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sqnx decided to get into /blog/ mobage market
>that guy on the far left
Finally I can date best boy lumbar lordosis.
Huh, just a few CD announcements at Rejet Fes.
Thanatos Night sequel:
Criminale spinoff:
Yuugen Romantica sequel:
Marginal situation CDs and shuffle album:
Did I just completely miss it or was there no stream this year?
I wish the mobage market wasn't so big in Japan.
>TN sequel
But why? There's only 2/6 CDs out right now.
New game from them never, such a shame.
Why not? It's not like making these CDs costs rejet much.
>first wave shop-exlusive comiket goods preorders close
>out of nowhere a second wave of preorders open, this time to many shops and have fucking tokutens
They're allowed to do that?
I don't know but I'm not the only one who's pissed off.
I'd feel sorry for the people who physically lugged their ass to comiket and got no tokuten.
I hate this shit. I wish more companies would really consider what the initial limited numbers imply and cause.
No stream.
It seems to work out for them in the end, since TN is one of their top sellers of the current CD line-up.
Would you go?
I couldn't imagine the cringe. No.
>all the songs have been released in 2015
>still no uploads not couting password/Chinese forums-protected archives
Help, /blog/!
Are you the same guy from a few months ago?
Either way, just buy them. They're pretty cheap second-hand.
>refusing upload stuff on an anonymous board
>begging for shit outside /r/
>implying /r/ uploads something other than porn
nice try
They're underage. Don't want fishy moon sites showing up on mom's credit card.
How far in are you now?
Is BWS any good?
Is Ken ga Kimi any good?
Is Code:Realize any good?
Is this thread any good?
It'd be cool if we had a rec chart in the OP and newfags read it.
I'd be cool if we could talk about games for once instead of bitching at a thread related question.
Of a game mentioned every thread?
It only seems like that because our threads are so slow and empty.
To be fair, asking "is x any good?" about a commonly discussed series is a magnet for shitposting in any thread, on any board, and doesn't even leave much open for "discussion" because it's so vague.
Makes you look like either a troll or very new.
What are your favorite expeditions to spam? I'm running low after finally forcing myself through map 6 and losing lots of troops.
I'm always doing 2-3, 2-4 and 4-2.
But it depends on what resources you're low. Look at the wiki for details on which expeditions gives how much of what.
>Tanto's plushies when
Rejet Fes is their seiyuu thingy, right?
Do they always announce only small things there?
Only 2 routes, finished Sera and Vee.
Sera was insanely predictable and by the books, but I guess he is that more average main boy type chara.
That whiplash in Vee's route between the comedy scenes and the violence was a little annoying. I wish they actually bothered to draw him a new sprite for the epilogue.
My memory's hazy but last winter's fes was in February, and they did their announcement stream right before it. The summer fes also had a stream. Since this year's fes was earlier they might just hold a stream next month.
>Cosplay and itabags are highly encouraged :)
>people still liking Hakouki in the year of our lord 2000 + 17
>holding that shit at a cultural arts center
Well it is a culture I guess
*58,492(14,803) 16/08/04 3DS 『12歳。~恋するDiary~』
*51,289(51,289) 16/01/28 Vita 『うたのプリンスさまっMUSIC3』
*19,921(17,521) 16/03/10 Vita 『金色のコルダ4』
*15,736(11,694) 16/08/18 Vita 『Collar×Malice』
*14,482(*9,281) 16/05/19 Vita 『喧嘩番長 乙女』
*14,344(12,322) 16/11/24 Vita 『Code:Realize ~祝福の未来~』
*13,761(12,063) 16/06/16 Vita 『薄桜鬼 真改 華ノ章』
*13,463(11,771) 16/04/21 Vita 『ニル・アドミラリの天秤 帝都幻惑綺譚』
*13,233(13,233)16/12/22 Vita 『剣が君 百夜綴り』
*11,431(11,431) 16/12/22 Vita 『遙かなる時空の中で6 幻燈ロンド』
*11,500(11,500) 16/02/25 Vita 『DIABOLIK LOVERS LUNATIC PARADE』
**8,951(*8,951) 16/04/21 Vita 『神々の悪戯 InFinite』
**8,440(*7,408) 16/08/25 Vita 『明治東亰恋伽 Full Moon』
**8,169(*7,796) 16/03/17 Vita 『ワンド オブ フォーチュンR』
**8,038(*6,800) 16/10/06 Vita 『ノルン+ノネット アクト チューン』
**7,614(*6,187) 16/04/07 Vita 『BROTHERS CONFLICT Precious Baby』
**7,424(*6,360) 16/08/25 Vita 『猛獣たちとお姫様』
**6,914(*5,326) 16/02/25 Vita 『百花百狼 ~戦国忍法帖~』
**6,650(*6,650) 16/09/21 Vita 『灰鷹のサイケデリカ』
**5,727(*4,545) 16/05/19 Vita 『Period:◇(ピリオドキューブ) ~鳥籠のアマデウス~』
**5,333(*5,333) 16/10/20 Vita 『数乱digit』
**5,304(*5,304) 16/09/08 Vita 『下天の華 with 夢灯り 愛蔵版』
**5,129(*5,129) 16/03/24 Vita 『Dance with Devils』
**5,100(*5,100) 16/11/17 Vita 『薄桜鬼 遊戯録 隊士達の大宴会』
**5,080(*5,080) 16/09/08 Vita 『悠久のティアブレイド -Lost Chronicle-』
**4,663(*4,663) 16/02/25 Vita 『7'scarlet』
**4,569(*3,192) 16/02/25 Vita 『もし、この世界に神様がいるとするならば。』
**4,539(*4,539) 16/06/02 Vita 『大正×対称アリス all in one』
**4,359(*4,359) 16/02/04 Vita 『三国恋戦記~思いでがえし~ CS Edition』
**4,199(*4,199) 16/08/25 Vita 『逢魔が刻~かくりよの縁~』
**4,180(*4,180) 16/09/01 Vita 『薔薇に隠されしヴェリテ』
**4,159(*4,159) 16/09/29 Vita 『DYNAMIC CHORD feat.[reve parfait] V edition』
**3,968(*3,968) 16/09/15 Vita 『ゆのはなSpRING!~Cherishing Time~』
**3,875(*3,875) 16/01/28 Vita 『STORM LOVER 2nd V』
**3,785(*3,785) 16/06/23 Vita 『越えざるは紅い花 ~恋は月に導かれる~』
**3,533(*3,533) 16/01/28 Vita 『大正メビウスライン Vitabl』
**3,173(*3,173) 16/09/21 Vita 『マジきゅんっ!ルネッサンス』
**2,954(*2,954) 16/05/26 Vita 『絶対階級学園』
**2,947(*2,947) 16/03/10 Vita 『赤い砂堕ちる月』
**2,682(*2,682) 16/05/26 Vita 『鏡界の白雪』
**2,500(*2,500) 16/10/06 Vita 『PsychicEmotion6(サイキックエモーション ムー)』
**2,251(*2,251) 16/04/21 PSP 『神々の悪戯 InFinite』
**2,067(*2,067) 16/06/16 Vita 『薄桜鬼 真改 華ノ章 ツインパック』
**2,030(*2,030) 16/02/11 Vita 『英国探偵ミステリア The Crown』
**1,543(*1,543) 16/11/24 Vita 『Code:Realize ツインパック』
**1,123(*1,123) 16/11/24 Vita 『鳥籠のマリアージュ~初恋の翼~』
***,967(**,967) 16/05/26 Vita 『SA7 SILENT ABILITY SEVEN』
***,685(**,685) 16/12/21 Vita 『月影の鎖 -狂爛モラトリアム-』
16/02/04 PSP 『三国恋戦記~思いでがえし~ CS Edition』
16/11/23 Vita 『StarrySky~Spring Stories~』
16/12/22 Vita 『Re:BIRTHDAY SONG~恋を唄う死神~another record』
16/12/22 Vita 『DYNAMIC CHORD feat.Liar-S V edition』
16/01/19 Vita 『花朧~戦国伝乱奇~』
17/01/26 Vita 『うたのプリンスさまっRepeat LOVE』
17/01/26 Vita 『BLACK WOLVES SAGA -Weiβ und Schwarz』
17/01/26 Vita 『オルフレール~幸福の花束~』
17/02/23 Vita 『遙かなる時空の中で3 Ultimate』
17/03/09 Vita 『ワンド オブ フォーチュンR2~時空に沈む黙示録~』
17/03/23 Vita 『Side Kicks!』
17/03/30 Vita 『DYNAMIC CHORD feat.KYOHSO V edition』
17/03/30 Vita 『KLAP!!~Kind Love And Punish~ Fun Party』
17/05/18 Vita 『白と黒のアリス』
17/06/29 Vita 『罪喰い~千の呪い、千の祈り~ for V』
Some nice numbers on CollarxMalice in particular; glad to see it did well. Can't wait for a FD announcement.
Though seeing these lists reminds me just how small the market is in general. If localization companies are successful in building an English-speaking audience, it really could make a difference. So with that in mind, good on them for trying to put together events like
Despite everything, I don't see why people thing BWS is better than Wifebeaters. There's a few good boys, but generally it's overrated.
I really hope takuyo doesn't die. ;_;
For me BWS was much more about the story than "the boys"; they came first as characters. I mean, I usually play otoge for romance and normal VNs for story, but sometimes I appreciate playing a game that prioritizes telling an interesting and ambitious story without entirely giving up that aspect. Not that I think BWS writing is without its faults; namely the route branching toward the later portion.
That said, I've only played a route or two of DL and so it wouldn't be fair of me to try to compare the two. I'm also way too sleepy to type anything more thorough or coherent at this time.
who even plays this
No one. That's why these threads are so dead.
All they need to do is port StS and every one will be happy.
Yeah. I'm still watching out for any announcements.
>Can't even get higher than a B rank on 7-3's boss node.
>Can barely even reach the boss node to begin with
I'm starting to think that I should just pray for Kikkou to become an event reward at some point.
>**6,650(*6,650) 16/09/21 Vita 『灰鷹のサイケデリカ』
That should be good enough to warrant another Psychedelica game, right?
Last day of their sale.
Am currently trying for Taikogane, and it happens so often that one sword becomes red right before the boss... I already dread the day I go for Kikkou
This worked for me. Getting Kikkou was a lot easier than Taikogane.
2 new Vita games
TYB Vita port
Oh nice. I'm glad they're doing some again.
That art though.
>knows most of their faces
To be fair, if you ever liked it enough to consider making an itabag for it, you'll probably like it for years to come.
Too small, can't see shit. Who's that in the upper right corner, next to Yusa?
I like the atmosphere of Dorico no Toshokan, but I'm no fan of timetravel and the likes. At least it has piqued my interest for now.
Really happy about the TYB ports though as I was considering buying the original PC games for some time now.
But didn't they release MoshiKami last year?
That and DwD were their only new games in two years. It's not like they completely stopped, but it sure made me worry that they would, or that they'd only eternally make more DiaLovers games and nothing else.
But I'm glad they're making more new stuff again.
Official site opened:
That's Someya.
Also I'll never get over Torikou's haircut and how ridiculously recognizable Onoyuu is.
Hoping for this to be good. I wouldn't say the art looks ideal in that main visual, but it looks great for just character portraits. But like
>Piano AND harpsichord
Do they fight a lot?
Also why do the genki younger characters always play the tenor/bass instruments? I'm thinking Arata here. That, and the trombone pretty much equals the cello.
Is the high range reserved for uptight nerds?
Shame there's no glimpse at the character designs for the second game yet. Still, nice to see more new series from Rejet.
I'm not sure what I think of the art, but hoodie and the cutie with the animal are cute.
Touken Ranbu Anthology Chapter 5
It's the same artist who drew the Samonji swords, but were their proportions always this off?
Thanks doc.
Is it true that he is the only pure boy in the whole series?
There might be others, but he's the purest.
So what's wrong with him?
Good night /blog/
So far it's being a miracle of the universe. And having unrequited feelings for his cousin, Reve Parfait's heroine