How to winterproof against salt?
Do you buy another vehicle? Do you just spray it with that heavy oil? Do you bring it to the oil Jew to wash it with robots? Do you pay the $2 to use the power washer? Do you just fucking kill yourself?
How to winterproof against salt?
Do you buy another vehicle? Do you just spray it with that heavy oil? Do you bring it to the oil Jew to wash it with robots? Do you pay the $2 to use the power washer? Do you just fucking kill yourself?
buy something that doesnt corrode easily.
avoid steel. buy an audi or something.
wash after the roads dry after every storm
well before you kill yourself please consider moving to a place that doesn't salt.
Get rustproofing before every winter.
Wash your car once a week during winter.
If you can use a self serve car wash and spray out wheel weels and as much of the undercarriage as possible. After heavy slush storms.
Store not store in heated garage as it will accelerate the corrosion.
-t. Montreal resident.
Too late. I bought a Chevrolet with High Strength Steel. I knew I should've trusted Ford with their aluminium:
Do I just wash my high strength steel every 5 days?
-t. Ottawa resident.
tho for the undercarriage wash, most new touch less car washes have an undercarriage spray if you take the mid level wash
pro tip: Ultramar has a sale on thursdays - the supreme wash is only a buck more than the base
This, my 24 year old Audi doesn't single spot of rust on it and its been in the north east for its whole life.
Can you rustproof DURING winter?
If you're using high pressure washes over and over again, I feel like it would just push the oil off.
How about if your vehicle is already badly rusted? Wat do
>t. Never owned a gook product
T. Québec City resident.
>wash your car before winter
>do an oil change before winter
>apply the used oil to your car's underside as a protectant before winter
>during winter pray to the salt gods and do a little jig before you go to bed every night
>thoroughly wash and detail the car in the spring
Anything else is folly
>apply the used oil to your car's underside as a protectant before winter
What if my vehicle automagically coats the bottom of my vehicle with engine oil every time I dribe it?
Then you are safe.
Then you can skip that step! It was planned by your manufacturer, read the manual for more details.
if anyone here even gives a tenth of a fuck, the tank (or tank destroyer, rather) in OP's pic is the German, post war Kanonenjagdpanzer
It looks like a retarded turtle
>Can you rustproof DURING winter?
low temperatures will inhibit the corrosion anyways.
usually just wash everytime it thaws because of that disgusting slush that sticks. Any colder and you're relatively safe anyways.
Are you even supposed to rustproof every year? I thought that shit lasted a couple years.
tank is innocent
Yes. I just rustproofed a car.
Never opt for the eco friendly bullshit.
Dont use a sealant. Find the thickest spray on grease you can find.
Rustproof every fucking year you cheap fuck.
Its your fucking car.
Fucking stone age rednecks...
>we put oil on everything like our fathers, couldn't find something better since 1950
>falling for the specialized rust coating jew
Look up Calcium Chloride, they suspend it in a mollassas like mix and spread it on pebles and ice melt. So not so much salt anymore, though sure tastes that way. It is the chemical used out in Alberta.
everyone talks about winter and salt for rust but how much rust can one expect if it's through summer with really rainy/humid days?
Fix it.
this guy has done this for a few hundred years
>24 year old Audi
>doesn't single spot of rust
>north east for its whole life
yeah impossible
do you have a pet unicorn also
I salt/chem my driveway so it is snow/ice free. When I get it home, I quickly wash the bottom with a hose, quickly wash the top and sides of salt slush tossed up that lands on the car, then do a final rinse of the bottom. I squeegee the windows, wipe the headlights to prevent ice, and open just the driver door to wipe the door gasket dry to prevent ice sticking. When done, I put a little bit more salt/chem on the driveway to compensate for washing it away.
Having a clear driveway is the key thing. Next is a water faucet that works in the cold. I have a utility faucet and sink in the garage, so water is always available.
motor oil doesn't help at all, unless you sand/get rid of the rust first, THEN apply it when it's 100% dry. Oil will trap existing moisture, making the problem worse
compounds like the stuff krown uses are designed to repel water, not trap it
I don't know man... Not him, but the few Audis I see on the road that are that old are gorgeous body-wise. My uncles have had 4 of them between two of them and not a single one I ever saw rust on. Faded paint yeah, but no rust.
I think they do something to those older Audi. they're very resilient to rust in my experience.
As far as rust control, I bought an 05 Focus specifically so I don't have to drive my other car in the salt. Winter's been pretty mild this year though so not too bad. The Focus definitely has some rust on it but nothing from the inside out (yet) and I think Ford did a pretty damn good job galvanizing their metal on the Focus. They still rust, sure, but they seem to hold up pretty well from the ones I've seen around. They're usually pretty clean.
so does this completely save one from rust or will my shitbox just eventually die from rust and i wont be able to do anything about it
>apply the used oil to your car's underside as a protectant before winter
Our state is airing a 'fix your drips' campaign because oil hurts the poor fishies. Salt kills them. So if your salt on roads is OK, you'll just have to put up with my oily chassis.
>motor oil doesn't help at all
>unless you do proper prep
>motor oil: have to lift the car, scrap all the fucking rust by hand, apply oil
>give krown $120 CAD, drop your car off, come back in an hour, and its done. They even wash your car. And it works much better than motor oil
being poor sucks
>TFW you live in Texas and never have to worry about salted roads
Itll fucking slowdown how quickly your shitbox dies. And looks like shit
>tfw when phoenix
I respect the anons that deal with salted roads. That shit would trigger my autism to a whole new level. I would be washing my car daily if I had to deal with salt.
three coats of por 15 and some candle wax
tfw you live in Australia and didn't even know salting roads was a thing.
Pretty sure the last time it snowed around here was in the 70's.
salt is banned in my county due to salmon.
man the commute sucks sometimes
but i dont have rust.
Dumb question, why don't they just use gravel/sand universally?
lmao what country is this
because spraying salt is normally cheaper
what? com again?
county, not country, user
>And it works much better than motor oil
because sand/gravel is nowhere near as effective as salt