Rape is a social construct
Laws are a social construct.
ur mum not fucking me a social construck
Society is a social construct
social constructs are a social construct
Murder is a social construct.
>>/pol/ is not a social construct.
Well honestly back in the day rape meant something along the lines of
>enemy soldier grabbed me, shattered my pelvis, forcefucked me until I bled and permanently damaged my uterus
rather than
>I sucked someone's cock when I was drunk lmao
The former is a heinous crime, the latter is a non-issue. Basically the definition of rape got expanded to absolute bullshit cases while somehow retaining the negative connotation of actual violent crimes.
Rape is a spook
The concept of consent is a social construct, but a very useful one.
Some spooks can be useful tools, but they are just that, tools.
Rape back then ment the same thing it means now.
Autonomy and consent are social constructs.
it was considered a crime against property
No, it did not.
"Social construct" doesn't mean it isn't a reality, religion is socially constructed, race is socially constructed, laws are socially constructed yet all these 3 things are reality and have real palpable impact on your life
Lol no. Rape meant literally "to seize" (raptare). That is, to take possession of a woman without the agreement of the father or whoever "owned" her at the time.
she rings 000 cop comes over and ur in the system
cant even own a gun to stick it back in their face, "legally"
sickkkkkk oneeeeee
>race is socially constructed
Oh no, I triggered the alt-right
This pic isn't even true. If you're both drunk neither can consent and neither is liable for "rape".
it is
so if im drunk and shes not i can do whatever i want and im not liable?
Race can be defined with genetics and some genes more common in a race affect people's abilities so race is not necessarily a social construct.
Scientific classifications are still constructs. We categorize things based on what we observe - we could easily have decided on a far broader or far more specific criteria for what constitutes a race, species, etc. We didn't just find find a slip of paper with the name and specifications God wrote down for that species 6000 years ago.
It's the same with things like diseases, we make up an agreed upon category in which a selection of observed symptoms are lumped into, but at the end of the day we just "invented" the disease to explain an observation, and we could have done it in a different but still valid way (and systems / methods of diagnosis regularly change).
Still at the end of the day it's a pedantic discussion because basically all of human experience within a society is a social construct.
>doesn't reply with anything other than a meme
Must not have an argument
We won boys!
No, if you're both drunk neither one raped the other. There is no legal precedent for this, and no cop is going to arrest a drunk dude for fucking an equally drunk girl. The problems come in when one party is obviously smashed and the other isn't
>and no cop is going to arrest a drunk dude for fucking an equally drunk girl
Except that yeah, they totally would. Rape accusations in the Western are pretty much guilty until proven innocent.
Are you fucking retarded?
>muh genetics
A random picture with no context isn't an arguement
One can divide humanity into races by looking at groups of loci in the human genome. This method is extremely accurate and if you have prepared samples to compare them to, you can tell, with nearly 100% accuracy, to which genetical group, or race a non-mixed person belongs.
The thing is you're taking "race is a social construct" and understanding it the way SJWs try to present it, with the added "therefore all humans are equal."
No, all humans are not equal. The categories humans are subsequently placed into based on human observation are merely invented by societies and can vary depending on who invented them.
It's like saying you've got a bunch of stones. Some are big, some are small, some are white, some are black. You're told to put them in boxes. Without denying the differences between these stones (size/color, and to avoid triggering you we can include the IQ of these stones) you putting them in boxes is an artificial categorization. You can have a big stone box and a small stone box, where the color doesn't matter, or you can have a light stone box and a dark stone, or smooth stone and rough stone, or "stone from the top of my yard and the bottom"
How do you address that? What we try to do is invent the best categories possible to distinguish between different stones, but we're still inventing categories.
Genetics is interesting but what does it matter?
Of course you can identist genetic and physocal difference but what does it matter?
Yes, and? Everything is a social construct. Culture, philosophy, history, technology. It doesn't matter at all how you categorize individuals of different genotypes or if you don't do it at all. They will still be genetically different.
>Yes, and? Everything is a social construct.
I'm glad you agree seeing as this is what the guy fucking said and you fedora memed him.
Except that that wasn't me.
Only on college campuses where investigations are done internally. You might get called in for questioning or to give your statement, but arrested? Nah. Rape cases are tough to prove on either side, legally. A lot of them never even make it to trial because it's so tough to prove either way.
Ok, I'm glad you agree seeing as you seemed to randomly weigh in on the discussion that directly pertains to this statement
and this reply
Are you trying to change the subject to discussions on genetic differences in human beings? Because neither myself nor the guy who got fedora memed said humans didn't have genetic differences.
You can divide humanity into races by looking t groups of loci in the human genome coding for hair colour and writing hands. This method is extremely accurate and if you have prepared samples to compare them to, you can tell, with nearly 100% accuracy, to which genetical group, or race a non-mixed person belongs.
So, humanity is inherently divided into the race of brown haired people, the race of black haired people and the race of blonde haired people.
The only other acceptable division of humanity is that of the race of left-handed people and the race of right-handed people, but only hair realists see this truth, while other sheep still either deny those obvious categories or use silly categories like geographical origin.
What is this I don't even?
It's one of many arbitrary categories we can throw people into, based fully on science.
>“What is sure is, that criminals are more often left-handed than honest men, and lunatics are more sensitively left-sided than either of the other two.”
All of this is literally irrelevant to the accusation that our current understanding of race is socially constructed (i.e. black, white, asian etc.), this understanding is completely scientific unsupported
I can't tell if you're agreeing or disagreeing that race is a social construct.
Sorry, I misunderstood you but yes, I do agree
Toilet paper is a social construct.
I wipe with my hand.
Not true, actually.
Friend of mine went to jail for that exact same situation.
Also literally google it, it's not uncommon.
How to wipe your bottom is a social construct.
Toilet paper, itself,clearly isn't.
Sure, but all *men* are equal. Race, religion, creed, all men are born equal.
They may not be equal in skill, willpower, or whatever have you, but they are born equal, and deserve equal rights.
The problem is that SJW's are actually more close minded than their opposition. They can't live in a world where people are different, but equal. Everything must be normalized, always. Gays can't be different, they have to be normal! Blacks can't be different from whites, they have to be normal.
Everything has to be normal, because otherwise they can't handle it.
Thanks, Commissar Obvious.