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first image for gency is cute.

How do they make skins as good as Witch Mercy but fuck up 90% of the others?

>liking the most generic costume in the game besides le facepaint dad

might not be the game 4 u

when does season 3 end

>fucked up bloo

Reposting in new thread in case anyone is struggling in comp and wants to try something new

I'm a grand master player who usually plays in 6 stacks so this might be different for you solo quer but just making a statement. I hear a lot of people talking about the triple tank meta and stuff. Why do you even care? I play in a 6 stack a lot of the time with friends and every single game we play dive comp. Every time. Fuck the meta. We do just fine almost completely ignoring the slow poke at the choke boring bullshit. We run/jump in there, push your shit in, take the god damn point, and rush the 2nd before you even realize you lost the first point. We over run slow ass triple tanks all the time. But yeah i'm not going to lie if we play against an exceptionally good or flexible team who is willing to change off top tier meta we don't always win. But the good thing is since everyone is all about this triple tank meta they don't know what the fuck to do against a good dive comp. They don't see it enough and easily get overwhelmed.

We don't run Ana nor do we use Roadhog, the 2 most meta picks currently. We go zen and lucio for healers instead of Ana. 2 DPS are Tracer and Genji (except one guy who I occasionally play with who's a monster Pharah and fucking rekts). 2 tanks are Zarya and D.Va or Winston. 2-2-2. No triple tank. No quad tank. This is our setup and we do just fine in case anyone wants to try it. The difference is the tank meta is more of a pointed assault head on like a spear head steadily moving forward. Yeah fuck that. We're like a god damn swarm of hornets hitting you from every angle running in and out. This is why it works. You can't focus us down really. We're swarming you from every direction since reinhardt can only shield in front of him that leaves behind, left, right, and even above if we have that pharah player.

>winston/d.va initiates
>zarya bubbles them
>genji and tracer come in from some other angle
>they get confused
>start chasing us

I'd love to cum om her tits

These are fucking grand master level players and they simply don't know how to deal with this. They're not used to it because literally everyone is running slow tanks. But listen. The reason why this works is because we're all over the place and don't get me wrong this is NOT easy to do at all. We've just been doing it for so long that we got really good at it. I'm not saying just go into a game, pick these heroes, and this will happen because it won't. You need to practice this strategy. The funniest part is when the enemy team tries to mirror us but just fail completely because they don't know how to play it properly. Everyone on my team is good with their hero and we simply swarm them and dismantle the enemy team.

I'm realizing that this is starting to sound like i'm shit talking triple or quad tanks so let me back up a bit. It's great at the pro level but the fact is 99% of the players in this game aren't pros. It's the best way to play the game WHEN PLAYED PROPERLY. Then it gets passed down the ranks to those who simply aren't as good running it. This is why our playstyle works. I highly doubt if we played against pros we'd be effective. They'd completely wreck us.

did they buff dva's mech damage and/or range?

We know you do, Chu

>someone thought this out
>decided to type and post it on an anonymous image board

Anonymous is a hell of an enabler


Doesn't even need to be triple tank, the only real important thing is that you work with your teammates and your comp makes some semblance of sense.

is battle net down?

When is this game ever getting good? When is tank meta going away? How does a 100% pick class like McCree goes to 2% pick within 4 months?

Why are literally all the """pro""" players still from closed beta?



Claim husbando

State reason

An organized dive comp will dismantle an organized triple tank most of the time. That's why solo or duo que is better off going dive most of the time. It's extremely hard to organize triple tank correctly but with dive comp you can divide and conquer. Triple tank is more team involved and relies on all the other players on your team a lot more. Dive comp really has 2 requirements pretty much. 1. Dive in at the same time as the rest of your team. 2. Kill the same target. When playing in triple tank it requires your rein to be standing in the right place not taking damage from the sides. Your Hog needs to be able to get the hooks and right picks. Requires your solder to be in the right place and put out enough damage because he's the only one really dealing damage. Requires your d.va to dive the right target at the right time. It requires your Ana to hit some nice sleep darts and nade at the right times. Even if 1 of these people fuck up it completely stops your ability to do what you want to do. I'm not saying Dive comp is easier either it definitely requires a different set of skills and maybe even more understanding of the game in a way.

So why am I posting this? Just a suggestion. Try to organize a dive comp but only if you have players who can actually play the heroes. Don't play a hero you don't really know just because you want to play dive comp. If you're good with dive comp heroes and your teamates are and you want to try it out I urge you to do it. You might be pleasantly surprised. It works more times than you'd think. Just my 2 cents. Good luck in your comp games.

I'd cum to love on her tits

They should try speeding up the animation for leaving turret mode and letting him repair on the move in recon, I honestly think that'll fix him.

>tfw no new skin
The wait continues.

>When does Season 3 end?
We don't know for sure, but probably late February / early March.

I would promise to add that item to the next thread's OP since it gets asked so often, but I'm going to bed, so I can't promise it.
Next thread, somebody add it.

I want Sym to dominate me

I'm no homo.

Having a husbando isn't gay

Jamison Fawkes!

Did you guys know that a group of rats is called a mischief?

>sym surrounds you with turrets and pleasures himself knowing you can't move or you face death from turrets

Sure buddy.


that labia definition

Junkrat, because he's the cutest and I love him the most!

it's called a vagina you fucking aspie

Redemption when?

Yeah, just have to keep waiting at this point. At least I can enjoy listening to her voice lines.


I bet you're one of those people who thinks liking traps makes you gay

Why does he even need a buff though? Bastion stomps on any of the payload maps and is great for 2CP as well.

anyone lese drunk as fuck and overwatching?

high af bro

Yes. Ditched Pharah as my waifu for that reason.

>Reaper doesn't actually work for Talon
>he is lying to Widowmaker to keep her around

I wish I had something to drink after these losses

They would have to remove his weapons being reloaded when he switches forms if they did that. :It's already faster than reloading normally.

>Blizzard considering doing a PRIDE event because of neofags
>blizzdrones and overmeme fags will defend this.
Time to finally drop this dying game



>Seagull hosting some kid named Aimbotcalvin



So hes a soldier 76 main?

Well they could fiddle with reload times and magazine sizes too if they needed to.

>play mercy
>can't help but feel like she's the worst healer out of the 4
>get picked off instantly
>never find a good opportunity for ult rez
>enemy plays mercy
>24/7 heals, rez almost up instantly

how the fuck do you play her

Given that Ana immediately recognized her and Gerard had a pretty high ranking position I wonder how much she might've known other Overwatch members. Maybe it was just as an acquaintance due to being Gerard's wife but still it's something I guess could add slightly more character.

a c q u i r e
p r o f i c i e n c y

Zip about and keep people topped up but know when to run the fuck away. Don't go for ebin POTG 5 man ults and only those, think about the situation and use it wisely.

On the stream he seemed like a pretty cool g--
>go to YouTube channel
>Sword Art Online banner

winky face

>heal everyone as much as you can
>pop ult whenever somebody other than a tracer dies
Her ult builds pretty fast, so don't save it for too long.

You have it all wrong what you need to do is play any other healer.


I got tired of playing mercy
>2 people die
>rez them
>2 more people die right afterwards

How are you supposed to win matches against rein, torb and bastion on defense when your team keep trickling in and getting themselves killed over and over?

>noticed that OW has started becoming gradually more toxic/sexist
>approx. 1 out of 3 times I get on voice for comp coordination I get some faggot pulling the "hurghhh r u grl"
>decide to start screencapping every interaction and turn it into a collage for fun
>tfw I only started yesterday

And like 9 out of 10 times they're a Genji pick. The meme is real. The autism unbridled.

Honestly though why do so many men do this? I get that it's a male dominated hobby, but women really aren't all that unusual in vidya, especially in a game like Overwatch. What is it that occurs within the male brain that triggers him to make the decision to type "I wanna suck ur pussy" in chat whenever he hears a female voice.


>noticed that OW has started becoming gradually more toxic/sexist

>Ana-sama.. I..I have been looking for you"

Report them. Getting rid of autist weeaboo genjis makes the world a better place.

Goddamn it, I would

Dive comps at least sound way more fun than the current shit. The hard part is if you're solo queue because some people just freak out if you don't go what they think is strict meta even if it doesn't work out.

Nice autism

They might appreciate your "humor" a little more over there

roadhog is bae

>when your team keep trickling in and getting themselves killed over and over
You don't.

>he has an ENTIRE playlist dedicated to SAO ost

Cant blame him hes just a kid.
Hes like 20 somethign

why are brits girls so cute

Mcree is qt. And we both have southern accents.

>playing widowmaker with low health

She has a few extra vertebrae but it's honestly not the worst proportions I've ever seen

He's 19 apparently

I'm being serious for once. I don't want this diamond to turn into another CS:S.

Oh I always do but as far as I can see unless you actually get caught hacking Blizzard does shit fuck all in response to harassment reports.

I've had a guy talking about how he's going to track me down and rape me before and last I checked his stats page he's still active, and I reported him 2 months ago.

post vocaroo

didn't some other game start putting these people into their own queues

Annoying fucking slag



fug drunk mei is best mei

>Using emoticons


No idea but that would be fucking perfect for Blizzard to implement. Just a consistent stream of uncoordinated, asshole meme teams that can never win anything because they're too busy mouthing off.

Add the Ouh la la line to the end of that

>not using emoticons

stay virgin


Letting him heal and move in recon would fix everything.


>playing Reinhardt and doing well
>consistently on point with my shield up, or charging their enemy tanks off point
>nobody ever follows me in and we lose the point halfway through
>Pharah that sits around sniping outside the point
>game ends with me fighting against two healers (pinned and killed one) and a D.VA with an Ana crouched behind me while everyone fucks off at spawn
>we both die and lose the game, thank her for helping
>SR dropped to 1829 because of that game

It triggers the fuck out of faggots like you though :-)

Is the qt that wanted to team up still here? :3

Call them retards over voice.

It's gold league, why are you suprised people are retarded?

she's so hot

hey gurrl what's your gametag :))?

Please implement this and please allow random people to spectate this bracket. The monkey cage is hilarious when you're on the outside looking in but not when you're in the cage with them.


Blizzard please do this. This is a genius idea.

Welcome to the Internet, people will shit talk you using whatever they think will upset you the most, and if you get this fucking triggered then they've done it right. Grow a pair, ignore it, fight back, or quit playing.

t. vagina