Why are they so shit-tier?
American protestants
seems kind of like Protestants over in Europe are still trying to emulate Catholicism
why don't you guys just come back into the fold? rejoin the one true church
There is something about the US that just turns everything into a fucking parody.
I mean take Mormonism as an example. They took a branch of Christianity and turned it into an islam-for-white-people with celestial sex, baptizing corpses, magical underwear and ayy lmao God from another planet.
Church of England isn't Protestantism.
It is Catholic Lite. Same great taste, none of the pope-ness.
Second Great Awakening
>Bunch of New Religions pop up
>No central church in America to control those movements and moderate them into unified ideology
>Add 100 years and you get Televangelists
On top of that we already were founded on religious weirdoes
and yet we still have that Puritan prudishness hanging around.
lol ETBAs
Thanks be to God.
I'd put us just around Middle East tier when it comes to cultural conservatism in places like the bible belt, the only thing that kept them from Burqa-tier clothing was the humidity... and they still tried it until the 20th century
Protestantism is shit tier in general
>Generalizing everything into the "Protestant" Category.
C'mon man, there are Baptists, Southern Baptists, Anglicans, Quakers, Mormons, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Reformed, Congregationalists, Methodists, and a whole lot more that just generalizing that "Everyone of them is Protestant" is being disingenuous to the topic as a whole.
Some of their subs are good
I'd say agnostic atheist, but w/e
>current year
i like the sound of an ever progressive society. there's always room for improvement. doesn't really match history though.
>transgender rights
i don't care about this group of people as long as they pay their taxes and follow the law
>medical marijuana
couldn't come soon enough. don't even smoke, i just want this issue concluded, there are more important things to politik about
>last part
bit haughty desu senpai
is this the legendary reverse doublecross bait feint
You forgot the biggest Christian denomination in America: Catholics.
Ever seen that episode of Arthur where he describes how shitty a sport without rules would be?
The Second Great Awakening and no state-sanctioned church regulations led to people just creating whatever gets the most attention mostly, great way to pick up followers is to look appealing, and the old Catholic aesthetic just doesn't attract the masses to your new church.
but that doesn't mean those choices aren't there, go to an Episcopal church and you'll see they really haven't budged much from their Anglican origins when it comes to how services are performed. Only problem is that the Anglican/Catholic look nets the Episcopalians 2 million followers while televangelist Southern Baptists can net 60 million adherents with the new modern look.
>europe: muh buildings
>america: muh money
sounds about right actually
Other than the Church of England most UK Protestant churchs look alot more like the USA picture.
OK so we have do have nice Church buildings but the vibe is that's the congregation and the people that matter.
Anglicans don't get to talk shit about anyone.
because they are the only real protestants today. all the european ones either moved to americas or got killed in northern wars.
What rubbish. Faith healing, megachurches, Young Earth Creationism, harassing women at abortion clinics etc aren't remotely widespread in the UK.
Calvinism is the only real Christianity
I would allow that priestess to sexually abuse me.
oh fair enough. I didn't understand the picture.
This is why I converted to Orthodoxy
>oh no, not a woman
>y-yeah, what could get wrong?
Yeah what could possibly go wrong with letting women lead us?
>primitve carnal retards thinking with their cocks
This is why we can't have nice things
Mormonism was a scam. Not even kidding, Jospeh Smith and his dad used to bilk miners by pretending to divine gold deposits, by looking in a hat. He used this same "trick" to find the golden plates.
Also, all of the Mormon lore of the Nephites and Lamanites, comes from a local storeowner in the town Joseph Smith grew up in.
It was all a scam to make a divine reason for polygamy, and fucking underage girls - something Brigham Young took to 11, and formed his own secret police at the same time (early mormon utah might as well have been a despot govt)
Anglicanism isn't protestant
UK Christianity: Almost dead, on life support.
USA Christianity: Still humming right along.
Chines Christianity: Blowing the roof off
That's not real
>despot government
>trekking to the desert
>angel revealing himself to some retard in the middle of nowhere and dictating him new scripture
>fucking little girls
>no alcohol
Like I said, islam for white people.
I can't imagine anyone who thinks a muslim friendly lesbian led church has anything to do with Jesus.
Oh, wait, except for Cathlicucks, who think everything not them is "protestant".
All cults can be defined by clergy having sex with children, the worst offender of course, by far, being islam, with catholicism a close second.
Isn't it Anglicans that have a female lesbian bishop that advocated for the removal of crosses from churchs cause it could offend the Muslim population ?
>school teachers molest kids more than Catholics
>Catholics are suddenly no.2 in the world of child abuse second only to the worst cult that ever plagued the earth
Not so sure desu
No, it's Sweden
Not surprising to be honest
Yeah, but they didn't jihad the united states when the cavalry told them they couldn't just take utah for their own.
Also, the LDS church changes core principles of their religion anytime something goes counter to the status quo - for instance, polygamy is not an aspect of mainline mormonism anymore, and any mormon will tell you that polygamy was just wives integrating into different family units when they became widows, so as not to be ostracized. A friend of mine, a former mormon, told me all about it, and its apparently outright lies they are schooled on how to tell people.
Mormon fundamentalists in the wilds of utah and idaho tend to live the closest to the genuine mormon ideal
Judging by every aspect of popular American culture, i would diagree
Do you believe that lesbian "bishop" is Catholic? Anyone that calls themselves Christian while not being a part of the church is by definition protesting against it. That's what protestant means.
Puritans are shit tier. There's a reason Europe advanced after they fucked off to America
They did go full jihad against the injuns though. they just lacked the force to against the US government.
Voting Trump but this gave me a chuckle
And probably part of the reason America is so shit
I honestly want to strangle Max Weber and those other cucks for propagating the meme that Puritans were ever relevant outside of New England.
Puritans haven't been relevant in over a century you idiots.
Everyone was killing indians, who gives a shit about them? I've heard stories of some pretty nasty things done by mormons against native tribes, but its all hearsay.
Specifically however, mormon lore refers to native american tribes as a specific large group of people (lamanites?) who refused the message of jesus christ, and were basically blood drinking savages. Makes it easy for mormons to demonise them
No institution but for the catholic church hides its pedophiles from the law; hides the number of true infractions; and pays billions of dollars in hush money.
I believe that the lesbian is godless.
For catholic cucks to say she is a "protestant" is a joke.
They were fucking savages.
>For catholic cucks to say she is a "protestant" is a joke.
Catholic cucks say that everyone who purports to worship Jesus outside of their cult is a "protestant", and they can't tell the difference between a godless lesbian witch and a baptist minister.
They actually genocided white settlers too, look up Mountain Meadows massacre. Mormons were basically ISIS until they became the bitch sect they are now.
But did they drink blood?
Yup. Same angel spoke to both Mohammad and Joe Smith. Told one his name was Jibril and the other his name was Moroni.
How could you as a protestant tell that lesbian Bishop that she's wrong? I'm sure she's practicing sola scriptura just as you are. It all comes down to personal interpretation.
This. Puritans actually disliked Southern baptists initially because they were TOO lenient. Puritan virtue is a dead meme.
I'm not really sure.
(Apropos of nothing, I have seen Africans casually stick a thin spear into a cow and drink the blood just because they're thirsty.)
You do realize that lesbian is not Catholic right? She's from the church of Sweden, which is Lutheran.
Because being filled with the Holy Spirit and being an active lesbian are mutually exclusive.
Because women are not to be teachers; it is a shame for a man to have a female teacher.
Because women should be quiet in church.
You know, the things the bible says.
I'm a born again Christian, not a "protestant". The "protestants" were all catholics, and they all died 500 years ago.
You can see the influence of their values in the founding fathers and the many cults that popped up in the second great awakening
I never said she was.
I said the catholics calling her a "protestant" is a joke.
You are not the one who decide who's protestant and who's not.
She a fucking bishop of a protestant church. Therefore she's protestant
The great awakening was not just the founding of cults; it was a revival of the true Christianity as well as the founding of competing ideologies, like JW and SDA, etc.
You don't think Lutherans are protestant?
Ahh fair enough
I thought we were talking about the amount of incidents specifically
That's because we are God's true and only Church, so yes if you worship God outaide of his Church, you are a Protestant
You say the bible says one thing and she says it says another. Who's to what's true?
The most influential founders were Deists that didn't give a shit about Puritan values.
>and the many cults that popped up in the second great awakening
Most of which are largely irrelevant. Actual Puritans are long dead.
I am, actually, since nobody else on the board appears to notice that:
1. The protestants were all catholics;
2. Martin Luther was a catholic friar;
3. The protest happened 500 years ago; and
4. Nobody lives that long.
Like many other invented and false words, "protestant" is an attempt by Rome to stay relevant to the Body of Christ.
She is anything but.
>Muh puritans
I hear that from American leftists all the time. You do realise that Puritans had really no problem with sex and sexuality as long as you were a married couple ? I mean, compared with Catholics who had all kinds of rules (that no one respected) about sex even between for married couples, that was pretty progressive.
They did have pretty extreme beliefs about demonic influences, were kinda obsessed with millenarianism, really, really didn't like Catholics, but none of that had any influence on how sex is seen nowadays in the US.
I don't think anybody is a "protestant".
I have been a born again Christian for decades and have never met any Christian that identifies themselves as a "protestant".
BLM is full of protestants. They're protesting something.
Who protests the Whore of Babylon today?
All shit minus Anglicans and Quakers
The Cardinals
That's your church's claim, and it is demonstrably false.
The bible.
>people triggered by a woman
Not him, but Lutheran here and we see ourselves as a median church, not really protestants.
Of the 55 signers of the Constitution, only 3 were deists. 36 were pastors of Christian churches.
Die meme die.
So you're a protestant who trusts in the magisterium. That's interesting.
>demonstrably false
So really it just comes down to the word protestant hurting your feelings?
Not all churches exposed Puritanism.
Why all those christian revisionists are always about pussy?
The ones openly worshiping satan in the Vatican, or some other ones?
Words mean things.
I don't use papist terminology when speaking of the things of God, like the church, because popery has nothing to do with God, and everything to do with their cult, and its leader.