League of Legends General - /lolg/

Gems edition





xth for waifu fox

princess carry your bf!

Finally mastery 5 on WAAAAAAAAAAAAR

Now to get those two S's on Sion. Then I can focus on Braum and then...I got room for one more:

Kindred Midlane
Quinn Midlane
Aurelion Sol

I'll deliver the jinx/jhin fic tomorrow probably

in the mean time, stay salty


I love Lissandra!
she's a soft and pure qt who lactates ice cream!

How many champions should i learn to play for ranked? was thinking nine should be enough

This is disgusting

I wanna cuddle Jinx
One feel game for the day but this time I shall record every error I make. Now I begin self improvement.

Based Writinganon take care.

2-3. You should have at least one Support you're not ass at because of autofill.

like three's fine if they're niche enough


3 for your primary role
3 for your secondary
1 for everything else

Who is the nicest and meanest Veeky Forums player? I want to avoid getting bullied.

as many as you can

the more you play the more you know how to play against

actually nine isn't enough
it should be more like 15-20
gotta have a champ for every situation

meanest:everyone else

sid is the meanest and needs to neck himself

People who play in vg vs vg? most people aren't serious when they're mean, but a couple people are unironically autistic so they might as well be serious when they sperg out.

They might as well scrap his ult if that's their logic because in his current state pro teams will never play him and neither will solo queue players so they wasted their time reworking him for nothing.

so perfect owo

>Trick's stream

meanest is me
nicest is you

Excuse me
Lissandra is the cutest and the plushiest girl in league

Watch your mouth

to elaborate:

>2 top
>3 junglers
>2 mid
>1 supp
>1 adc

i main top/jg/mid and can ocassionally fill other roles if needed i get bored if i play the same role thrice in a row

What is the easiest champ to learn and get an S with as soon as possible?

i miss playing shen

when the fuck is Yasuo getting deleted


>Defeating Rift Herald now creates a portal that teleports you to Dragon pit after a brief channel
>Plants removed
>destructible environments added that allow similar traversable paths (IE: Breakable Dragon and Baron pit walls and walls from Wolves tp blue buff)

T-That's right... So don't bully me, I'm harmless...

>Mundo can't proc Colossus

It fucking hurts...

xth for breast metal waifu

>deleting champions

>b-but muh sion

Shen support

cant he proc it with boom bush?

chin up

>Play Lee Sin
>We have 51 kills on our team
>I have 10 kills and 24 assists meaning i participated in more than half of the kills on our team
>5 deaths because I built full tank and was still able to shit out damage and destroy teemo all game despite his lead
>Enemy jungler had 0 kills, 8 deaths, and 6 assists
>Win despite my Jax pulling a bitch fit over losing to teemo
>This is just a normal game for Lee Sin
Lee Sin is a carrying machine with the right items

but I heard Aatrox is gutted
what about Mundo?

being harmless isn't a reason to not bully you lmao
I look forward to you joining vgs and figuring out who you are so I can bully you


Is it normal for it to feel good to play as a girl? It just feels right you know

>trying to decide which Garen skin is better between Rogue Admiral and Warring Kingdoms

>tank meta
>shen is dogshit
rev up these reworks!!!

I got rank 7 on Xin easily. Nobody fucking plays him Top, so you're almost guaranteed an S.

>Those are LITERALLY my only two Garen skins

What the fugg??? Put one vote down for WK.

thats the thing, nobody plays fucking aatrox thats why its so easy to get S with him on top or jungle

Good question

Black leather and cleavage

I consider myself pretty nice but I kind of act like a bit of an autist in game by accident. Most people that talk to me know I'm pretty nice though.

you should look into crossdressing and becoming a passable trap, friend c:

I'm actually shaking, please don't.

>nobody plays aatrox or xin thats why its so easy to get S with him
why exactly?


its limited time boi grab it while you can

that's kinda gey

After Riot killed Devour (RIP in pieces) everybody kinda forgot that Xin exists. I'm not gonna pretend that he's sleeper-OP, but he has an assload of damage in his kit so you can easily cheese kills against people who don't know that.

Aatrox is just bad.

Come on, I need NAMES

e.g. Master Style

Smurfing on silver account and having fun! Come watch and let's enjoy each others' company!

twitch dot tv/lenkodes

just look at weldongs vg tier list

nicest: one of the shitters probably
meanest: ____styles___

That list is absolute garbage and you should know this

would pentakill sona ride you after a concert to release her pent up energy?

but no one's autistic enough to make a better one

Wouldn't you rather MATING PRESS her?

Lolg's opinion on the popstar chromas?

Which one is your favorite?

white one

>bullying silver
reported to the police, CIA NRA FBI KGB WWE and the queen herself

Dear god muh dick, but
>pent up energy
>AFTER a concert
Most people don't have a whole lot of energy after thirty to sixty minutes of headbanging and general rocking out


i am honestly too scared that she will leglock me and wont let me go until everything is inside her

they're alright. the one on the far right has gotta be my pick.



no one should have been autistic enough to make the first one yet here we are.

I think white and orange look pretty cool


Hey /lolg/, is quinn still considered cancer

>playing Jhin bot lane
>enemy picks draven
>see he is Prime time draven
>think hes gonna feed
>he walks all over us with his leona while juggling 3 axes
>all the sudden he runs it down mid and top a few times dying 4 times.
>we win because of this.
I think I got Tyler1'd

That's LITERALLY the point. Seriously tho leglock is GOAT, right up there with heart-shaped pupils and mating-press.

No. She's almost Aatrox-tier bad now.

meant to say pent up stress, its gotta be shitty dealing with concert preparations,practice and being the only girl on a band made of brutes

>not wanting that

Really wish they gave it to Aacademy or Challenger..

>all the pleb taste saying to go for white orange
>not going for tights w/ shorts purple tails

Ah, yeah, that makes more sense

I like white because it reminds me of the popstar Ahri fanart the inspired Riot to make the skin in the first place

>not midnight
poor taste desu

>a chroma of all those different colored kneesocks
the fiora one and the riven one having all those legwear patterns is already too much, this would have been way too much

i am not sure user being milked dry by a dominatrix/stronger girl all night until her womb is filled with seed makes me diamonds

it is safe?

midnight is actually my favorite skin, and i own them all. but i think it's perfect already.

i guess so.

>tsm lost to this

But her winrate is still really high. Wouldn't that make her more of a karthus than an aatrox?

>White is pleb taste
>When it's the actual color of the outfits the skin is based on
really makes you sing

All champions are considered cancer by /lolg/

hello yes I am here.

mehh, Sion is kind of balanced

Well then is she uber cancer like the windy samurai or more a favorable cancer like *clang*?


I havent seen a single complain about these


>11-6 as zyra
>0 wins on anything but zyra
what does riot mean by this?

>fucking nunu

Ho boy

You havent been here long