League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!
She's a soft and pure qt who lactates ice cream!


xth for breast metal waifu

>She's a soft and pure qt who lactates ice cream
If she was pure she wouldn't be lactating now would she user?

He's been doing that for the last 3 hours. Give him a break.

Nice throw froggy

Trying to backdoor faggot







God echofox is depressing to watch exist

Dardick is a really fun guy.

Is pastry sitting on a booster seat?

Froggen didn't throw. Keith getting deleted pretty much sealed the game and made Froggen need to damage control.

He misplayed slightly by walking back into the arrow, but the bullet from Keith's throw was already well on the way.

He's the best!
Books are really good?!?!

>reroll gave me vancouver amumu


When will WW hit live?

If you're a support main in Silver and Gold and you feel like "you're still learning the game", listen to your ADC no matter how stupid their calls may sound. You'll realize how wrong you are when you think it's too unsafe to dive. Someone going bot lane doesn't automatically mean back off. There will be times you can kill the enemy bot lane before mid/jungler comes bot to gank. Not only will you get a double kill, but you will be wasting the jungler/mid's time.

How do we fix the Echo Fox?

>5th game
>ban yasuo, riven, zed on plat
>actually have a good game without some retarded on mid lane

listening to Silver/Gold ADCs?
nah, I think I'll pass bud

>CLG lost in typical retarded fashion
>it's the exact same lineup that won a split


>silver supports making up their own terrible calls
Jesus christ how horrifying

If you are below plat, just uninstall.

thuink about it this way: the other people on the team are on their roles, then those are people who play carry roles and are still stuck in silver/gold. What makes you think they're smarter than a support main?

i was going to write a long and lengthy post on how you're wrong, stupid, retarded, and how someone who learns game knowledge enough to take decisions into their own hands

but it would be better to just tell you to delete your own post because honestly that's best

If you both are going to die anyway, might as well try to take some kills with you(or waste their summoner spells). If ADC wants to engage then engage and die. ADC can't blame you for dying since you were just listening to them.

what makes you think you can decide whether or not one player on whatever role is smarter than the other without first seeing them play?

>play ascension
>if you dont ban teemo expect a teemo
>dont ban sona expect a sona
this game mode is such cancer, every time I come back to league it's ALWAYS asscension weekend....

>then those are people who play carry roles and are still stuck in silver/gold.
It doesnt help when the bottom lane is feeding due to a silver support thinking they call the shots and the silver adc falling behind because of it, then they both get insanely tilted and start intentionally throwing.

To answer your question, what makes them smarter? They're not a support player in silver and trying to make calls that you learnt from a streamer or some bullshit.

I might ask you the same thing

I´ve just been in a match where everyone went mid and the enemy team just fed us kills all game. What was that? I just joined the dance party while others got 30 kills.

free IP weekend man

I'm not the user you were talking to prior to my response. I wouldn't judge until I at least saw them play. In the case of such event I at least ask them why.

It's the ADC's fault for not looking at chat or the minimap to see that the enemy jungler/mid is bot and ready to gank.

Its the support's fault for not being aggressive enough. Being outnumbered doesn't always mean back off. Sometimes the ADC wants to go in because your bot lane is more fed and the ADC knows that the enemy bot has no sums, no ult, and is low enough to kill so it wouldn't matter if there's a gank coming.

>Playing TF
>Losing game but we can come back
>Win a good teamfight and take baron to turn the game around
>Dumbass jungle and top dive under their tier 2 when we didn't need to
>Enemy Lucian gets a quadra kill
>Start running away
>Enemy team is typing in chat for me to give it to him
>Ult away to the other side of the map and they all threaten to report me

this coming wednesday or next wednesday (feb 1)
pathnotes the day before, as usual

>If you both are going to die anyway, might as well try to take some kills with you(or waste their summoner spells).
sure, if the situation calls for it
I'm not going to blindly engage because my ADCs don't know anything else than to play overaggressive
I don't care about who takes the blame either way, I think it's best to trust my own judgement and if someone starts crying, I'll just mute them if it wasn't justified

extra IP*
I'm tired as fug

you're not having a very good day on the rift today, are you?

>tfw no "Free LP weekend"

what's going on at tencent?

Today? Im doing fine. AFKing in bots with Dinger and just doing other shit at the moment.

hilariously enough, the trick here would be to use your teeth

>guy picks urgot bot
>asked why he did that and not literally any other adc
>im afk
>spends the hole game farming lanes
>we win a couple of 4v5 but it doesnt matter because we dont have seige without our adc
>they start to come back
>the viktor i dumpster in lane lived and got 2 kills each in the last 2 fights
>now i dont 1 shot him anymore
>we start to lose fights
>urgot is still farming cs
>230cs at 33minutes
>ask him why hes so bad at hitting minions
>proceeds to just int
Why are people so offended by being made fun of, like if someone shit talks me i mute and play the game and do a lot better. Instead this guy took it personnel and decided he didnt want to win.
W/e gg i shoulda carried harder. Climbing out of silver is impossible because every match it just seems one of your teammates just gets butt blasted and afks

Sex robots?

>bite down with your teeth
>rotate your head counterclockwise
no thanks

When I have to explain i cant play top

So, which thread are we using?

One valuable skill is not pissing off your teammates. You'd be better at climbing if you learned it.

>ask him why hes so bad at hitting minions

What is that supposed to accomplish exactly? You just lost the game by asking that question, you fucking retard.

>Gay OTP ezreal post it first

>Tracker shows the cancer liss one

League is a team game. You don't ever shittalk your teammates no matter how rude or bad they are. Your teammates decide if you are going to win or not. They are doing you a favor by playing decently. If you shit talk them, then they're not going to want to be nice.

It's like harassing the ladies at Costco that give free samples and getting pissy when they don't give you free samples. Don't ever talk shit to people who are trying to do something nice.

if you want to actually get into it, the free samples ladies aren't being nice. They're paid to give out the free samples so you taste the product and are more incentivized to buy that brand of whatever the next time you want it. It just so happens that you believe they are doing it out of the kindness of their hearts.

kick Keith and the coach who kept him

you should be fine

kench is rarely played top lane

I dunno why, but i kinda want echo fox to do well. I don't care about any of their players and I have no interest in basketball, but I want Rick Fox's investment in league to go well.

One thing you have to remember in League is to never say anything in chat that isn't useful. Don't say things to hurt people's feelings. Don't say things to make small talk or make people laugh. Don't criticize someone for making a mistake. If a player isn't doing well and you want to say something to make them not make the same mistake, never give advice in the form of a question or insult. Say things in the most polite objective way possible, but don't over do it to the point that is comes off as bossy. Don't laugh at your own mistakes if you're going to talk shit when someone makes a mistake. Don't type "LMAO" whenever a teammate dies or makes a mistake.

If someone criticizes you, don't reply back. Don't encourage others to say things in chat that aren't important. Otherwise the enemy will get a penta because your team is busy talking in chat.

So if I want Season 7 rewards I can just reach Gold V this week and never play Ranked for the rest of the year?

I don't want to play League in November when everyone's being a tryhard cause they want the victorious skins so badly.

Make sure to get it in both Flex and Solo q for the bonus rewards

then the memelord and the guy who didn't fire him need to gtfo asap. with good luck they might make a turnaround at the end of the split. the current setup is a waste of time and resources.


>two threads
You stupid fucks

The tracker took me to this one so we're using this one

Where'd he get those pants?

okay thanks. I've been playing just Flexed this week.

he was probably wearing them when soraka's curse took effect and he transformed.


>In Warwick's lore

Is that still a thing? I thought he was just a zaun creation like zac and jinx

Good advice. This ESPECIALLY applies passive aggressive comments like 'hmm' or '...' when your allies fuck up.

That shit often tilts people more than straight insults.

user, I have some bad news...

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums bets

>/mute all


Holy shit user you were right.
I'm fucking terrible at this game.
So many missed opportunities to go all in and get hella fed.

Aren't we supposed to get special sales for lunar revel?

>top lane
>mute all at the start except the jungler
>win lase easy peasy because I can ignore the squabbles of bot lane, and mid-jungle constant disagreements.
>unmute once I have a clear lead so I can tilt the enemy laner and call objectives
Feels Good Man

is there an option to mute pings yet?

> ? ? ? ?


Nobody tell him.

No they don't work on the new client, and Riot doesn't seem to think it's important enough to fix it, along with their most popular game mode.

defend this lolbabs

who /winlanelosegame/ here?

How convenient for them.

But don't worry you can get a free icon :^)


Everytime I play Morde my bot lane feeds so ridiculously hard i can't even think about getting a single dragon and then I lose the game because i'm a 325 base MS ball of damage thats piss easy to play around

If I go in a bush with the greenfather's gift mastery, and use an ability like fiddle's crow, will everyone or just the first person hit take the additional greenfather's damage?

First person

a-are you okay?


I definitely miss the days of Shaco being a shitty memepick. The motherfucker is obnoxious as shit now that there's no fucking way to break his steatlh.

If he gets fed your carries just die instantly

literally impossible to win as AP ez anymore

Yeah. I still have nightmares about this AP Shaco that got fed as fuck. He kept oneshotting me on Jhin and there's nothing my team or I could do.

He made the game drag on for like 70 minutes because I was our only fuckin tower damage

>If he gets fed
just don't feed then xD

>Watching Dignitoss game with Azir
>Ryu just stands in the soldier range after thunderlords is proc'd
>Q'd twice in that fight before the flash
>No attempts to gank/dive him despite controlling the lane
>Ryu getting caught multiple times

I'm not sure if I should be happy Azir was played or sad that they basically let him get items easily.

build a fucking archangel's staff
this is a bronzie talking

How often are the wind's disciple updates published? Holy shit I just played through it and it is very good in some parts.



>play Renekton for the very first time
>in ranked because who gives a fuck
>go 25/8/12
>still lose because my Cait built a Wit's End and Black Cleaver
Hey well he's fun. Feels super useless late game though

>Lobby opens up and everyone is having a chat for team comp and strategy except for the support.
>Support is last pick and when it's their turn to pick I quote:
>"Hey guys wanna see a magic trick involving your elo?"
>mfw they instalocked Urgot.

why do you have courage as ezreal?

I haven't played since season 4.

Ivern looks like a joke character.

He looks like an april fools joke from riot, what the fuck is this.

>Colossus on fucking Ezreal

It's never me, hell I pray Shaco ganks my lane because I play lane bullies out the ass and can usually 2v1. It's when he's getting constant double kills from my retarded botlane that keeps overextending that's the problem.

Would you believe he's the highest winrate jungler in the game then