/wfg/ - Warframe General

Nerfed edition
previous thread: >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed, if it wasn't full: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png
>Avoid the line, join the /wfg/ alliance today! PM killsaw of Warbros NFA for inquiries

>Notable links
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg/aUTTyWH
Damage 2.n: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg
Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
Top guns, read note at the bottom: i.imgur.com/wGxxMVo.jpg
Tierqueer Filters: gist.github.com/JustEndMyLife/8d7d68d5ebdffe5995a53c42edf43663
CURRENT UPDATE: The Glast Gambit
> forums.warframe.com/topic/738152-the-glast-gambit-update-195/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/723544-the-war-within-1907-valkyr-prime/
Older stream footage: pastebin.com/LkZRPteU
liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams
For specific liestream highlights, use warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_## (replace ##)

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:


Anyone got the efficient Ghost Clan Dojo layout image handy?


Xst for Rebecca and her apparent Female Foot Fetish

What happened to my only source of income?

wfg discord
6 hour window

Should I buy the shadow stalker pack or keep trying to farm for the parts to build broken war then war?

>WTS Offers only
>Offer something
>They are mad because you aren't letting them jew you

What did they expect to happen?


It was a tool that let players get credits only if they grinded the shit out of missions. So of course it got nerfed guess i can't afford void trader shit now.

for khodar

needs nidus/10

Somebody said you can make wings with OHMA. Post your OHMA wings.

keep this

Besides Smeeta, are there other ways to buff your kuva drops?


/tts can anyone hear me? is atlas any good??


They're gonna make the credit jackpot scale with MR so noobs arent allowed to have MUH VOID amounts of credits

Why do they focus on shutting down the already poor players?

Because low MR dummies normally do credit alerts anyways, and aren't expected to need the three million credits necessary to max out your Pressure Point

good feet

Oberon best frame, carrying 3rd sortie like a god

What the fuck do I do if the cyst removal hellcreature room won't open anymore?

Shit's locked and I want these dumbfuck cysts off my neck

They need to be fully grown for him to open up.

If only.

user, please wake up
you're having a good dream and you need to wake up and face reality

Bullshit, I yanked like 4 out of my neck when they were barely grown

You need to carry your computer to the nearest window and throw it out.

I had to wait for them to be fully grown to remove mine.

Raddmg: if radproc bonus dmg can be applied from all all dmg times.
toxic deals 4x more dmg
gas/viral deals 1.5x more dmg but can only proc for as long as the target is affected by radiation
ips dmg is 2.5x dmg bonus

doing fatfuck's job

I just met a guy with MR23 who never saw Nyx before.

Are sorties the only thing those people play besides Akkad?

probably some kid playing for a big brother

pew lad

I honestly think I could get it to 3k if I just keep going.

Maybe you were just being meme'ed.

You were le rused

>Do Sortie
>Do some Akkad before my booster runs out
>Watch some interracial porn (white guys on fit black girl, sheboon's name Ana Foxxx if you're curious)
>More Akkad grinding

How are you planning to spend tonight playing Warframe?

The dream is real!

His passive is annoying too making cats unkillable for a while dragging the mission.
Best part is that he cant even heal the operative. Oberon is in a good place.

lamenting the fact that specter ai is fucking garbage compared to the hostage/sortie defense ai and that duality will never be good
still going to keep trying, one day that fucking specter will actually shoot something

I really dislike Oberon, but Oberon Specters are based af

>fucking specter will actually shoot something
Max dur and CE with HP

wow [DE]Danielle more sexual than community streamers. She can ban me any time.

>literally the only titania in /wfg/

I have titania too. She is great for cheesing Sniper only mission.

Too late, I'm jesus now


You are one of those forum dwellers, arent you?

Some weapons just don't work with duality, and reload speed mods fuck with it too I think.

Soma Prime? no accuracy whatsoever. Grakata is apparently a sniper though. Opticor? miss at point blank.

How much plat do you think I could get from these two guys?

Reminder: In that video the lights are off.

ikr, /wfg/ told me she was a disgusting sjw hambeast. She's a complete qt pa 2T. Should have known /wfg/ had bad taste in women. This is what happens when the majority of porn for your game is futa ember and bursas.

>when you have EQ in 3rd sortie and she doesnt blow up shit

Why do people bring frames they dont know how to play?

>going after a 40 year old women with 2 kids and a husband

top k u k

>that volt

>This woman is responsible for the Nazi moderation on forums.

Fuck her

>>going after women

>tfw have no clue how to efficiently mod
>tfw ain't even got a full intensify mod yet

dont judge too hard, i went in blind about 8 days ago for the first time in 4 years and i barely played then either

>unironically think that's hot

user, I know we should all lower our standards at times to find happiness but you still gotta have some standard

>>>going after

Are you planning on sucking their dicks? I wouldn't recommend going for Hydroid desu. Pirates go from dock to dock who knows where he's been. Besides he's got an STD look at that thing on his neck.

>Get two unrolled rivens
>roll them a bunch
>they are shit still
>can't get rid of them
I hate rivens so damn much.

You only need one defense (unless it's QA + Flow).

Pick either Vita or Redirect.
Take out Vigor.

Do some Vault runs.

>Do some Vault runs.

I don't even know what that is. The wiki is horribly outdated on the topic.

>join endless fissure
>me, a MR6, a dude playing limbo and a founder playing excal prime
>first relic I drop a orthos prime blade and the second I drop a fragor prime bp
>after second relic the MR6 and limbo player both choose "no relic equipped"
>MR6 says "leave"
>me and the founder ask "why join an endless fissure to leave so soon"
>founder tells the dude to hit ESC and leave if he wants to leave
>he says "i lose loot"
>we both type "then stay" at the same time
>the noob and the limbo player then extract
>my and I assume the founder's face when

Pick either Redirection or Vitality. Don't need both. Vigor is pointless if you have one of those.

Get streamline done and get after those corrupted mods, user. Make some dragon keys and go into recruiting.


Just do whatever, it doesnt look like youll be needing to minmax for a while anyway

>this desperate to share his smug stories with some anons


Rolling them is a trap

You join because you can't always pick something else. Relics were a mistake.

is panthera worth ranking up at the very least?

Yes. 3k mastery is 3k mastery.

I have dirt on my screen and it looked like you said :3k mastery




Right I just got two pieces of Nidus in the span of three games, how many months is it going to be before I get the third?

this dialogue is new

It's time lads. In celebration of HOPES AND DREAMS COME TRUE, I'm giving away 8 items from the store. Potatos, syandanas, deluxe skins, bundles, etc. anything just don't pick dumb shit like frames or weapons. PC only. To apply, leave your:

1) IGN
2) what you want
3) ONE change to a frame to make it better. Only ONE.

After ~30mins I'll pick my favorites

Give me a blue potato plz
tummy kissu

>>doing a fissure mission
>shitty de work causes us to get stuck in relics screen
>1 minute later stalker spawns and kills someone

nice falseflagging.

1. OmniXVII
2. Ash Koga
3. Nyx mind controlled targets do damage based on your weapon mod setup.

Managed to sell em for a refund. Oh man that was close to being a disaster.

2.Eos Armor set
3.Oberon's 2 should be radial

anyone getting Network Problems?

>oberon blueprint

A Bursa noggle
Much bigger Ember's accelerant radius

But how will you get GOD RIVENS otherwise.

I was gonna ask for Banshee delux but maybe you can help some poorerfags instead I guess.

1. kayraiden1
2. Trinity Strega Skin
3. Remove the damage cap from Volt's 4

okay okay

1) Veitash
2) Apoxys Syandana
3) Volt: Shield needs to spend less energy when you run.

What I want:Quaro set
One change to a warframe to make it better: Have Inaros's abilities do percentage damage based on the enemy's max health instead of flat damage

1. Shahanash
2. Ember Graxx skin or Anubis Helmet
3. Let Nyx recast mind control second time on same enemy to make them commit suicide.

>All these people giving TQ attention

You have loyalty issues, Tenno.

He gave out gifts last time, so he's legit being kind.

>just got a veiled rifle riven in a bulk trade
What do I do? I know these aren't worth as much as they used to be.

Hi can you buy me Mesa please? I would like to change her ass to make it bigger.
ign: bpnpc

still worth 40-60pl

wtf i love TQ now?

are you gemfx guy? the shaders on volt's helm look freakin great.

Yeah, just managed to sell it for 60p. I remember the good old days of selling em for 90-100p