Define cultural Marxism.
If you are of the belief that it's a bad thing, why?
Define cultural Marxism
The breaking down of cultural differences to make a more coherent global mixed race peasant class.
The Morlocks to the super rich Eloi.
It's a culture war buzzword to slander The Designated Other.
Basically it's Jews. It's bad if you actually care about what made western civilization great.
The idea that the Means of Entertainment will be owned collectively. Putting the people in charge of their own entertainment, which led to Tumblr and Youtube stars.
All these meme genders and sexualities, Vaporwave, "lets play" games, and hashtag movements
what's wrong with youtube LPers?
how is Pewdiepie against western civilization?
The extension of total equality from just the economical area of society to every area of society
>how is Pewdiepie against western civilization?
He's not, just like "Cultural Marxism" isn't destroying Western Civilization. "Cultural Marxism" is hated because it's exposing people to different cultures and ideas. Some people accept it, others just get mad and confused,
In the end though, it's mostly the result of an evolution of Liberal indivudualism at the moment and the New Left ideologies still persist. Hopefully one day it'll settle down and we can get real Marxism, push leftism on the means of entertainment, make good youtube videos and shit
They were not evil masterminds.
They were crappy philosophers writing crappy philosophy which ended up having crappy effects on society.
SJWs came from Marcuse, for example. Most of their arguments against free speech come from him. The Sexual Revolution was in parts (but not totally) due to them.
Marxism has undergone a metamorphosis from the economic to the cultural.
>two economic classes: worker and capitalist
>the proletariat are oppressed by the capitalists
>any capitalist's criticism of Marxism is "bourgeois logic" and can be ignored
>if a proletariat doesn't want to be liberated it is because he has internalized his oppression, and is parroting the bourgeois logic of capitalists
>inexorable progress will result in an overthrow of capitalism
"Cultural Marxism"
>two cultural classes: privileged and underprivileged
>the underprivileged are oppressed by the privileged (man-woman, white-non white, able-disabled, christian-muslim, Israeli-Palestinian, and scho on *sniff*)
>any privileged shitlord's criticism of Cultural Marxism is "mansplaining", "cissplaining", "whitesplaining", and so on
>if an underprivileged woman doesn't want to be liberated by feminists it is because she has internalized her oppression, and is parroting the "mansplaining" of shitlords
>inexorable progress will result in the overthrow of Western Culture
This is why all of the dinosaur communists just whine and fill their underwear these days. They believe that Capitalism has "won", and that we now live in some kind of hyper-reactionary society. They don't see that Marxism has simply been transmuted into a new century, it wanders about looking for some "oppressed" people wherever it can find them. Since all economic Socialism has failed; the relevant Marx has been taken up, the falsehoods discarded, and new theories based on Marx developed; the feelgood-dualists need to find some new crusade -- they found it in culture.
Note how China has prevented this by rejecting communist economics while retaining the party, so as to prevent the societal rot in the west. As too are many old school communists in Russia and the East anti-liberal and for the most part culturally "conservative".
>societal rot in the west
>any capitalist's criticism of Marxism is "bourgeois logic" and can be ignored
That's just bad debating and any Marxist using that argument is not very bright or well read. Don't put a whole movement's system on one autist
Also all these SJWs are complete creations of Western culture
>and scho on *sniff*
Onion discarded
>cultural marxism
>founded in racism
Veeky Forums
Cultural Marxism is the strain of Marxism that developed after the failure of revolutionary movements in the West during World War I led many intellectuals to challenge the positivistic, scientifically minded nature of pre-war Marxism, that guaranteed, according to the "Laws of History", that revolution was inevitable.
Since revolution didn't happen, intellectuals asked why. There were many different answer, Lenin said the revolution didn't happen because there was no revolutionary vanguard, and one should be created, Rosa Luxemburg said some bullshit about spontanteism, but Lukacs and Gramsci said that the reason revolutions failed in Europe was because cultural traditions prevented the working classes from allying with each other instead of being loyal to their governments. The task such intellectuals took to themselves, then, was to dismantle these traditions.
Of course, as time passed, Cultural Marxist thinkers started caring less and less about the working class, and in the 1960s with Marcuse it dumped them in favor of "marginalized groups" like blacks, women and gays as revolutionary class, and then in the 1980s with Laclau they basically said that the revolutionary class can be whoever is convenient at any given moment.
Marxism of this type dispenses with the notion of transcendental truth and ascribes a functional character to all human knowledge. The value of intellectual production becomes an aspect of it's ability to change historical situations, and not by some correspondence between it and an objective truth.
Basically, they took the that famous Marx quote:
>"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
And took it to the extreme, the point is to change the world, and the interpretations must be according to political expediency and it's potential for change.
It comes from the Frankfurt School of thought which was developed by German Jews and is literally about the destruction of western civilization
Good goyim
The belief that all cultures are equal is what's ruining the west, basically. The influx of migrants is due to the noble belief in cultural Marxism, and in order to successfully PRESERVE culture you can't just believe they're all equal, you know? Then the lines are all blurred and people will think it's great that other cultures are settling amongst theirs.
Sorry for retarde typing I'm focusing on other things
>my culture happens to be the superior and one worth preserving
Fuck of alt right
A small group of intellectuals people forgot about decades ago dug up by conspiracy theorists.
Most of the SJW stuff is a reaction to racism. /pol/ doesn't seem to realize that if they didn't run around screaming "NIGGER" all day the SJW movement would lose popularity.
However if they did that, /pol/ would lose popularity also. Both SJW and racists feed each other. They are like each others' recruiting tools. In a kind of memetic natural selection these movements now have a symbiotic relationship with each other.
If people knew that the system would collapse, so they search for conspiracy theories based on confirmation bias and that is why cultural marxism is a meme.
>a culture that maintains the highest levels of well-being, science, art, economics, education, etc. is totally equal to cultures whose sole areas of expertise are civil wars and female circumcision
ok cool
Cia backed (((civil wars)))
And female circumcision are bad when westerners allow kids to change sexes and circumcise boys?
>Most of the SJW stuff is a reaction to racism. /pol/ doesn't seem to realize that if they didn't run around screaming "NIGGER" all day the SJW movement would lose popularity.
If that was true, SJW bullshit would be stronger in the Southern United States, Eastern Europe, most of Latin America, East Asia and other truly racist, sexist and homophobic places in the world. Not in coastal United States and Northern Europe.
That's not even wrong because they DO exist there. The problem is that they tend to keep quite in places where their opinions could get them shot.
The same holds true to conservitives
>And female circumcision are bad when leftists push for the acceptance of kids to change sexes and Abrahamic religions circumcise boys?
Nah, I live in a pretty "racist" third world shithole.
Nobody gives a fuck. From reading news from all over the world, I can gather that most of that SJW bullshit comes from "privileged", first world regions.
Hawaii is the most racist state in the US, while simultaneously being one of the most liberal states in the US and there are virtually no SJWs there
>Hawaii is the most racist state in the US
Objectively wrong. In the US we literally have witch hunts against imaginary racists.
>a woman gets fired from a TV network because she allegedly said 'nigger' 50 years ago
>all critics of Barack Obama are inherently racist
>actually fuck that, all white people are inherently racist
So it's exactly the other way around, real racism came back full force as a reaction against cultural marxism. Racism right now is counterculture, not mainstream.
>imaginary racists
Tel me how I know a white dude wrote this lmao
Actually I'm a Slav so not white but nice try.
>not white
You've been on /pol/ too much
You mean /int/. /pol/ loves Slavs.
Cultural Marxism doesn't exist. What /pol/ freaks out about is expressly non-Marxist socal liberalism most prominent in very capitalist Northern European countries like the Netherlands or Sweden.
Privilege theory is a defining characteristic of the "new left", a warmly capitalist political ideology which exclusively concerns itself social and non-material inequalities like racism and misogyny.
Actual Marxists don't hold these people in a high regard, referring to them as "bourgeois feminists".
Took a while, but the right answer is finally here.
,That isn't Marxism
Not even the wackiest Tumblr types want to destroy Western civilization, dude
By destroy they mean change. No one is trying to *destry* it. But ultimately the societal changes cultural Marxists want to bring about is destroying the foundation of which some view as western civilization
Please tell me how Walter Benjamin and Adorno were trying to destroy Western civilization
all culture are worth preserving, but it should be practiced in its own traditional people and areas. not spread as to destroy other culture/tradition
i see average westerner isn't really racist to other people like japanese or indian except when they fell threatened like they feel to black and muslim
t. not white
there are 0 marxists out there who were even aware of the term cultural marxism until altrifht types came up with the phrase
its just a bunch of white racist male nerds flipping out because of other kinds of people being critical of traditional society
Jesus fuck this thread
There's no such thing called cultural Marxism.
Nobody on the planet says "I am a cultural Marxist".
Some liberals hold wacky views, but liberalism and Marxism are contradictory. You cannot be both a liberal and a Marxist, because liberalism is inherently capitalist.
Just say "radical liberal" or "privilege theorist" or something.
Are you retarded? They actively discriminate against everyone who isn't a native/asian. If you don't have a job offer there don't bother looking for a job because you won't be hired and If you are raising a family it's literally hell because you can't put your kids in their public schools
Anyone believing the cultural marxism boogieman will of course ignore this, the only educated answer in the thread.
>Nobody on the planet says "I am a cultural Marxist"
But pic related does
What are you responding to?
Right, but calling explicitly non-Marxist attitudes is retarded.
The new left isn't Marxist. That's what separates it from the old left, now called the "hard left".
Cultural marxism is a myth you stupid goyim
>The new left isn't Marxist.
Laclau and others say Neo-Marxism, they give enough of a fuck to carry on with the name and trace their history to before Rosa Luxemburg.
They're getting their base and superstructure from a certain bearded lover of chairs and his The German Ideology anyway.
Alinsky wrote an ideology-agnostic guide to political action, but the content is largely from the commies because there was such thing as an ideology-free guide before, or so he says.
*there was no such thing
It's funny how people think Noel Ignatiev wants to mass murder white people, but he says right there that he wants to abolish the social construct of whiteness
Are you mentally challenged?
Most SJWs have no contact with /pol/ at all. You are most likely to find a SJW at Oberlin than somewhere with actual racists.
Their main victims are non-racist moderate liberals, for idiotic reasons, such as using the term "people of color" instead of "colored people".
And when they can't find any racist, they create "fanfictions", which end with them beating someone with arguments and with all strangers applauding their social justice lesson.
This is the actual answer. There's no "all cultures are equal" in cultural marxism. It's like none of you did any studies in the humanities.
.......and the only way to do that is by giving free handouts to dindus and discriminating against whites. Zimbabwe for example was able to accomlish this through their genocide of white farmers to the point where mainstream media doesn't even report about it
An historically contingent product of American paranoia
Here's a paper explaining it
Nah, Noel Ignatiev just believes we should stop categorizing propped as white or black or yellow, thus creating a society where racial taxonomy is irrelevant
There are two things I find interesting about "Cultural Marxists" spaces.
The first is that, for a Marxist space, their ideas and analysis bear little to no resemblance to Marxism to anyone who can do more than name drop a couple of Critical Theorists.
The second is that the mods of such spaces are pretty quick to ban anyone who suggest that the economic and the social are fundamentally intertwined, which is a big Marxist thing. Coincidentally, a good portion of Culturally Marxists spaces have a policy of banning Marxists.
It turns out "Cultural Marxists"are just a bunch of retarded Liberals, who, like most Liberals, hate Marxists.
>It's bad if you actually care about what made western civilization great.
What a stupid statement. What do you believe made western civ great?
Hows AIDS treating you?
Bringing blacks and arabs in successful white countries and letting them have the same backward behavior (islam) that caused their homeland to become shitholes in the name of "tolerance"
Because it punishes the "oppressors" based on their sexual orientation, gender, and race.
That isn't Marxism
Ironically George Soros did more to destroy Marxism than Ronald Reagan
''Cultural Marxism'' is a buzzword invented by illiterate contrarian kids LARPing as Nazis, but cultural relativism is real, and there are people who want to convince you that all cultures are equal and that all religions are equal and so on.
That's blatantly false. You could argue they're equal when they are on their own, but if Muslim comes to Europe and practices his inferior culture and feels opposed to native culture, things should be called the way they are.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with opposing people who hold a set of beliefs. You aren't born with it, you adopt it, you can change it.
You can't change your skin color, or your height, or the size of your penis, but you can change your opinions.
World yet isn't a magical place where mainstream Islam with Arab background and Christianity/secular humanism can exist in the same area.
Cultural marxism is anything I don't like
of course it isnt
and the USSR wasnt communist either
>"It's funny how people think Stalin wanted to mass murder kulaks, but he said that he only wanted to liquidate it as a class."
Is it really a mystery why SJWs can't exist in a place like Russia?
It is the forté of privileged people with a lot of leisure time to devote to spooks who don't experience any real opposition.
That doesn't contradict what I said. A reaction against racism can be either justified or unjustified.
People become irrational and get sucked into social justice as a reaction to real racism.
Do you believe it is impossible for someone to be falsely accused of racism?
If your favorite black lives matter blogger says "X is a racist" would you instantly believe X is a racist without thinking for yourself?
That is why I said it was a reaction to racism specifically. Sorry if I used /pol/ loosely to describe racists in general, but it is a good example as people are familiar with /pol/ no Veeky Forums.
People are driven to SJWs primarily out of a fear of racism, this fear also makes them irrational and believe silly things.
The USSR was communism because it wanted to eventually establish communism, but never got there
Greed combined with intelligence and organization
>This space ship was in mars even though it blew up in Earth's atmosphere
extreme social leftism
Real racism was factually eliminated from the mainstream for literally decades, SJWs were a "reaction" against non-existant thing. Stuff like alt right is the creation of SJWs, it flat out wouldn't exist without these PC witch hunts.
>Real racism was factually eliminated from the mainstream for literally decades,
I haven't seen someone this wrong in a while
So you think that if the social view of race was abolished today, all the young American citizens of a dark complexion and Sub-Saharan African lineage would stop raping, killing, and stealing tomorrow?
If you answer that question with 'no' then why does it even matter?
actual racism does still exist in Hawaii toward non asians/natives though. However, everywhere else it is true that almost nobody discriminates against others solely based on skin color, but on the connotations that come with it (crime, intelligence, etc.)
>i have formed my political ideology on the basis that a woman was fired from her job out of 350 million americans and some media meme that people against obama are racist because they wanted more rating for ad money
fucking cringe lol
dont be offended, you need to get off the internet lol, youve painted a monolithic idea of the world from a screen
Read Paul Gottfried
Calling Cultural Marxism Marxism is kind of like calling Mormonism or Unitarianism Christianity
People get fired all the time from your average workplace joke these days.
>cultural marxism
that's a nice way to deflect the blame
a more accurate term would be commercial panderism.
Literally prove me otherwise. Even Republicans were bending over backwards and showing their mucho love for Mexicans before Trump came about. Where did you see racism in mainstream politics, media, business etc?
Nice dubs
That's pseudomodernism.
This is the most coherent answer.
>it's Jews
>muh Jewish plot
This is a baseless conspiracy. There is no conclusive evidence to state that Jewish people want to wipe us out.
>good goyim
^this is the best video explanation i've come across
>destroying western civilisation
What counts as western civilisation though?
We already live in a liberal capitalist democracy which is constantly evolving.
Yesterday's progressives will become tomorrow's traditionalists.
There is no plot to destroy western civilisation.
Same could be said for the men who raped murdered and killed them when they colonised africa and enslaved them.
The human race is a fucked spectacle
Black Slaves were descendents of criminals and beggars that were sold off by the local KANGZ to the Jewish slave-merchants who then shipped and sold them off to the rednecks and spics. Slave trade is more complex than you were taught in school and it certainly wasn't just a SWAT team invading the jungle and capturing every nigger they could see
Stopped reading there.
You have to be over 18 to post here, user.
They technically did have Kings but they weren't rich by any standard
Mali empire may dispute you on that.
These are correct