Nighthold is out
Please remember to run Maw of Souls for Artifact Power
@ Illidan horde US is LF DPS for it's mythic roster
Old thread
Nighthold is out
Please remember to run Maw of Souls for Artifact Power
@ Illidan horde US is LF DPS for it's mythic roster
Old thread
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first for erp
What is it with draenei and horsecocks?
Vanilla > WotLK > TBC > Legion > MoP > Cataclysm > WoD
"horse-shaped cock"
small time
>Vanilla above anything
Vanilla itself was shit, the community was probably the best then, but the game was absolutely horrible
Whats the best way to gear up a new 110 right now?
My guild are lazy cucks so they probably won't help me farm much.
What im thinking is
>Hit 110
>Buy up some of the BoEs from Nighthold Normal/Heroic (Looking to spend like 40k total) >Hopefully have ilvl to Pug Mythics/Mythic+ (I have CE:Xavius/AotC Helya & Gul'dan)
>Get to around 870 from this
>Leech off some Mythic EN/Normal NH with my guild
Want to make this my new main so time is of the essence. Might not have my guild at all because they want me to stick with a class I hate (Hunter) because I have good legendaries, while I'd like to play a functional class (Spriest)
MoP > WotLK > Legion > Cata > Vanilla > TBC > WoD
>trying to get into PuGs for mythic EN
>890+ link cutting edge
>for a fucking DPS
I can understand these requirements for tanks, but holy fucking shit.
That thing isn't even difficult on mythic.
>inb4 but muh xavius / cenarius meme strats!!11
EU guilds ded?
I love them man
"Account whoring"
TBC > Vanilla > Legion > MoP > WoD > WotLK > Cata
>Want to level a new character, maybe play it rest of the expansion
>Remember I have to wait over a month for two legendaries
Research is like 2 weeks now
Dead game?
the deadest
Why is PvP in this game such an imbalanced piece of shit?
Why is every melee considerably always overpowered?
dubs decides what race/class i play
female is locked in tho cuz i dont play guys sorry guys
Holy shit there's so much to do to complete the class hall campaign what the fuck just give me the fucking gear you piece of shit
belf idc class
I just checked my app it says
How do I start playing WoW? Do I jist need to buy legion?
If you want pvp go play overwatch
you literally cannot play the game if you have not been playing since launch
you will be kicked from every group and it will take you forever to catch up. dont bother
leg research definitely reduced to 7 days (half) so i assume the others are now halved
>Went from dealing consinstent 480k ST dps to 430k as shadow after the NH nerfs
yep it sucks
>don't get mana break
Fuck PUG groups.
Dorf shaman
Gnome hunter
You need to buy the base game + Legion
Dont worry about getting geared, if you find a guild of players they will be willing to help you get going (or else they are shit)
best range dps as of now??
also FOTM?
frost mage with leg
don't shit me
>Gallywix gets a unique model before Baine Bloodhoof
How the fuck is this fair?
wow now you're balanced what spriest have always been about... cleave
ive got about 2 months of playtime total and one of those months was last year and i bought legion this year. i find legion pretty fun, you will be behind on a lot of stuff like mounts but its mostly collectable shit and herilooms (exp boosting scaling gear) but you should level plenty fast if you do dungeons.
I honestly hope they make him a less shit leader.
Baine will get his new model after he becomes Warchief after Sylvanas is dead
OFFICIAL FILTER LISTS that you can use to make WoW General Great Again.
Image MD5s:
In addition, don't forget that This Game is SO Hard is NOT a wowg guild since they recruit from trade chat, from reddit, and only allow "important" people from wowg to join their guild. Avoid them at all costs. Their leader and officers are the worst shitposting avatarfags that have been kicked from both RIPIP, LW, AND NFA. They are also responsible for at least half of the shitposting in this general.
Do not support them
Do not join them
Do not even respond to them
Sylvanas is the boss forever because she is a competent leader.
And a qt.
so guys
do "myth boost" groops just pull you through myth for some gold or what
They boost you for free.
But only if you have Maw Key / Sometimes NL / DHT, and only if it's no higher than 7+.
oh my god you are so FUCKING mad right now
the payment is your key, newfag
using your key
so as a total noob ilvl 819 i'm fucked?
Anyone here feel like starting over on a new server? Some of the best times I ever had with this game was getting started with a new guild, with new people, on a new server and helping each other out as we made the grind to max level.
Depends on your key ;^)
Unless you get a MoS/CoS/DHT key
yea, pretty much
Every time they get the chance to include him they cut him out like they did in Highmountain. Mayla has a very forced development of her character, and that's mainly because Baine wasn't there to help her have someone to relate to and learn from.
so it's like D3 you use your +2 key, they do all the work for you and that gets them what?
the AP from the end boss
3 chests, chance at a legendary, AP, another shot at a key they didn't have to waste
Stop playing on private servers.
whats the lore behind skyhold
Gallywix has had art like this model for a million years
about time these lazy cunts made it a model
>mfw the resto drood 2p is giving 4k mastery in timewalking and rejuv ticks are full healing people
>naming your character after your thread role
kys yourself
You say that like Baine hasn't either.
Baine isn't allowed to be in lore because he's a filler leader
if you're reading this
linstead has a stinky butt
The same way Gallywix is?
The same way Mechatorque is?
>Equip HFC set on prot paladin
>Walk into pvp WQ area
Never in my life I have got so many mad as fuck whispers. I wish AS daze glyph still existed
it used to be part of ulduar but odyn was too cool
What are you doing to cause them such butthurt exactly?
What other fun profession should I get together with engineering
Gallywix is a fat piece of shit villain who is somehow the leader of an entire race. His model represents that he is infact a fat piece of shit with 6 chins, you can't place holder him being obese with a common goblin model like you can with Baine because Baine is just a tauren with a Indian head dress
>ever dying
Is there a "battle net chat channel"?
Yeah, because Blizzard is fucking lazy.
He's now the only Horde leader without a unique model, and at least Moira fucking showed up in the Priest class hall, whereas Baine just fucking disappeared.
No cd on ability that hits as hard as pyro, bounces, splashes and shields you for 5% of your max hp + shields you for 50% of damage done.
Ammount of people that accused me of hacking reached few dozen by now
>Gallywix becomes Warchief
There is no need for filters anymore now that Trump is president. The trannies will soon all throw themselves off a building.
Gallywix is actually a bad guy, I hope we get a goblin themed raid and kill him
goblins were a mistake
>Gallywix represents Donald Trump
Such powerful messages...
not all the shitposters and avatarfags are tranny abominations though
You're doing a better job recruiting for us than we ever could. Thanks.
>In addition, don't forget that This Game is SO Hard is NOT a wowg guild since they recruit from trade chat, from reddit, and only allow "important" people from wowg to join their guild. Avoid them at all costs. Their leader and officers are the worst shitposting avatarfags that have been kicked from both RIPIP, LW, AND NFA. They are also responsible for at least half of the shitposting in this general.
Why would you go onto the internet and just lie like that?!?!?!?
>not bowing to your new goblin overlords
this isn't even funny as a joke
You mean a real victor and an underdog?
tgish is definitely a wowg guild and that's why it should be avoided
if you're looking for a genuine guild experience, then look elsewhere, but if you're eager to put your hands in the circilejerk, well then goodluck
>Gallywix becomes Warchief
I'm ready.
I literally just spend 80k +200 blood of sargeras to get blacksmithing to 800 and now i m stuck at 799 with no bloods left.
Thanks blizzard
>leveling a meme profession
>Being this jealous that you aren't an officer in the TGiSH army and adored by THE Mikaal Blalisimo
I hate having to see that stupid dwarf bitch in my hall. Its bad enough without dropping tons of garbage NPCs there
Shut the fuck up Mykyle you god damn kike
How else would you see them?
>join tgish a few weeks ago
>all of the sudden my ilvl is 900, have my 4 piece, and cleared heroic week 1
Woaaaaaaaaaaaaah what a circle jeeeeeeerk............. Myke Bemissilow isn't as bad as people say he is.
goblins literally btfo
god damn it mikael this is no way to speak about people on the internet
oh shit