Fighting Games General /fgg/
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It's always the sniffkids spamming their shit threads early.
>100 posts early to post your /pol/tard fetish as the OP
>being a literal capcuck
this thread is better
Things retards say
>AAs give you advantage in SFV
>aa opponent
>he lands first and gets the advantage
Haters will be left behind.
You have TEN (10) seconds to explain why you aren't playing based Vampire Savior RIGHT NOW!
It's not on Steam or Windows Store
actually i'm about to
neo turf masters is the superior fightcade kusoge
>boasting about being wrong
jesus christ
Because the only character I'm interested in is irredeemable trash tier
Why are grapple characters in SFV the most unenjoyable matchups. How does command grabbing yield any satisfaction as a player whatsoever.
you can still destroy scrubs (me) with it if you're good, as is the case with almost all the characters.
>being canadian
That really referenced my JoJos
Don't make me commission some cammy rashid shit seaperson
I should not be Gold for not being able to punish this properly, on the other hand, what the fuck
Why aren't you emulating the psp Tekken 7 mod right now?
You do wanna get good for when it comes out, right?
Yeah, or I could play a game where my character is garbage tier
I don't like software piracy
what the fug
Who will save us?
>or I could play a game where my character is garbage tier
so vsav? ok.
come at me
I'll never be good at anything anyway
go into training mode right now.
no excuse not to know all the CC punishes.
this game is better than sfv.
so next week capcom cup news and tekken release date
>somehow win
>dash up and be negative
>take 60% of your life
not with that attitude mister
Not a fighting game
Being low tier in Vsav dosent mean he's trash, Anakaris has won various tournaments and he's bottom tier
>Tekken fans getting this desperate
what Harada is doing is absolutely not ok.
I can honestly wait the 2 months and have fun with xrd in the meanwhile.
To my defense ive only been playing Balrog casually for 4 days now
Ive done that c.HP into DP countless times in training mode but I get nervous in real matches
whats your main
Tekken x Street Fighter is confirmed for 2017
>not burning even more down and lowering the bar even lower
For me its eveything leading up to landing the grab that is
It's like he's a vampire but instead of blood he feeds off of suffering
>over 20 years playing fighting games
>claims to have spent tons of time on each game
>still button mashes like someone who just started playing fighting games
Victor is trash
Don't you pull the fucking "FAB is good with him" OS
>Namco has taken so long bringing Tekken to home consoles that some random Peruvian is beating them to it
It is an odd timeline
Play remix ok?
That is pc not consoles. You know, the real plattform for competitive games and community support.
dont play semantics with me faggot
Does FAB ever play top tier
I meant where people try to say that Potemkin isn't bad because FAB does well with him
Saying a bad character isn't bad because ONE PERSON does well with them doesn't mean the character isn't bad
Yo this guy fucking sucks, I'm zipping through the video and I can't take someone "veteran" opinion seriously when he plays like that.
play capcom
Dunno it was in my recommended tab and his play triggered me
How do you play fighting games at any level of play for 20+ years and still have 0 gameplan. I could not tell this guy had spent any time with any of the game except figuring out what specials each character has
they're not even tekken fans
they're pcuck goobers that can't afford a ps3 to play tag 2
he's not a sperg who dedicates his life to a retarded genre. i doubt he cares about improving or even wants to improve. he enjoys occasionally playing the games with his friends for fun.
rashid's wife has a huge forehead
No, you misunderstand, being low tier in Vsav doesn't mean unwinnable, stop blaming the character for your losses.
Tag2 doesnt have T7 mechanics.
You need to calm down, your Sonygger side is leaking.
>why do you wanna play x, just play z
amazing logic
>No Gill color for Urien
What were they thinking
I'm sure looking at imitation t7 mechanics in an emulator training mode is teaching you a lot about the game
play tekken instead
Reminder that the Japanese KI tournament Kombo Klash Japan will be on tonight at 12am EST and streamed by Ultra Arcade
Guess I have a reason to not kill myself then
anyone have the template for that
>I'm sure looking at imitation t7 mechanics in an emulator training mode is teaching you a lot about the game
Yeah, I've learnt all the new T7 BnB's and all the new moves that are out for my character, might even learn some Master Raven later.
Don't know why you're getting salty
Thanks senpai
shit meme back2/pol/ cucks etc
Darkstalkers X Street Fighter when?
>dont play tekken, play tekken
When I AA with Laura's MP I get to vskill dash from left to right and back before they even hit the ground if I wanted to do so. Yes, free mixup.
should i buy skullgirls on PS4
I cant think of a character that doesnt get advantage after an AA. Majority of the cast definitely does.
This general is filled with whiny frauds.
PC is the plattform with the cmmunity.
PS4 is the system used at tourneys because nignogs can't turn on a pc.
It helps that the player pool and skill level is lower due to the game sheer age.
The skill level is far higher than what you would see in SF, these people have been playing the game for 20 years
Why are you getting so upset?
If you play rashit you don't deserve my points
because you are poo'ing up the thread with racebait shit
>polturd so triggered by rashid he starts posting cuck shit
lol, simply lol.
and those people are few in numbers since the player pools had attrition ed over the years.
Also even if Anakaris placed high doesn't mean he can do it consistently.
If you have a high skilled player base but low number it's inevitable that one one of these tournament setting an Anakaris will eventually win someday.
Literally just thought the meme was funny, i'm not even that other guy
You're taking it way too seriously.
im really not that passionate about it, umad posters are boring
calm down polturd
Really like this character.
>No airthrow
nope nope nope
Guys pls.
VSAV has a much higher average skill level, but SF has a way bigger skillrange.
In SFV you are much more likely to run into a fucktard Ken, but at the same time you wont find Daigo and Infiltration tier players on Fightcade right now.
Ran into a Ken last night who unironically woke up DP from almost full screen
That is actually weird. Didnt even think of that.
Not that he needs it, but it would really fit.
It's just bait/hot new meme.
>cast Calvados
>in the one frame of start up, Ky casts RIDO THE LIGHTNING, goes through it takes no damage and hits me
nice game ggbabs
Lobby is still open btw, EU PC Rev Jackieboy
you're making some broad assumptions.
let's take the jp vsav as an example. i don't think the current players are at a lower level than sako/haitani/etc at their prime, when the playerbase was still bigger.
>one frame
>doing calvados that close to ky with 50%