Still no shitposting edition
PLSGO (Unicums)
AWOO (weebs)
NOPAN ("anime girls")
>where do I look up tanks
>how do i find ppl to platoon with
dont be yellow and ask in the Veeky Forums channel
Still no shitposting edition
PLSGO (Unicums)
AWOO (weebs)
NOPAN ("anime girls")
>where do I look up tanks
>how do i find ppl to platoon with
dont be yellow and ask in the Veeky Forums channel
Other urls found in this thread:
Literally every youtuber/streamer is a redditor. Circshit is no exception, you fuck off, Foch at least has actual skill.
gas skycancer
4th for ded general
5th swedish meds'n'eavies are fine and dandy
6th for arty did nothing wrong.
Burgers are all sleeping, Yuros haven't finished their tea and crumpets yet. give it time
I'm at the t5 swed-med - it's pretty great.
The Lago was fun, as well as those two little ones before it.
Am I going to have the same fun with the TDs?
>sandbox changes
rip game
I understand that most of the bongs are praying in a mosque at this time of day but for those few unfaithful ones I just want to remind you that you will never get شيخ القبيلة Mk.6
i tired the td's first. I gave up at t4 or 5. Only T5 swed med. As you said it pretty great..
can't believe I had this in my garage for so long and didn't play it until now
T-34 any good? I never see people stat padding in it.
it's one of the best tier 5s
I want the AMX 30. I just unlocked the 13 75. Should I grind XP, not unlock the 13 90 and wait for WG to uptier the 13 75 so I can skip the 13 90 grind and directly unlock the AMX 30 ? I would save 100k xp this way.
How do you play the soviet t-34? I can't do anything in it ;_;
57mm, dpm everyone.
First for snek a shit
Second for snek a shit
>1.3k base exp is 1st class
>tfw got carried
Third for snek a shit
Fourth for snek a shit
Stop shitposting
use angled armor against lower tiers
use 57mm to kill anything
be smart against bigger tiers
Grind to the 1390. The 1375 is probably going to be tier 7, while the 1390 is probably going to be tier 9. If you have a 1390 in your garage when the changes go through, you will effectively skip a tier 8 grind. Buying a tier 8 tank that gets upgraded to a tier 9 tank after the changes will probably not lose you very many credits either, because even if you sell the tier 9 1390 it will give you nearly as many credits as it cost to buy the tier 8 version.
Also, the 1375 is awesome nowadays. That tank reloads in under 15 seconds, and its speed has been buffed multiple times in the past years. Everyone has bad memories of playing the unbuffed 1375, but now it's honestly not that bad to play. Penetration is a little bad without gold rounds, but you can work around that if you're good.
Put GLD, Rammer, and Optics/Binos on your tank. I know you faggots love to put Vents on every tank you can for some fucking reason, but trust me you need a GLD on this tank. It shoots like a fucking machinegun, and the GLD ensures that your gun fully aims in between shots. Then you just use your laser pointer to put holes in anything you see, preferably without getting shot back. The T-34 rapes things at long range, medium range, and especially at close range. It's fast enough to circle enemies like a light while you autoaim and DPM them down, and you can also permatrack people incredibly well with a two second reload.
Oh, and pressing the 2 key on your keyboard to load extra skill into your shells works extremely well on the T-34 because Russian medium tanks are very skill-intensive, da.
Updated bros.
What would prevent them to put in a 13 105 variant as t9?
It looks like the 105 is going to be tier 10, and WG is trying to make the 1390 a 4-shot autoloader at tier 9, apparently. We don't have any information on the tier 8 yet though.
Fifth for snek a shit
Are any other nation's t9/t10 LT candidates known?
Will RU get an early BMP variant?
UK will get a Scorpion prot never
MT-LB russian T10 light ))
Russians get a T-100 that looks like shit. Not as in it looks like a bad tank, but just visually it looks like shit.
I kinda like it though.
That looks like a short 122 doesn't it?
I think those little shits will ruin the game for a while until the nerf-hammer strikes.
...this in turn... looks like absolute horseshit.
That flat roof
So -10+25 gun depression right?
reminder that the reason they won't is that WG can't find a british tank good enough to be T10
You're welcome
>that hull
Is that meant to be a Sheridan?
It looks nothing like one what the fuck
>T28 HTC gets wall of steel instead of me
100 mm low-velocity cannon (HEAT), 15°/5° pitch limits
pre-production model
Yes, because he survived.
This is so fucking balanced holyshit
Activate exp modifier
Magically all my teams turn red
Will it stop 330 penetration HEAT?
UFP is 50/50, cheeks 100% in tiny spots, 0% at the edges
this, löwe, IS-6 or spergshing?
it's possible
how bad are you?
uninstall fgt
this thing shits all over IS-6 and is cheaper than IS-6, go figure, slowe and spergsshit are meme tanks
ah yes
175 pen doesnt sound comfy
Leo is actually a pretty great tank one you fully upgrade it. 100mm still needs an upgrade.
pre-production model that can't shoot ATGM's because ATGM's would destroy russain tanks
>shooting regular ammo
lmao poor people
Ask go to warblunder thread and ask how much they like ATGMs
gold ammo makes me feel dirty desu
Well poles are naturally dirty anyway with their 12 hour coal mine shifts and all
ATGM's were fine in armored welfare. warblunder is just shit anyway.
They completely negated gun depression/elevation also swingfire was cancer as hell
Just drive next to the swingfire and he cant do shit lmao
And ERA + cages negated ATGMs.
Tanks like the Panzer 4 with the schurzen would be virtually impenetrable to ATGMs
except that he camps in the other side of the map in a fucking bush, but yeah up close they get fucked
you can literally see the ATGM's coming at you from miles away, and when they're close enough you get a huge fucking indicator that there's an ATGM coming at you. if you still get hit with it's your own fault
redpillerize me on chink heavies
are they just slavshits with less gun depression?
That's not an issue and you need to get good.
You L I T E R A L L Y have a beeping, flashing sign telling you that there's an ATGM charging towards you, or that artillery is aiming on you.
all arty needs to do is guess if the target evades the shot forward or backwards to get a 50% hit ratio
then there's shitters that dont evade at all which you realise after the first shot and proceed to hit every time
IS-2 = IS
110 < IS-3 ^ 110 > KV-4
WZ-11111111114 >= T-10, ST-I
113 > IS-7, IS-4
Well it's a good thing that a direct artillery hit does 150\200 points of damage then.
The Paladin is the only high tier arty that does 400 damage a hit, and Tier 10 tanks have around 4k HP anyway.
What did he mean by this?
So I just finished GuP and holy shit was it a cringe fest.
>annoying 12 year old nip voices
>shitty stragegies
>shitty back stories
>shitty character development
>plot holes out the ass
>the girls look up to the captain, but the dumb bitch doesn't command any respect or authority
>general stupidity
>battle with katuysha
>dumb captain bitch knows that russian bitch likes to feint retreat
>gives chase to the retreating T-34
>suprised when there are other tanks waiting for them
>get chased into building conveniently large enough for their fat ass tanks
>initiate deus ex machima
>given 3 hours to fix their tanks
>rng makes russian accuracy shit tier
>magically win
another thing
>no one except for the oarai bitches can hit anything
>when the other schools give chase, they're always aiming at the dirt
They've been at it for one season and these other schools have been at it for many more. why cant the other schools hit the broad side of a barn?
The last thing I can remember that irked me was the maus battle. Why didn't it use the coaxial 75mm. Even though it's technically a range finding gun, it could still wreck the shitty little tanks that they're using
Overall I'd rate this shitfest a 3/10, the only good part being the tank action (for the most part) and mommy
Join the club.
It's literally a small but vocal minority of the GuP weeber fans in this general.
>dumb bitches from enemy schools dont make their flag tank a heavy tank
>shitty mediums get rekt by shitty early war and interwar tanks
And the final battle, why was the flag tank made to be the dumb captain bitch's panzer IV for literally the first time and only time in the series? It was only for that retarded dorifto scene at the end and making her own tankwondo style top cringe
Minor thing now, why did the American team in the beginning of the series have a fucking Firefly? Weren't the Fireflys used exclusively by Commonwealth forces?
>whites an essay
I cant even be mad. You are a sad little person.
That's actually the rewrite. I accidently pressed backspace when not using the text box and the first post was deleted so I had to rewrite it from memory :/. But hey, it's the weekend and I've nothing better to do.
Now you've triggered me. It's writes, not whites.
stop me
>implying I didn't know that
>chink tank
.>Im even more sad than you think I am
The fuck is this?
The T49 looks more like one desu
pls no bully :(
Not even a problem in the IS-6 desu
worthless stat
fuck off. GuP is 10/10
>there are people that unironically believe this
>had like 7 or 8 1.3k exp battles
>it takes 1.4k exp to ace it
fucking finally
Whats the comfiest TD line in game?