those links are useless anyway edition
Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/
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Well just because of that
Sudden Death edition
>What's new?
Lunar Festival next week with some new goodies and a FREE COCK
>Which heroes should I buy?
Play all the heroes on free rotation or try mode and see who you like. Don't buy heroes just to get into ranked, you'll regret it.
>Where do I find you AFK Abathur faggots?
/join Veeky Forums
>Weekly Sale
>Current weekly brawl:
>Latest patch notes:
>Hero rankings, various statistics, talent calculator:
>For new players:
>Tips and other useful resources:
At least put the Veeky Forums channel
>those links are useless anyway edition
worst thread ever
Misfits > Fnatic > Dig > Experts > Tricked > Synergy(Russians) > Diamondskin > Genius(French)
Misfits and Fnatic, Experts and Tricked and bottom 3 are all very close.
Let's go on an adventure!
17k+ first day of HGC
looks alright
If by some miracle both cores are destroyed in the exact same clock cycle, what happens? Can there be a draw?
Is that the ultimate event for the esport scene where the best team is determined or some random tournament?
its a league so i find it really hard to say anything
a big thing thing with the league is how teams will do over time and adapt and prepare for matches and so forth
pretty sure there will be some unexpected team doing well when it matters in the final standings
you worthless retards
>Died because support refused to save them:
the game chooses one of the two at random
It used to be one team lost.
Think they changed it to draws.
Pic related was a loss.
its new and only started today but its supposed to be
all the regions have league play throughout the week and then after a few weeks there are clash tournaments where the NA teams go against the EU ones and same for the asian regions they have a clash
there is a whole open qualifier thing going where the top teams becomes like challengers and get to face the religation teams of the league to see who stays/gets in or goes
>not blurring punisher portrait
dude wtf
>that one guy posting about the hgc
>tfw he has a friend now because im here
There's three of us.
Shame we get NA shitter matches now, can't wait for Fnatic vs Misfits and Tricked vs Experts
found this picture on my harddrive
You just know Breez is a whore for his team.
Little slut gets off to being thrown around and slapped and having the shit fucked out of him like the little cocksleeve he is by his entire team.
Man, you're gay. Wanna meet up somewhere and let me fuck you in the ass ;)
im thinking the na ones can be fun in a wet and wild way
for fnatic seeing them do so well at blizzcon its always interesting to see how they will do now. many times a team will just start slacking and think they are great but i think such people wouldnt have been able to pull out that blizzcon performance so i actually have high hopes
dont know those other teams and all the namechanges is a bit weird
>team 8
their previous names were way better
misfits played well so them vs fnatic is looking like a top dog match
fuck off homo, I'm only gay for attractive people
My dick is attractive to faggots, so come hop over on it, no homo though
Misfits were the ones Fnatic practiced against before Blizzcon. Pretty sure before Blizzcon Misfits were the better team and right now they should be #1 of Europe again.
NA the only ones worth a damn are Naventic, Tempo Storm and perhaps GFE. The rest are just dumpster tier.
Shame we can't see those #3-#8 embarass themselves against the #3-#8 from other regions.
how hard is it to go from diamond 1 to master? is it the same as going from diamond 2 to diamond 1 or do you have to win more?
>and perhaps GFE.
They are shit since roflcopter quit the team
>censoring names
oh good now you won't get hacked by us Veeky Forums hackers. good save user you really screwed us
Large factor is luck. You could get lucky and climb easy or it could be hell.
Yeah, right now they aren't good but they might become good sometime.
Eh, I've only done it twice and Diamond II through (low) Masters felt pretty much the same. The biggest jump I found was after clearing Diamond III and all the bronzers who lucked out in placements.
Just keeping playing and winning, friendo.
It's fairly easy, the same as D2->D1
You missed a couple on the minimap. How do expect to protect anyone's identity with such sloppy work?
dude censor those stuns man, its a fking blue board
if it works like that its gonna sad i think it will show the power of the regions better if all are thrown together and you can easily see which region is worse
would just be funny
did he leave after heroes of the dorm? because that was more against amateur teams. they did break into the pro scene after which is really good desu but then things became a lot different and the dominant GFE from the dorm days we havent seen since i think
First time watching "esports" but I'm hoping I can learn some shit by watching. I feel pathetic watching this crap but oh well.
get out normie
>snacks plays hots
i remember this guy making comics like this for diablo with the crusader
it was fun
Whatever fag. I think football and "real" sports are even stupider because at least esport fans play the games they watch.
We'll still see top 2 NA get shit on by the top 2 of every other region.
Should keep their egos in check
>tfw this is my 10th year watching esports
tfw there used to be wc3 pro matches on tv when I was a teen
reminder that the vikings are dead because blizzard hates olaf and broke his health regen talent
was so sad at the chinese gold tourney where na got rekt in 8 mins and eu at least could make a game out of it
dont think we will see that repeat, we will see way better na teams when that happens
Thing is Dig isn't even good right now, rip Alex but they still didn't completely get destroyed at CGC
why is medivh so fun ?
What should I buy?
Do they sell queues that exclude bad players?
I see, as much as I hate esports, let's hope it gets some decent views so this game doesn't completely die.
Buy the Blizzcon horse, it's gonna be removed in three days
>releasing heroes nobody can play
Mixed feelings, desu.
>Teams plan is to tilt Zuna and Kenma
great plan there, NA, i'm sure that's gonna really well against the koreans
I haven't played this in a very long time and fuck DotA and LoL, have they improved the game immensely?
>tfw you play on low and never saw how cool that arcane thing can look
sounds like a rework is necessary
surely, nothing will go wrong
Uh, kind of.
Not really, though.
>have they improved the game immensely?
Not really, but it's slowly getting more and more polished over time. It's still better than dota and lol unless you have time to play 40 hours a week
depends on how long ago
its polished a lot but will still have the different play flavor they want it to be
Tier 13 is pretty situational but I agree with the rest.
Sarlac when?
make starcraft heroes of the storm great again!
BigE's style is too safe to be effective with tychus here
This, buff Abathur
I don't understand why Tempo is always considered underdogs when they've been consistently winning in NA for months.
I don't think people consider them underdogs anymore
They like that image because it means people get hype when they're winning and they can always pull the "lol we wuz andadogz n' shiieet" if they lose.
>wants to try medivh on a quick meme
>queue takes forever
>every time I'm matched against a medivh
Why they does that ? It's almost impossible to try medivh in quick meme on good comps..
>Why they does that ?
The meme vs meme rule blizzard added to the game, meme heroes like vikings, murky, abathur and medievh get matched vs team with the same meme heroes so both teams have a handicap in their teams.
wait for the loot tab
at this point he needs a rework.
But Abathur is extremely good in every aspect?
That's like saying you should rework Muradin.
Like, what the hell do you want?
>take it to Unranked Draft, hoping for a team comp
>hover Medivh, Azmodan, Abathur or something along those lines
>get told to go back to Quick Match
Friendly reminder to have a smurf account to practice this stuff on in Ranked. :3!
>30k Blizzcon mount out of nowhere
>10k (?)Rooster mount
>15k Valeera
Hm. Almost seems like we won't have to wait until Blizzcon.
they try to make sure that unique heroes like abathur and medivh are always mirrored in quick match so you don't get screwed by having a brand new player on your team and being at a big disadvantage. People complained about matchmaking until they implemented this
>picking Tracer INTO Varian
>no shields on your side
>picking Tracer into Varian
What the fuck?
>But Abathur is extremely good in every aspect?
Get your head out of your ass and your ass out of bronze first, then I'll allow you to reply to me.
>picking Tracer into Varian
you guess it right
its NA
>abathur is good
>he just has a very low wr at every mmr
>and is extremely niche
Okay, you got me.
Abathur can currently outdps Tassadar, he's in a good spot.
Let's take a look at Uther first, shall we?
>that naventic comp
>insight Kharazim
meme picks all around
Is NA user they know how bad they are and they are just trying to give us a good time with their meme comp/talents.
This desu. can't think of a hero that needs a rework more than Uther
When is insight not the best option unless youre going for dps monk?
It never is. It has the highest winrate in bronze, literally.
DPS if you wanna bigdick, heal if you wanna support, never go dumbass Insight.
>be top 3 team in NA
>try to fight level 10 vs level 8
But I get so much mana
>heal if you wanna support, never go dumbass Insight.
t. bronzie
>"competitive" heroes of the storm
I just
And you never run out of mana anyway you fucking slut, just don't go full idiot with your abilities.
>dreadnaught lets gilly give the breakdown on the replay
>cant barely keep his laughter in once shes done cuz it was so shit
>na hots
I just
Yeah, actually. Can't believe people are watching this.
>lemme just do nothing XD
>trust me, I'm GM I know what I'm doing XD
>relevant at all for professional level play
choose one
tempo storm is playing good as a unit arent they?
they better after they got rekt so much recently
training to not be an angry douche is hard but I'll do it!
their teamplay is so good that they drafted shit against Naventic and still won