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>no pug group can get past auger, tich, or bot
>i'm stuck here waiting for my guild on sunday to complete NH


Hi there!

>want to get into healing for raiding
>like healing
>go play on my dps alt
>really enjoy it as well

>I'm my guild's top DPS on every fight except Krosus
>can only play on one night they actually raid

>bosses in wide areas with mobs around
>its fucking SWP 2.0 again

welp there goes my GPU

Is Legion still shit?

Do you wanna be my friend

Good/shit mog? Mainly going for an RP look for my PvP vids.

Belf or Tauren paladin

I like it, even if the tabard doesn't really match? Is there a green color variant of that scythe? Use the 25 Heroic tier, perhaps?



>do shitty DPS
>have shitty legendaries
>class keeps getting nerfed
>my oneitis doesn't like me back
Should I sudoku

female panda rogue

Don't like the character's hairstyle at all but the mog is solid as fuck. 8/10.

get the Ebon Blade tabard for that

pretty good

both look pretty good, I'd go for the tauren

Do any of you guys gank people that fish?



timewalking giving 890 ilvl items?

>Lazy re rendered art

glad i quit

Belf imo
Tauren look goofy as Paladins

I gank people who exist as gnomes near me

no one cares fuck off back to your cuck thread nostshit

>tabard doesn't match
Do you even mog, bro? The tabard sticks out but without being obnoxious, it's a dark green on a set that is dark purple, it stands out but doesn't overpower the purple and it doesn't clash, it actually melds well and matches the dark almost green metal parts of the armor. Also his hair is the same shade of green, so it ties into the overall aesthetic and look.

Probably is from the NH cache you get from the weekly

Post the shaman one please?

>quit the game so i must be a nostfag

No just here to laugh at shills like you fuckboi

anyone else think that helm has and still does, look really stupid?

shame since on the original t6 wearing it occasionally gave you cool demon wing effect

plz post priest friend


I want to level a priest, gib me motivation

>art team so creatively challenged that they replicate armor from when the game was good
nice game blizzcucks :^)

look at that mount thats all the motivation i needed to make one

not out yet my bros

wowhead just came out with the lock one, be patient

I want to breed a blood elf.

Brown human girls are cute.

wow good friend elysium bro, that'll really show those retail cucks haha!

Learn to scroll up for a second you literal retard. Go back to botting to 60.

I miss her ...

Where do I get those body mod lads

I don't see the post with a side by side comparison of T6 and T20 my cucked Blizzard friend!

its on the bottom of the picture, how mentally challenged are you

Have fun on your chink-infested server while you suck off your Russian overlords, cuckold.

Can you point out where original T6 is in either of these previous posts about T20?

I'll wait.

Nost won bros. They fucking won.

They won indeed...

What are BiS legs for prot pala?

its on the bottom you mouth breather

>some people saying/simming that the 9% buff to lightning bolt and 2 piece elem shaman bonus puts Lightning Rod equal if not ahead to icefury

Damn shame, Lightning rod's such a boring talent.

you realize that vanilla was made by blizzard too right?

Stop playing retail.

Is WoW dying? I want to play this game for another decade or atleast 5 years

>Got the ground Phoenix mount from Firelands
>Kinda tempted to make a fire mage now
What race should it be?

for fuck's sake, who doesn't?

I know, right? that owl sphynx looks pretty cool

>frost DK set bonuses are just super boring buffs to Rime
>Blizzard will never change Frost Fever to deal a percentage of Howling Blast's damage so Rime is actually a meaningful mechanic

female dwarf, if you play horde then female undead

male BE is the only option

Not by the same people you dumb cuck shill.

Priest as requested

>all these new sets

Rime is weird. It does a lot of damage especially in cleave but it never feels good to use for whatever reason.

looks trully marvelous

Got the monk one?

Shaman, will look better on an Orc male obviously

God those shoulders are already big.
On the orc its gonna be 90% shoulder

>""""""""""""""""""""""""""""inspired"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" by tier 6

literal lazy as fuck remakes. At least I play a DK so I'll get something new. Looks pretty cool too.

Warrior won this tier

Warrior fucking won

Jesus that guy is here to kill your girlfriend and make you his new bitch.

because it's a pointless mechanic that only exists to compensate for Blizzard's retarded refusal to make Obliterate not a terrible ability

too bad their lore and gameplay sucks

Looks like shit lmao

>tfw can't tell which one is elite and which is mythic

He looks like Lautrec got ripped.


>haven't healed since early cata
>want to roll healer from scratch
>cant pick between holy priest, druid and monk

Do you have experience with any of these either as a healer or healee?
Any I should avoid?

Does anyone wanna be my bf and help me get over the unrequited love I've had for this dude for like 4 years


They should have just made Druids a new set tier 6 for Druids was fucking awful.

fockin gaye

I'm girl

If I get legion, do I also have to get a new subscription month or do I get playtime too? Don't have enough gold ingame for a token

>managed to make warrior t6 look like shit

No you're not.

dont think so


old druids is current shamans really makes me think

i meant you dont get gametime when you buy legion

>reposting this from earlier
But why

>it's a tier that's all remodels of a old tier
Well that's just incredibly lazy, lame, and pandering to nostalgia fags. I want new tiers, not fucking rehashes, trash.

I think your nostalgia might have completely crippled your brain if you actually think the new version is in anyway worse

How can such massive shit taste even exist? The nostalgia must have really fried your brain.

The T20 version is superior in literally every way. Keeps true to the original, but has way more realistic detail.

Silixi are you here? Silixi please respond.

A lot of people apparently.

That's MY post you originally replied to you STUPID FUCK

Holy shit Blizzcucks are autistic, how does Maw of Souls' dick taste?


This game is dead. You know it. I know it. So, why are you still wasting time and money on it?

>tfw can't decide between resubbing legion or getting a new qt buttplug

Please die


Rogue u dumbo

It's kind of odd how the gloves look so big on all sets. Starts to look more like a mecha than armor

You can't really prove it's dead at all buddy
>but look no one in x locations! no one doing this or that!