/svg/ Shadowverse General

Shadowverse is a free-to-play, class-based collectible card game similar to MtG.
The expansion, Rise of Bahamut released on Dec. 29th.

Platforms: iOS, Android, Steam (store.steampowered.com/app/453480/)

Official Website:

Card Database/Deck Editor:

Intro Guide/FAQ:
pastebin.com/xNmQuDzR (embed)

Take 2 Card Rankings:

Get your cheat sheets here: imgur.com/a/g8OD1

Card Collection Tracker/Pack EV Calculator:
Make a copy to edit your own.

All-in-one Steam undub and uncensor UPDATED WITH BAHAMUT:


Updated card art package.

A growing collection of animated golds/legendaries:

Come here if you want to search for card artworks:

Search by artists:

You can listen and download both EN/JP voices for cards at this place:


Other urls found in this thread:


Post 'em.



Why are you in Japanese

>similar to MtG.
No it's not.

ITT. Cards you want to HATE FUCK

I start

>Open pack
>See a legendary
>Notice it's animated
>Then notice it's a Soul Dealer


It used to be similar to hearthstone /hsg/ to steal all their posters and make it show up when someone searched hsg in the catalog but someone must have changed that without people noticing

Why aren't you?

free packs?



Remove hag.

Don't be rude to my wife please.

It's better I think. I don't about hs fags but it seemed unneeded and childish to add /hsg/ when both games are in competition. Especially when you see the state of /hsg/ compared to /svg/.

Reposting: 3/20


>First challenge of the day is always super easy
>Second and third take a while
>Gap slowly growing between the times I get them
>Don't want to withhold completing the first one to sync them up because it's wasteful
My autism hurts

Cancer Tier
(hyper aggresive decks that are extremelly forgiving and use exploit degenerate cards like Levi, Roach, Dshit, Yurius)

>Blood Aggro

Honest Tier
(the ideal meta that we would enjoy if not for the cancer pushing it down, where games are decided by skill and bad choises punish you)

>Midrange Sword
>Midrange Elf
>Midrange Shadow
>Midrange Dragon
>Haven Control
>Sword Control
>Rune Control
>Blood Control
>Ramp Dragon

Tier Gimmick
(decks based on combos and play styles that are basically impossible to play because Tier Cancer exist, these decks very well would be on top along with Honest decks if not the cancer)

>Freedom Haven
>Discard Dragon
>PTP Elf
>Wolf Forest
>Face Dragon

>Daria has a superior smug effect without even smugging
Nothing personnel, kids.

Might as well play against bots, they'll be better

Post elf.

No haven?

>Midrange Sword
>games are decided by skill and bad choices punish you
found the royalfag

I don't get score rewards from bots, though.


Banner was always fucking garbage, especially if you're playing a tempo deck. You just literally skullfuck them and toss them away after you're done

>play cblood
>use vampy skin

Absolutely disgusting.

Sandbagging that much in C literally takes more effort and time than grinding to Master

dont worry
one day he will be meta

>tfw have new dailies but for the first time since starting SV have no will to do them because the meta is too cancerous

There's nothing rude about it, hate fucking is a perfectly valid way to work out your differences.

Always do the hardest daily first and the easiest last, to keep them synced.

>Blood dailies
>Forest dailies
>Take my aggro blood and roach decks to unranked

It's nothin' personal. I'm just doin' my job.

> sandbagging takes effort

haha no

I do my dailies in like 30 min, fire up my script while I do my anki reps and then carry on with my day.

Not an argument

What class and deck this retard would play?

>mission: win one match with sword craft
definitely not worth putting up with this shit for 20 fucking gold, last time i ever even attempt to do sword dailies

Suicide blood

>Evolve followers 5 times
>Win 6 ranked matches
>Win 1 match as runecraft

Aggro Shadow is so bad guys, please don't play it.

But I'm just an AA0 shitter, what do I know?

Literally post duck

I want to fuck Vampy's tight asspussy!

Just make an aggro deck full of storm and buffers and go face.

dragon is worse. i couldn't even finish my quest last night

Dont care if its bad or good, I tried it and it feels like a gimped version of aggro blood. I'd rather play blood instead and have a ton more reach.

i dont have albert there is nothing you can do that will unJUST my shit


can someone please join and let me win (without conceding?) I want to complete my daily while also making progress on the achievement

not being able to adapt / hating change is a sign of autism

> losing in unranked

stop trying to play autodecks you fucking retard

spotted the d shitter

Doesn't matter, you can still win without drawing Albert
Sure it won't be the optimal deck but for unranked you can go without him and still secure the game before turn5 and finish with Alwida

Fuck pixie mischef for ruining my reaper while he still was in ambush.
Mordecai-sempai is the way to go for portrait.

Im a beginner and i someone recommended this deck and my question is what to change? What packs should i buy?


>Banner in this meta

You got memed

But if we're talking about reach Aggro Shadow has superior reach than any other aggro deck right now, and it only needs two cards to do so.


Literal unga deck.

Hit nothing but face, mulling for 1 PP followers, buff them with commanders. If the opponent bricks his starting hand he's done for.

If you can't have at least one victory with this you suck bro.

>aggro shadow
>superior reach
Are you serious?

He's probably talking about quantity over quality

>and my question is what to change?

Might want to remove the Floral Fencers.

Save your evolves for Storm followers going face like Centaur, Novice and Viking.

Whole-Souled Swing is too slow, switch for Mentor's Teachings? Remove Vanguard.

shieet, so any deck recommendations for a beginner?

Gotta win 1 Private, can anyone help?

If you wanna play through just spam taunt

I can't tell if going first is better or not

> Remove Vanguard.

Retard. Please stop giving advice.

>tfw beating a filthy Valhallan General user in a stormhaven mirror match
Moonie a best. I kept killing his followers since he had no hard removals or evos. Moonie does work.

Tempo Rune

vanguard has no place in banner sword

Only if you play aggro blood.

Aggro Shadow LOVES going first.

Unless the other side throws down some shit like Unica or Veteran Lancer.

Well any aggro deck hates that. even blood.

aggro sword, shadow and blood want to go first

daria will always prefer going second

Ok so there's actually a difference and I'm not just crazy. I'm so used to Yugioh where going first is always better

6/20 taking a break for a bit.

That's why you don't 1:1 copy retarded netdecks that think you can remove all the hard removal.

jesus christ you are autistic

Post your golds and legendaries.

Im a retard, match ID is 58982

plz help

Valhallan General won me the last game though.
It was entirely thanks to his Rush buff that I could take down a ward by the time my burd amulet popped.

>11 damage from two cards at turn 7
>blood needs 3 cards to do 9 damage at 7
Yes, I'm serious.
Blood is faster, but Shadow has superior reach from hand to back their package up. Being faster doesn't mean your deck is always better since match-ups change.

heh, these ptp kids don't know how to count like their roach masters

holy shit I'm bored

the only fun decks I have are for crafts which I'm already level 100 for so I don't want to play them because my autism demands I'm level 100 with everything

fuck forest, fuck haven, fuck shadow and fuck dragon

specially dragon

thx my man

do you understand the concept of the ladder
do you understand the concept of winrates
cutting down on hard removal for more consistency in matchups/games that don't call for it is fine, that's what people should do instead of mindlessly following the list of staples that have to go in a given archetype, make choices about what marginal games to win and which marginal games to lose

Second is what you want unless youre running aggro. Ramp dragon has like 20% higher winrate going second. That extra card and evo point are huge.

Why does Luna have an Ancient Elf?

Valhallan General replaced Gabriel tech and is even better while comming a turn earlier too
You should run both Moon and Trump

>Enemy luna
>Alt art elf


you can kinda use him in control blood with Demon Commander Laura for a quick 6/8 punch to the face on turn 7, or triggering the few other vengeance effects you might need.

But if you're hanging on to the late game, probly better saving her for a Servant of Darkness from Call of Cocytus instead to close it all out.


Why doesn't Goblin Mage have an actual name?

>he didn't unlock nexuscraft yet


I think Daria is a pretty balanced deck. Insane face damage with full board clear by t5 while filling their own board can be counterplayed with themis. Get good /svg/

Ayo hol up


Not if they went first, check and mate. Daria is still retarded.

Why are they giving me more Queen Vampies?

sugoi ne~

Best girl