How accurate was For Honor with their knight designs?
How accurate was For Honor with their knight designs?
how would we know? it's not set in our history.
Peacekeeper is accurate, the rest are bullshit
It's a fantasy game you utter prat
Not accurate at all.
Why would armour in a fantasy game work differently from armour in the real world? It's limited by the same physical constraints of having to protect certain vital parts while at the same time having to be mobile enough to fight in.
Can Lawbringer only see out of those little holes?
>Why would armour in a fantasy game work differently from armour in the real world? It's limited by the same physical constraints of having to protect certain vital parts while at the same time having to be mobile enough to fight in.
You didn't ask if it was practical. of course there would be significant design changes after 1000 years
lol is dat a female "Peacekeeper"
>Peacekeeper is accurate
The rogue-knight with a sword and dagger?
Yes, the game allows for gender options in customization
Well fantasy has shit like Mithril, and warding spells, so you could be a fuckslut mage on the field and still come unblemished after a battle because magic n shiet.
Some of the armour and weaponry draws inspiration from real stuff. Also since there's a woman it's extremely inaccurate.
Don't be too concerned about accuracy in a game where knights are fighting samurai and vikings (who can slice through steel plate)
Of course you could. But more often than not, even the regular armour in fantasy (and most armour in fantasy is regular) looks stupid and dysfunctional, not just the magic armour.
The vikings are way way worse.
The Warden is even worse than that pic would suggest
It's this supposed to be a barbarian picking and choosing armor pieces from fallen enemies or what?
considering that stoned peasant/monk slayers could even stand in a fair fight against knights and samurai is a joke
Stop forcing this meme, anglo shill
They looked much better here
>Why would armour in a fantasy game work differently from armour in the real world? It's limited by the same physical constraints of having to protect certain vital parts while at the same time having to be mobile enough to fight in.
I hate this argument. Fantasy is about aesthetic and mythology, not logical consistency. Questions like this have no relevancy or bearing on fantasy whatsoever, and only in some cases apply to realist/gritty settings.
stop forcing the reality on me, don't ruin my knowledge from a fantasy show loosely based on reality.
They look like starcraft marines so not very much.
>For Honor
If you want an accurate and historical game you should take a look at Kingdom Come Deliverance.
It's not released yet but it looks promising.
Vapordom Ware: Vaporance
Could just be a man with gyno
It's not fantasy. Alternative fiction
>tfw they're all savages
Conqueror is closest but even then.
They look awful, just awful.
>two different shoulder plates
Why do people design characters like this? It's completely unaesthetic. I guess it's not as bad as wearing one shoulder plate, so there's that
>Why would armour in a fantasy game work differently from armour in the real world? It's limited by the same physical constraints of having to protect certain vital parts while at the same time having to be mobile enough to fight in.
Are you literally retarded? Like, that's not hyperbole or anything, where you tested as a child? Do you have Aspergers?
That Lawbringer guy wouldn't even be able to lift his arm in that oversized, single-piece pauldron.
I don't know, he looks like a big guy
Between all four, who's most likely to win in a fight?
For you.
When Ubisoft starts jewing us with DLC, which 4th faction would you like to see?
Personally, I'm hoping for pirates, because why not.
you know it's gonna' be zulu or something stupid like that. meme factions, pirate isn't bad to fit in though.
It's probably gonna be something Greek, but I'd like a Roman themed faction
Arabic faction makes sense desu, since faces always seem covered in this game you could give them that radical chain face covering
More like Jewbisoft amirite
I'd like something Indian though, so I can flail around a meme weapon
Is Berserker black?
Anyone here know Japanese? What do these names mean?
Aesthetically speaking they all look okay, but the Valkyrie has a ridiculous helmet.
He looks like a gay pirate
>only culture with historically relevant female warriors
>all promotional samurai are male
The one on the far right is female, she's in a trailer.
>Fantasy is about aesthetic and mythology, not logical consistency.
Well now that's just wrong.
Even fantasy has to follow its own rules conistsently, anything else is just poor writing.
Oh. Whoops. Couldn't tell through all that bulk.
This looks like absolute dogshit, and I say that as someone who greatly liked Chivalry until they pulled a deadliest warrior.
>only culture with historically relevant female warriors
Your weeb is showing.
I was hoping this being a fantasy game, they would do better than the incredibly dirty and gritty look.
wrong pic
Only culture in this game. I could have clarified that but didn't think I'd need to.
>weeaboo faction
>skyrim faction
>dork souls faction
In terms of your second pic, I don't think Slavs is what they had in mind for the Knights in this game.
Mordhau and Bannerlord will be out before that thing ever shows signs of being near completion
I think I know exactly why they didn't keep those (awesome) models.
>ubisoft is too worried about angering SJWs that they abandoned any designs resembling crusader armor
>any progressive type even being capable of recognizing crusader gear
>implying crusaders wore full armors most of the time when they were poor as shit
>Late Victorian/Early Edwardian street thugs
Iconography wise, that helmet goes hand in hand with the crusades. And to be fair, they're a big games studio. They probably have an in-house PC police.
You're seeing boogeymen man. That's the dumbest theory I've ever heard. Way way wayyy more likely, they changed it because they were trying to ride the coattails of the dark souls grimderp armour design meme.
the conqueror still uses the tabard which is far more "iconic" than the bucket shaped grand helmet. I think it's just designers with shit taste pressing for more "gritty" looks like this abomination
look at that grunge bargain bin fantasy pile of crap, it's impossible to tell exactly how many types of armor is he wearing, on which layer, it's fashion only with no sense of practical design in it, the chunk of armor strapped to the chest is held in place by a single exposed strap meaning it would slide down if it wasn't uncomfortably, restrictively tight, much like the rest of the impossibly thick and dense clothing, the mail appears over and underneath the gambeson in different places, and there's straps on the arms and waist to break up monotony of the untouched pieces because then it would be easier to see what a clunky disaster the rest of the suit is.
Could just be a representation of the customization ability in the game. You're allowed to wear different pieces for all body parts. I assume there will be some full, realistic sets to choose.
oh wow
now they fucked completely
>Is Berserker black?
Of course. Modern Scandinavians are black too.
It looks like shit.
I think Saracen warriors would fit in with the theme well.
Hervor is a Viking. Vikings were known to have shieldmaidens.
>I hate fun faction
Orochi=serpent, Kensei=master swordsman, Shugoki=guardian demon, Nobushi=wandering samurai
I have no idea why the left one is called "serpent".
He's the guy who does a lot of damage but can't take much. He can also poison his sword.
Flattop helmet + semi-plate shoulder-pads are little bit weird.
Flattops died out at around 13th century but they've lost popularity gradually since 12th. Plate shoulderpads appeared in late 12th or early 13th century. So this guy is wearing state-of-the-art shoulder protection and outdated helmet.
So he is venomous. Actually, they used to put feces on their weapons.
>wearing a cheap sack over your helmet
For what purpose?