Fighting Games General /fgg/
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play gear
Laura best girl
I want Kombat Pack 3
kamala is coming
and so am i
Can I full screen flying dragon kick with Jam in Rev?
Rashid vs Ken is a 9-1 matchup you know
No Bridget no buy!
Bridget never, I'll make sure of that
>necalli's cr.HK comes out faster than Karin's st.MK
how the fuck do i even punish his stomping thing? doesn't reach that far, is too slow
Bridget sucks, not even a good shota or trap
Nobody actually played him either
ur in the club chillin when this chick walks into the club and gives ur gf this look
what do?
Give me a SIGN discount and crossplay and I'll be all in on Rev 2
Never ever
>Nobody actually played him either
See me in +R right now
Is this the power of 8th gen consoles?
ask her if she wants to join us c:
i hear juri likes to swing both ways
I wish guilty gear wasn't dead on pc.
that's a power of a cell phone
What's the difference?
Ok akuma is fucking busted.
Fuck off shitposter
It isn't.
>watching all these amerifrauds fail to play rashid
lol stick to low iq character kids
Sorry how many europeans were top 8 at Capcom Cup?
highwaystar here, i'm british
is street fighter v a skillful game?
still waiting on that sauce boyo
>Had to pick up my sister from Judo and saw a literal Makoto
>Only 16
Im not a pedo...
Im not a pedo...
There are no skillful games, only skillful players.
>it's an announcement of an announcement episode
Why is this so prevalent in fighting games?
It became industrie standard.
did james chen start the fight and finish it quickly?
16 is legal in many places.
kill yourself
Sure but not in my mind, anything under 20 is a little kid
no u
Anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on tekken. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, KoF and MK have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is tekken just can't seem to evolve. if you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," tekken might be your cup of tea.... Key word, might.
Here it is you lazy ass
There's not many Ram doujins
It needs to stop, either announce something or don't.
james always hits it then quits it
you know how many white women he's slept with
I'm Japanese baka gaijin fuzakeru na damare yo
At least fuckers like Square give a fixed date to the announcement and maybe even a countdown website. What bamco pulled all last year was just way worse.
Looks like a bear to me
That's still shitty but it's not as bad yeah and at least square makes it an actual event.
Would you support Ultra Street Fighter 3: The Final Challengers featuring balanced Gill, Evil Alex, and Violent Remy?
>A PS4
Haha, fuck no. I'm not paying for my internet twice.
>$400 for a video card
>Will probably be obsolete in a year or 2.
And people people are fine with this?
>>Will probably be obsolete in a year or 2.
>lying on the internet
You could buy 4 years of PS+ with a PS4 and still pay less for an equivocal PC
You know what you need to do
>And people people are fine with this?
They tend to pirate or rely on Steam sales.
A $400 videocard will hold you way longer than any screenless laptop with msony brand.
I have gtx 970 that cost $330 on release for 2.5 years already and its not even close being obsolete.
I think you are the type of person who loves to come up with excuses. make the thread a favour and fuck off
Why is there like 30 kyos in 2002um
anyone want to play something on fightcade?
99-2003 is nests saga where kyo was captured by nests and his dna was used to make clones
k' is one of them but he went rogue
why do people say ryu is dead?
Because it is Kyosoge
holy shit snake eyez fix your shit
Typical overreaction, like people saying Alex is E-F tier now.
>being rude to fightcade poster
You monster
Skullgirls are okay!
Snake is a traitor, from the worst end of traitors.
I was never into guys but chris does strange things to my dick
that's what I figured. I play Alex (albeit at silver level) and he doesn't even feel much different. Most of his oki still works and lariat comboing into st. mp opens up easier avenues to a lot more damage
God skullgirls is hot garbage but I really find fortune interesting. I wish she wasn't a meme spouter or in a kusogame desu
All you have to do is fix your thinking.
This user is a list of why the game you specifically sucks,.
>New designs are uninspiried.
>Tries to make the game more consistent fucks it up even harders
>Tries to jew you out at every turnand take fanbase for granted.
>"lel look at this new shitty mechanic no one asked for"
>1 step forward 3 steps back when implementing something most modern games already had long ago.
That's why my game is better then your game and this is the abridged list
who is nyan cat
You should've mentioned how defense is so hard cause offense is so stupid
delet this you capgoobcucker
He couldn't play Zangief anymore after Justin bodied him at the white house with Obama watching
oops on the wrong page
i didnt say anything about nintendo?
but nice samefag
never said any thing about 4?
but 4 is a better game than 5
Capcom could have doe that to you, too but Ono demanded more roid bara.
is a stick better than a xbone controller for sfv?
Man it's so boring to play against Balrog.He just does his dash punch over and over again because it's safe on block.
Then goes full retard mode when the other version starts to come up also and half of my hp bar disappears.
SFV has offline rollback?
That honestly only describes sfv.
No, xbone controller is the epitone of fighting game controllers.
I'm new to street fighter.
Ibuki looks cool as fuck and is my kinda gal.
But all the memes are telling me to play ryu. What do I do guys?
I've played a 100 hours of chipp on guilty gear, but that pretty much sums up all my experience with fighting games.
Depends on the person and what you're doing.
Generally stick is better but some things like 22 motions and arguably charge moves and SPDs are better on d-pad
The Xbone controller is a really nice pad too so if you don't have any problems playing on pad just stick with pad.
play whoever you want
Play the character you like the most
Its an injustice I tell ya
Ignore the "play Ryu" fags. Thanks to that advice, two out of three games you play online are against Ryu's and they all suck dick.
Is it possible to get Elphelt's classic costume through fishing, or do I really gotta grind 100k coins or fork over the shekels?
Ibuki is really technical compared to most of the rest of the cast but if you've played Chipp you should be fine.
>probably got fucking ruined
>tekken girl
>gets sponsored
>ki girls are better than sf girls who whore themselves out and dont care about playing the game
hmm who has the better fgc girls in terms of skill
You can fish up everything except Dizzy and Haehyun and maybe the eclipse colors
clear and concise i like it
the jewing and fanbase neglect doesnt apply to snk though