another time EXACTLY like that, but while I was in full sprint.

>team willingly picks packaging room 3F
>it works out

Huh I dunno I almost kinda liked this

I love strong powerful women





>terrified of playing caveira encase im shit and fuck up

So, how are you guys liking those new shield skins

too bad shields besides Montagne are too unreliable to use

they're not that bad


The only way to not worry about fucking up is to just go and fuck up anyway.

Because when you start fucking up over and over again, each individual fuckup starts to mean less as a whole, meaning you stop worrying and start improving.

i want to play with her layers and use it as a cover in fight

all 3 of them got a skin

i dont understand why so many people like the black ice skins

> massive contrast between white at fron and dark blue back
> white bullshit sprinkled everywhere on back
> fucking leaf slapped on there for no reason (a leaf on a british weapon? it would only make sense if the leaf was on the canadian weapons.)

Isn't she forced to reload first before detonating?

Yeah, the glacier one is way sexier.
And even more impossible to get now.

Yeah, I don't know why anyone would want a limited edition skin

They look like shit I wish I could delete mine

i mean this white shotty looks really ugly. i don't know why the call it black ice if 75% of the gun is white and spermy.

im surprised they didn't call the glacier one black ice, considering it's literally black ice.

i kinda like dust line skins. they look kinda mish-mashed and mixed up but if you think about, so is the region where the border map is set in.

Too bad they were sold INDIVIDUALLY so you had to buy them for each weapon

I don't understand how ANYONE can actually like dust line skins

the transition between the colours certainly seems smoother.

glacier: black to grey to white

black ice: dark blue to light blue to white.

too bad the game was such a shitshow back in black ice that I didn't buy these

at first i thought the same thing. the skins look like a whole bunch of different shit put together and is a bit of a chaotic mish-mash. but when i thought about, so is the middle east where the border map is set (the middle east is not exactly known for its stability). it came to grow on me and i actually would consider it my favorite skin from operation dust line.


Was it not the only skin for Dust Line?

also there's a bit of ordered chaos to it. if you look at the scar, the silver part is at the bottom part of the gun and the brown is on the upper half, the two parts being divided by the actual weapon parts. the red white is confined to the top half of the cheek rest (i think is what it's called) and it actually come together quite nicely.