> Franco-Turkish alliance. 1536
>The French were the first European country to ally with a Muslim power against a fellow Christian country (Spain).
Were the French always a bunch Islamophile faggots?
> Franco-Turkish alliance. 1536
>The French were the first European country to ally with a Muslim power against a fellow Christian country (Spain).
Were the French always a bunch Islamophile faggots?
Not only that, they've been cosmopolitan faggots ever since French (or rather Frankish) was the first lingua franca.
Totally not linked to Charles the faggot who instead of attacking the turks, choose to attack fellow christians.
kys with your shitty meme
not even the first time desu
These contacts followed the intense conflict between the Carolingians and the Umayyads of Al Andalus, marked by the Battle of Tours in 732, and were aimed at establishing a counter-alliance with the 'faraway' Abbasid Empire based in the Near East. Slightly later, another Carolingian-Abbasid alliance was attempted in a conflict against the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire).
They merely sucked our dick because we BTFOed them and don't forget we never liked the muslims and it was a national sport to behead them before the leftist cuck our mind.
>frogs reading comprehension
the one in spain was the ummayads. while the abbasids is based on the middleeast
ummayads ≠ abbasids
But he even went into crusade against turkroaches. Nice try to find the excuses for French fagotry.
Wow he attacked turks once so he's fine
he had a lot of powers and wasted a lot of time attacking France, he's a retarded faggot.
nope just btfo east of the danube shit
you can thank varus failure
France did that because they were surrounded by enemies, just like Germany in WW1
Only the Eternal Anglo ever allied turks despite not being surrounded by enemies (1798-1801, Crimean War)
France was never attacked though. All those wars was France being the agressor, getting BTFO, and the allying the Turks in an attempt at having a better chance in the next french war of agression.
Same as the Swedes 2 centuries later.
t. memelord
You shouldn't have attacked us in group.
A Frenchman was responsible for what happened to Germany at Sweden's hands during the 30 Years War
The French Revolution was French
France is probably the most overrated European culture, state, or nation
t. Ger"man"
Whats the pic say? They're Algerians?
Memory of Agouraï - Our Tirailleurs (soldiers) angry about the mutilations inflicted to their dead, avenge themself.
Agouraï is a city in Morocco. So i guess they're moroccans.
French revolution was french really Nigger
Read the Italian wars of the XVI, faggot. It's France starting war after war of agression trying to invade Italy, humilliatingly lose everytime, get ultimately buttfucked in St.Quentin and beg for peace.
No more wars afterwards.
>hurr muh christendom how dare they be friendz with le kebab
Nice to see you wouldnt last two days as a ruler. Also nice bait thread faggot.
I bet you justify anglo perfidious move as realpolitik
Then you surely believe Poland started ww2 qnd serbia ww1, kys mate.
>muh faith
>muh christianity
realpolitik is important you tard.
Blame the Assburgers.
It's not only the French.
Not to mention the British saving Ottoman ass during the Crimean War.
Western Europeans have always been pro-Muslim, at the expense of Eastern Europeans. That's a huge reason why the West is so pro-refugee while Hungary and Poland reject them.
>fellow christians
Learn 2realpolitik
This is how Anglos and Frenchmen think, no idealism at all, only pragmatism.
The French allied with Turks against Christian nations when Turks were at the peak of their peligrosity.
The French allied with protestants against Catholic nations, while at the same time eliminating the huguenots in their country.
France eliminated all its non "french" languages, like Occitan, Breton, Dutch, Basque, Catalan, German, unlike Italy, or Germany, or Spain, in which people speak local languages like Napolitan, Bavarian or Catalan, with a State that protects the local languages.
They are one of the most unitarian, centralist and antifederal states in the world.
They never cared if the people in Straßburg spoke German, they only cared about natural borders, and whoever we conquer we impose our language on them.
Seems like the french understood the harsh bitterness of reality and dont run for useless ideals
>They never cared if the people in Straßburg spoke German
Fortunately they didn't.
>it's realpolitics when eternal German does it
German loose it aggro war, french win them(in general, and when they loose they diplo out like asshole they are, remember Tayllerand).
The best jew ever.
they were a protestant nation surrounded by Catholics, they were
Yeah because Eastern Europeans are barely human
>Religion in Politics
>implying it's not most pleb tier shit
Because muslims are trash.
This was during Suleiman's time. Ottomans were acknowledged as much as they were feared, they were not some cartoonish villians from warhammer fantasy of constant warfare. Ottoman court had various diplomats at all times and was in contact with their European counter parts. Suleiman was spoken highly in Europe, where he got his title magnificent.
Stop thinking in memes and video games some time.
The Ottoman empire was one of the only country who directly opposed against the polish partition. They even fought a war against Russia because of this.
Pure autism