Just wondering here b/c if Mongols could horse-arch, surely Europeans could to?
Has there ever been mounted English longbowmen?
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ah yes let me just fire a longbow from horseback
>on horseback
Sure why don't you go try that right now.
Europeans had shields.
I don't know about the English, but I heard about the French Compagnie d'ordonnance in the 14th-15th century where some apparently fired bows from horseback. The Normans may have fired from horseback as well, as I believe there was an illustration of this on the Bayeux Tapestry, but they were probably just mounted infantry chasing down retreating enemies.
So did all the steppeniggers.
Unless you have the upper body strength of multiple men, you can't use a longbow on horseback.
I've done it on Mount and Blade, and I'm fairly sure I could fire my own American flatbow, which is of the same length as an English longbow, on horseback IRL.
So be that as it may, my knowledge of this isn't really considered grade A.
And I'm sure you fags aren't sure about this either which is why I asked the question.
Also that image is probably just of an Archer that rode on horseback to battle, but dismounted to fight
>I've done it on Mount and Blade
>Sure why don't you go try that right now
And I did that, on Mount and Blade.
u mad, cuck?
Hungarians did for sure.
"A sagittis hungarorum libera nos, Domine!"
I think they shot enemies behind them, while riding a horse, pretty amazing in my opinion.
The mad man is technically right.
>not mongols
this must be bait
They were more like dragoons, dismounting and just using horses for mobility.
To the autists saying its impossible to shoot a longbow from horseback, they are wrong, it's possible it's just cumbersome and not practicable for combat.
greater open source like africa compared to SEA & greater environmental abundance gave rise to the armor game gave rise to longbows where as in the east you had pockets of individuals having to control varst swaths of territory and people, gave rise to mounts & based on the needs of more mobility & flexity the recurve bow tactics etc
byzantines used them
>cataphrat memes
pockets in england didn't have access to the same geographical rise that the turp steppe turk had
>English longbow
>Long Bow
>Cannot be used on horseback
Nice try fuckboi.
Doesn't say that here in the stats, you dirty manwhore.
Yes, occasionally whole armies of them.
They dismounted to fight.
>yes whole armies of them
>they dismounted to fight
Here is Mike Loades trying at 22:55
"The Hungarian bow is a fairly long, approximately symmetrical, composite reflex bow with bone stiffeners."
>Here is Mike Loades trying at 22:55
That's a lie, I didn't see him pull on it on horseback during the documentary.
Fucking anti-longbow mount shill!
There were huge amounts of "mounted archers" in medieval English armies, actually. At times most archers were "mounted archers". But I'm pretty sure that just meant archers who used horses to get around the battlefield lickity split.
Source: The English Way of War, 1360-1399 by Gary Paul Baker
Edward IV invaded France in 1475 with an army of archers and men-at-arms. All mounted according to Phillip de Commines.
Mounted archers were a thing from the start of the 100 years onward. They received double (6p) the wage of a foot archer (3p). Burgundians also used mounted archers shown in the picture, they got mid thigh riding boots.
Hungarians used composite longbows, which is bog standard in mounted archery.
>composite bows*
They're too big
The reason composite bows were invented was to make them small enough to fire from horseback
You can not use longbow from horseback in M&B
Yes I can, lol. You obviously haven't played Mount and Blade.
I assume you can read this
>Le Duc déclare qu’il a résolu de choisir, mettre sus et entretenir en son ordonnance 1250 hommes d’armes à 3 chevaux, et pour chaque homme d’armes, trois archers à cheval, un arbalétrier, un couleuvrinier et un piquenaire à pied, des meilleurs et des plus experts qu’il pourra trouver en ses pays et seigneuries.
>L’archer sera monté sur un cheval de 10 écus au moins, habillé d’une jaque à haut collet tenant lieu de gorgerin, avec bonnes manches ; il portera une cotte de mailles ou paletot de haubergerie dessous cette jaque qui sera de 12 toiles au moins dont 3 de toile cirée et 9 de toile commune. Il aura pour garantir sa tête une bonne salade sans visière ; il sera armé en outre d’un arc solide, d’une trousse pouvant contenir 2 douzaines et demie de flèches, d’une longue épée à deux mains, d’une dague tranchant des deux côtés et longue d’un pied et demi.
This doesn't show English mounted longbowmen, which I'm pretty sure would fire from horseback, not dismount.
You shill.
This is obviously biased information you're giving me as it just shows Burgundians.
Why is there an anti-mounted longbowman conspiracy?
Well some of them were in fact English.
Look out for the bald one with floppy ears
>we wus horsmans n sheit
It shows only Burgundian soldiers. Why are you spreading misinformation like a shill?
Wtf, stop shilling.
About half of them were English like I said before.
And no they weren't paid a shilling but rather the continental equivalent.
The Japanese used longbows on horseback, but made them asymmetrical with the bottom end shorter.
The English longbow would have to be modified in a similar way to make it practical on horseback. Composite bows didn't fare well in the wet climate of Northwest Europe either.
>about half of them were English like I said before
It doesn't say that in the pic. Can you please stop shilling this agenda. It's obvious that English mounted longbowmen shot from horseback.
Why are you pushing this agenda? Are you a Francophile?
Holy shit, this is legitimate proof that the English DID in fact use their longbows on horseback.
Thankyou based user for enlightening me on the truth and showing these shills what for.
I knew there was a conspiracy going on.
Well they won the war didn't they? No one is going to give shillings to sore losers.
I knew you were a Francophile, you pathetic shill, how dare you hide the truth away from me.
English longbowmen did fire from horseback and you're only making it seem like they didn't because.. you have an agenda and I don't know what it is!
>the dude is black
hang on a second
We were samurai?
This thread is literally filled with secrets the shills don't want us seeing.
Memelord shitheads ruined this board
I think you guys trolling or no are ignoring the bigger picture here. Not the bow or the horse but the decades of life teachings that go into a steppe nomad life.
You could train dudes to shoot from horseback, but that doesnt make them steppe nomads who do this their entire lives. Just like how France couldnt just "train thousands of their own longbowmen"! The Terrain of England is not conducive to train real steppe horsemen.
But most of England is filled with unforested grasslands which is pretty much just steppes. How could they not have employed horse archery within their units?
This is a really big conspiracy going on. I really hope Veeky Forums has the courage to 'fess up to it.
You could actually. It's called "Military training."
Steppe Nomads have the acute disadvantage of coming into the world with varying degrees of discipline. Which is why they dont fucking win all the time.
You've gotta understand the difference between reality and video games. Technicly it is possible, but you would litteraly need to have muscles the size of the fucking empire state building to do so.
>difference between reality and video games
Not historical video games. They're supposed to be simulations of the period they're representing, dingus.
And also the user who showed me this video gave me an incorrect timing and I didn't see him shoot an arrow dismounted with his longbow, but rather mounted and accurately at 24:50
And you're telling me that you would need the "muscles of the fucking empire state building" to do so.
I am not convinced.
This has therefore lead me to believe that Veeky Forums is a bunch of anti-horsearcher shills, shilling for an agenda. I don't know what it is but you bette tell me RIGHT now.