/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1028

>Schedule for January:
12/31 - 1/8 - Platinum Sky
1/8 - 1/13 - Footprints on Sacred Ground (Rerun)
1/13 - 1/23 - Granblue Shodown
1/23 - 1/30 - Guild Wars (Earth)
1/31 - 2/8 - New Event

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Please, READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

>Dank jp tierlist

>Dank vibratingsheep tier list

>Dank reddit tier list

>Previous thread



>And? Technically you can get all that by playing but the point is it takes a fucking long ass time. How many damascus have you gotten from playing the game, dummy?

Are whales retarded by default?

Korwa x Pig-kun OTP


Did the last chain break?

I'm going to sudoku myself.



Actual thread

Report and ignore this one, Always ignore the OP if you see the Reddit shit in it

Op maybe a faggot but so are you


Playable character when?

>/gbfg/ thinks KMR is going to keep giving them easy damascus

reminder to buy their BD its cheaper than buying a spark

>literally stated every 2-3 months by KMR
just shut the fuck up

Fuck off dumb oppaisuki niggers

we know its you dumb retards falseflagging and trying to stir up shit between the guilds

Wow is that fucking one mlb a year? You'll have that Gisla pool done in years!

Rank 79 here

Got lucky with a few characters during new year legfest. So now trying to juggle 3 elements.

Based on my current teams, which out of the 4 characters should I focus on uncapping to 5* and getting lvl100 first with the help of the gold spellbook?

Gold spellbook doesn't do shit for how much it costs by like level 90-95 onward. Unless you have like a billion moons they're not going to help you get to 100.

user, she unironically died

she walked into the castle as it was collapsing with the brain dead isabelle

just focus on dark then light then earth

I'm sure you thought Romeo and Robomi died too

>Replying to bait.

That doesn't really mean they're dead though. Knowing isabelle, she could have summoned a gate into the underworld.


Isabelle was vegetative after the demon consumed her mind and soul

Actually kill yourself user


Just use an Elixer.

Dead Gran looks so cute.

i want to do things to this corpse


Rip tokage

He owes Lyria big.


Oh my.

He's going to give her something big for sure.

Fans will reanimate DJ back into the anime

>still no Cowfag
do you want me to just make it after this GW?

fuck off smoku

calling it, this anime will push Gran x Lyria, it's better that way, Gran deserves someone worth it

Do it now

Kinda glad geeta ain't the mc

Someone a few threads back said he would create Cowfags if his guild fell apart after GW.

>DJ would be revived with her modesty on show

The only true canon is Granharem

>The very first fanservice of the GBF anime is Gran's chest
I thought you guys said this was a game for people who like cute girls and that homos had no place here?

You stupid fucks

No one said that.

see the op, this is plebbit's thread, sage.

Nothing homo in enjoying a good mans chest

The other thread is currenlty about doxxing a guild leader. At least this is about the anime, shit OP aside.

>The /a/ thread has already become a better place of discussion and its only been a few hours

if we post enough cute cock I guess all the drama will go away?


Just stop posting in the reddit thread.

I want to lick this cock like Aaron licks Gran

Guess you repay her by eternally getting cockblocked by her.

retards, anime Gran is going to be mega homo, did you forget who's his VA?




Its worth using magna over an elemental when you have like 2 or 3 sl 10 weapons right? Because the scaling on the magna is better over all or am I simply mistaken?



How many of you fags have ever gotten a super bingo?

I got one back in July and haven't touched casino since

Did not buy.

I want to touch Gran and watch him blush as I grab his dick.

Where are his nipples?

Too lewd.

if only that scene was djeeta instead of gran

Four times before they cracked down on botting. I'm at 36million chips now though...fug.

Now that I think about it, why do we hate reddit again? The only thing that I can think of is "lolitsanormiewebsite" but who the fuck cares about that? Is it because of the tier list? I'm not an expert but it seems pretty competent and I guess a lot of work was put into it
>inb4 t. redditposter


dj with abs please

>I have a cold

fuck off plebbitposter, they are inherently different, see how the disscusions of the game has change since the mobage general.

It's Veeky Forums culture to hate everything that isn't us. This extends to hating other boards too.


Playable Aaron when?

I can't fap to this

i can

They don't know what self-moderation is and that makes it very clear how many people in here are from reddit.

i'm not a lorefag but it's implied on the game also that Lyria and the MC can't separate because it would break the link killing them?


they can, she was captured by the imperial something and taken away from mc.

The premise of ReLink is literally that they're separated. They don't die, Gran just goes into Grancoma.

What color of Nirvana should I make?

Yes, and the main reason why Gran can't be together with any characters, due to Lyria cock blocking him.


She can watch.

How many years of suffering is necessary before I get to actually play the game?

What the fuck are you doing?

Everything will be much better when you finally finish making Funf, the strongest GW character.

Swords aren't good until 4*. Replace as soon as possible, save for later.

What did she mean by this?

Luchador Gran is my favorite thing ever

>3 swords