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first for nighusbando
Am I the only one who like the old map ProcGen like in OP's pic?
Bump lads
can we try out a "Barren" map type next wipe?
barren looks like quake3 with lowest graf no?
Hapis Island is very nice
hapis island and barren are both shit
Hapis is comfy as fuck
I'm triggered because I got this game in the bundle and my steamID is tied to a black woman. What do I do?
Roleplay as a black woman
Blimp! I've built a big ass fort on the server now, I'm fairly certain it's awesome!
How's Camp Autism looking?
whats wrong with x4 on the ak?
>vanilla with playkit
Playkit? That's only the server's name, there's no mods except for the death notes
SHINE this a joke? What the fuck are you doing, Happiness?
Gameplay is vanilla, and deathnotes don't show who's killed who, only who's died
At least now we'll have someone to kill and raid :^) And you're the one who went to reddit on the frist place
I was googling "playkit rust" because i didn't know what it was
At least if you browse reddit upvote the damn thread
The absolute fucking madman.
Yay more people
Yeah sure okay
look at the first result
Visited a roleplay village today, got shot. Good day. Few more resources and I'm going to blow this autistic neighbour of mine out of the world!
Alright Happiness, you've got some explaining to do
What the fuck is this
>People have to explain what they do with their own severs
You'd fit right in at the village
>playing modded
Not even once
I meant this
>Implying garry knows what the fuck he is doing with the game
Are you guys all role players or does anyone here play this game seriously?
I'm on rustopia eu please post base location and how many springs/pipes you have so I know if it's worth leveling you. Thanks
We play seriously on the playkit server
>implying hitting 2 rocks then building a fortress and being fully geared is fun
What's the point in raiding/pvp if everything is handed to you or easily acquired? Plus, stuff like kits and tps completely ruin the game
Are you fucking retarded? It's 1x rates, 1x craft time, 1x everything. The only "mod" we have is the kill messages. There are no TPs either.
What's the average population? Is it actually full vanilla? I've been looking for a low key server to play when my clan isn't on
>People rip into the server owner for advertising his server since he wants a higher population (it's got 70 slots)
>People begin screech autistically
I pray the server gets shut down because you're all being children about this
Are you retarded? I'm talking to because that kill feed is clearly from a modded server.
good bait, there is no way someone can be as retarded as you are pretending to be right now
Right now it's about 10 people, but steadily growing, yesterday we were only 5
Can you tell me how I'm wrong? Oh wait I'm not.
Map size?
3K, it's going to change to 4k next wipe
Knee Grow, fuck off, we took the drop fair and square, you didn't have to come take our shit from the quarries. Now you're dead and we have your stuff, if you want it back you'll have to earn it
Cool I'll check it out at some point. I hope it's not too meme heavy
How memetic does Camp Autism sound to you?
Sounds like the kind of place that would have key locks
Nah, just 4 quarries :)
who /defensive/ here??
>Tfw got no guns from drop
forgot picture like a dumbo
Why did you come to camp autism and attack us?
I have been playing CS:GO for the past 2h?
i do not know where camp autism is and i have never been there. the only fight i have done so far was at an airdrop.
Oh, then maybe it wasn't you
It's great that the server's population is growing
What's everyone's opinion on the new pistol?
Is there any way to cache the map data so you don't have to re load it every time you go on?
Bumping because I'm crafting
it's poo
just standing around with all this shit in my pack is turning my nerves blue
>Tfw log in after sleeping and haven't been raided.
Pretty shit.
If scopes weren't so expensive you could use it as a makeshift sort of early bolty but like, they are so...
>want to post a pic of my fucked up base
>people will know what my base looks like
>Le xplosive cookie face
We gonna fuck you up Xplosive Cookie, I'm already getting my rockets ready
>Tfw still using crossbow
Who wants to join the Camp Autism? We got plenty of space, but it won't be long until the wall takes it
dead thread dead game?
Game is not dead
50k players at almost all times, it just seems like Veeky Forums dislikes social games.
>Dota2 general
>CSGO general
>LoL general
>WoW general
>Overwatch general
>TF2 general
>Space Station 13 general
>Runescape general
The list goes on
>I came in here to insult your videogame
You'd fit in at camp autism
I'm already there :)
at the threat of being raided our pesky turret-placing neighbours moved to an unknown location. Too late I realize, they where the excitement and drama in my life..
Join Camp Autism, there's drama there, especially during airdrops
Good night bump
I like watching you guys from afar.
You wont be able to watch anything soon with the wall
>buy game with a couple mates
>they all get in a lobby
>doesnt work for me
>try multiple other ones
>Disconnected: Connection Attempt failed
oh, ok, thanks for scamming me
Unstable or slow internet connection, running 2 firewalls at once (the Windows firewall and another firewall in your antivirus program - make sure the antivirus does not have it enabled), not allowing RustClient.exe through your Windows firewall (make sure it is allowed), problems with your internet router, try another if you have access to any extra routers. Sometimes this error just disappears on its own. If nothing above worked, wait a while and try again. Or wait for the next Rust update/patch to be released and see if that fixes it.
This game pisses me off. You waste hours just getting wood or stone, then die when you get a build restriction and lose the lot. Why bother.
Can you still just put a door frame + door, then build a HEW connecting from that? I can't be bothered going on a hunt for gears to make a gate.
What's currently the best way to make an entrance for external walls? Is there even any point or can someone just build their way over them?
My friend did it. Kinda works
Nighty night thread
See you tomorrow
This game is a curse.
Git gud
Definitely, gates are useless since you can make an all triangle entrance that costs twice the rockets for less investment
>all triangle entrance
I don't get it, I haven't messed around with advanced building yet. Something like
Do you guys play on official or community servers?
And why?