Why does Veeky Forums shit on marxism/socialism/communism so much?
What's so bad about workers owning the means of production?
I don't get it.
Why does Veeky Forums shit on marxism/socialism/communism so much?
What's so bad about workers owning the means of production?
I don't get it.
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What are you talking about? Most of Veeky Forums is communist because intellectuals always think they are going to be the nomenklatura in a communist state.
Cooperatives and employee owned enterprises exist in capitalism (Publix etc), you don't need to fuck up the entire planet to achieve it.
For me it's just it's constant failures that make me not like it.
>it'll work this time guys! I promise! Forget the other dozen times it's been tried!
I'd rather not shit up my country or have anyone else do it to theirs to "see if it works this time".
this, plus in Germany and Sweden, it is required that the unions own part of the companies they work for and have a seat on the board.
Is just a means to change the ruling elites.
Read a bit of Marx. The reason why the revolutions in China and Russia failed is because the material conditions did not call for Socialism in either of those places. You need advanced capitalism before you can have socialism. Only now is it possible to have socialism.
Every socialist movement up to this point has tried to do too much too early.
>Most of Veeky Forums is communist
when will this meme end?
because there is something called brainwash propaganda.
No it's not
>workers owning the means of production
>no property rights
Most of Veeky Forums is center right to right, it's just that the few Marxshits we have won't shut up.
Because it doesn't fucking work you retarded hipster faggot
>You need advanced capitalism before you can have socialism
Then tell every single marxist ever to stop bitching about capitalism
Who were the elites in Revolutionary Catalonia?
Yeah why did industrial, capitalist East Germany fail too? How about Czechoslovakia? Fuck off with your memes cuckboy.
Oh, Czechoslovakia and East Germany were as advanced as we are today? Go ahead and cite your source for that, I'll wait.
If anything is retarded, that is your image. Socialism isn't about wanting people to be middle class. Socialists divide people into those who own the means of production and those who sell their workforce.
Let me also add on: There was worker's self management in either of those places?
See, not only did the USSR not realize that the time was not right for socialism, they forced their specific strain of "socialism" on countries regardless of their development and material conditions.
Read up on "uneven and combined development."
problem with marxism is once you issue you it in you have nowhere to go
your economies of scale is maxed
thats what i got from the right picture anyway
turns out im a totalitarian according to the nolan chart in my political philosophy via polquiz.com
im austrian anarkist its just that im totalitarian about it
respect reason rationale and decision peacefully or ill be violent too yooooo!!!
Read a bit of Marx. The reason why the revolution in Paris failed is because the material conditions did not call for Socialism in that place. You need advanced capitalism before you can have socialism. Only now is it possible to have socialism.
t. Lenin 1917
The World Economy: Historical Statistics by Angus Maddison
Lenin later on realized that it was not the time and implemented state capitalism I the USSR. Only now is automation reaching the point that we can begin replacing people with machines in many industries.
They had computers and AI in Eaat Germany and Czechoslovakia.
Thanks for that. Really.
>only now
maybe only in 50 years? 100? 300?
Why now? You do know they were " replacing people with machines in many industries" back in 1830s already right?
What makes you think it won't result in another failed state with some douchbag on the quantum intertubes claiming "now is the right moment" in 50 years time?
The problem I have with workers owning the means of production is that it implies that workers are informed enough to properly manage a business. If the workers were well informed, then sure. The problem is that a majority of the working class has less than stellar intelligence. Placing this responsibility in a single person that is trained to manage business is better.
Now if by owning the means of production you mean the workers owning stock in a company it could work, but the workers would need the prerequisite of capital to achieve this.
What are you on about you tremendous retard
Because few people on Veeky Forums know what marxism/socialism/communism is.
Computers are at the point that central planning is viable (not necessarily ideal, however). AI is at the point that it can replace large swathes of our labor force. Not only that, but liberal democracy is proving to be too rigid to adapt to these new realities
>le intellectual bourgeois like myself knows better than the retarded proles
wew lad.
something something democratic commitee, something self-regulation something my version of the free market makes it work
>What's so bad about a mob of simple minded brutes murdering people for their property? I don't get it.
Fucking die, red.
>What's so bad about workers owning the means of production?
nothing, in fact it is compatible with capitalism, the problem is trying to impose it on everyone and ignoring even the most justifiable property rights
If Communism NEEDS capitalism so it can happen, then why the fuck all those wannabe Guevaras and greasy fuckers keep bashing capitalism like it's the fucking Devil? Jesus Christ just shut up then and enjoy the ride until we get to post-scarcity.
Empty demagogy with no hard evidence.
Sure, we're expanding automatisation, AI complexity and productivity and resource extraction efficiency at an exponential rate, but I still don't see the magic line that we've crossed to make communism realistic.
We still even have nation states, like, how would you even go beyond that without a few nukes, revolutions turned authoritarian, going back to square 1 style events?
>>What's so bad about a selected group of psychopatic minded brutes murdering people for their property? I don't get it.
Fucking die, bourgeois.
It's actually pretty ironic that communist revolutions basically don't happen in developed, capitalist nations, they only happen in agricultural, peasant shitholes like Russia, China, Cambodia or Cuba.
So pretty much the exact opposite of what Marx predicted
Because Veeky Forums is about history
And history has proven that marxism/socialism/communism is shit
>except, they also happened in large parts of France, Italy and Germany, usually the more industrialised parts at that
You're right, I agree, it's not time for communism, it's time for socialism. It's not a line, it's more of a gradient, and we're now on the side of it where success is more likely than failure.
Because the contradictions of capitalism are beginning to take a toll on the people who live under it. Capitalism cannot facilitate the transition to communism, the market is far too inefficient and short sighted for post-scarcity.
Are you talking about the kike plot of 1919? Because that failed spectacularly.
And also failed miserably.
The problem I have with all this is the following: if workers want to own the means of production why don't they start their own business where all employees are shareholders? Why must they seek to take control of a different company where a different system is in place? Is it because they want access to the stockpiles of assets that others had to work for? The whole point of the employee/employer relationship is that employees get paid their wages with no further risk attached to them.
>Because the contradictions of capitalism are beginning to take a toll on the people who live under it.
And what about the toll on the people that lived under Communism, or whatever was using its name?
failed is not a subset of " basically don't happen"
>Implying the average prole isn't retarded
Bunch of Jews chimping out does not a revolution make.
I want you Anglos to die already.
Literally no, by definition.
>I'm a stupid fifteen year old Marxist and I think switching some words around in my opponents post is the most epic way to destroy their argument with irony and shit.
See in order for your argument to make sense the "bourgeoisie" would have to be trying to kill me to steal my stuff. Since they aren't, your little epic response doesn't work.
Reds are the ones that want to eliminate private property, not the bourgeois.
Well, those nations claiming to be communist were essentially a capitalists' dream because they were basically corporations running states. They industrialized extremely fast, I'm sure the death toll of capitalist industrialization is significantly higher but more spread out.
They did what took 150 years in Europe in decades. Also, they walked and talked like capitalist societies. They were capitalist.
You could make your same argument against liberals in the French Revolution. Why do they get a pass?
It's Hegelian nonsense.
They don't. French Revolution was a mistake.
something something global zionist conspiracy amirite lad
friendly warning, don't read the books on the topics, bunch of jewish propaganda, all you need is AOL styled web sites and a glance at wikipedia. An infograph or two might help
>something something
Fuck off Anglo swine.
>What's so bad about workers owning the means of production?
because i hate everyone around me
But I'm not even english you massive projectionist.
Have you SEEN the workers?
Then stop talking like a gigantic poof.
I don't know his anyone can look at the French revolution and honestly see it as anything other than an abomination.
>Haha! Let's tie priests and nuns together naked and drown them, we can call it a Republican marriage!
Utter scum and proto Reds.
They're revolting!
B-b-but muh rights
You're sorely mistaken if you think people on this board love the French revolution.
bit rude there lad
there's nothing wrong with poofting if I'm perfectly honest
You said it, they stink on ice!
I know it's le ebin reddit man, but he's right. We're approaching an industrial revolution that will literally make us obsolete.
see, these are the terms that are being confused here
Why is preparing for the future a bad thing?
because they, like you don't get it.
they read a 19th century philosopher without knowing anything about 19th century philosophy, history, politics, social structure, economy, and they don't get it.
but unlike you, that tries to understand, it is easier to shit everywhere pretending he was just the begin of a economical problem (see where you come from, capitalism's children?).
How do you close your eyes from the struggle in understanding himself as a thinker as involved in the historical process and siding with the voiceless forces to continue progress on the direction he recognized?
How can't you see how innovative was his prospective in openly doubting the coscence of the culture supporting itself?
There sure are may critiques that we can do to marx, but not these bullshit you are coming up with.
I have never read any comment about his justificationism for instance.
To those who say that he is just a bad copy of Hegel, probabily they should read with their heads and not with their feet.
thank you for doubting memes though, the problem is not simply owning the means of production, but thinking history as a class struggle, start from that problem and read.
>GDP is a measurement of how advanced a society is
He's not a bad copy of Hegel, he's a good copy of Hegel, who was bad.
do you even know what the international was? that european revolutions were ended in blood? do you even know who rosa luxenburg was? do you even know how big were getting the sindacates and the wars inside industrial countries? do you know how ENORMOUS was the debate in Russia on wether to force marx words and start the revolution? do you even know how fascisms came to be popular?
of course not
so please shut the fuck up
PS this is Bava Beccaris cannoning protesters in Milan, 1898.
The king gave him a medal for this
I don't like being poor and being placed on the same level as lazy poor cunts. Fuck Marx and his shitty political ideology based on feels.
Because, just like democracy and every other organized system, when the masses rule in theory, the few rule in fact.
The hate is mostly because major proponents of of those ideologies tend to be childish morons, and there are a greater number of failed states to poke fun at.
It's all frightened classcucks
This lmfao
>they were basically corporations running states
There's no way you're actually this retarded, right? There were no corporations, only a nomenklatura that called all the shots and exploited the people in the name of not exploiting them. What the fuck is this, "corporations?" In the USSR? Are you mad?
They most certainly did not "do what took 150 years in Europe in decades;" if one looks at the GDP growth of the Russian Empire, one sees the revolution and introduction of extreme state controls to destroy the economy, and then the normal growth pattern is returned to once reforms were undertaken to scale back the fuckery that Lenin started out with.
You Marxists are always doing mental backflips to justify your horseshit.
Cause it´s the byproduct of all the propaganda from and after the cold war, both USA USSR were in the wrong BTW , especially when the societies run by fossil fuels fall apart even more when these get depleted, plus the global warming it caused
Name a single successful communist state
Uh...there was...uhm...I...
Because it led to the deaths of over 100 million people in the 20th Century.
Not it's not. Most of Veeky Forums is center left to left anarchist. The only time it gets 'right' is when /pol/ shows up to be humiliated yet again.
Name a single successful capitalist state.
Because Veeky Forums is packed with high school libertarians who haven't read Marx. Why do you think there's at least 5 helicopter jokes in any thread that tries to discuss Marx?
Good meme kid, that was mostly state capitalism (:
Go back to your cryogenic capsule
>it hurts my feels that I'm in a similar economic position as people I don't like
>clearly it's Marxism that's fixated on feels
Political philosophy is literally nonsense.
The lowest common denominator of humanity are intelligent sociopaths who don't care about anything other than gaining power.
Therefore, there is NO SYSTEM that won't become corrupt within a few years.
The only sane approach to politics is to continuously shrink and break up power structures (political and economic) to keep the sociopaths on their toes.
Because this board is filled with upper class scum
>tell every single child to stop saying "are we there yet?" on a journey
I'll bite. How would you measure the advancement of society, and based on your system, at what point would a society be advanced enough to warrant a transition from capitalism to socialism?
I'm /pol/, humiliate me.
Fuck off to /pol/
False, there was a strawpoll a while back that showed communists/socialists/anarchists are just a very loud and fucking annoying minority
holy shit this board is spooked, bunch of fucking classcucks
i'm going back to leftypol where we have true intellectual discussions. Get gulag'd classcucks.