How likely am I to get my car vandalized if I have a MAGA hat on display in my back window area?
How likely am I to get my car vandalized if I have a MAGA hat on display in my back window area?
Depends on where you park your car
My driveway for 16 hours a day, and in a popular shopping center parking lot for 8 hours a day.
Try not working retail before having political opinions.
if you park where idiots are you will probably be fine
I'm pretty sure most people have already forgotten that we've had an election.
Tell the Dems to try working at all before having political opinions.
How are they supposed to find jobs when there aren't any in their fields of study?
Don't study worthless shit
>muh working people matter
this has been the most hilarious fucking shit ever
love watching the right wing bitch because they waste time at work
>altreichers slave away for us neetocrats then bitch about it after 10 hrs of work on their 1.5 Mbps 1GB data cap internet plans
What alternate reality do you come from?
jealous mellenial poorfucc
slave to money
say hi to your mom for me
is this supposed to be an insult lol
Amazing how poorfags will continue to vote to keep themselves poor. Truly the ultimate cucking
If thats your car i really wouldnt worry, its not like any damage will make it look any worse
wait wait, are you telling me that a "billionaire" with thousands of lawsuits from unpaid contractors, with a penthouse in manhattan with gold plated toilets and a private jet and who up to a few years ago was a democrat, truly doesn't care about us poor folk?
Oh no, he absolutely does. Now excuse him while he drains the swamp by picking more of his campaign donors for his cabinet
well dipshit i think hes saying you're a failure who lives with his mom how is that not an insult?
probably because Im not a slave to money
so pathetic that you think money makes you anything you guys are the true failures you dont even live lmao less than human
maybe if you get rich you can buy a mom or something since you clearly never had one
>this fucking thread right now
these idiots are allowed to vote
>not a slave to money
Yea im sure you would say that if you had money
working is the biggest bs on the planet bruh
life has been so much better since I quit
I gave away thousands to my family and am slowly getting rid of all of my stuff
I wont be shackled by your fucking material world
you must be a really sad person user
you obviously had some shitty events that happened recently
you don't need to hate people who work
you just need to fix what's flawed in your life
become a bigger better person
i hope things start looking up for you
i hope you have a great week user
remember we're rooting for you
not that guy but nice of you user
this faggot needs to get back to work though
>happiest Ive ever been
>believing in the "u gotta work user what are you a moocher?"
yes yes goy, hard work will set you free
He's rolled back banking regulations (that forced banks to operate in the best interests if their clients) just for you, the people.
>so sitting in your ass is living
>so not contributing anything to society is living
are you falcunt?
>implying the poorer red state south doesn't compose the vast majority of welfare abusers
there are plenty of inner-city leeches but just remember that inbred redneck retards don't come from blue precincts.
why do you assume people who dont work just sit around and do nothing
I do charity work from time to time tyvm
>contributing to society
lol yeah I was doing much more for the people working in a warehouse
he will
he just seems to be in a real bad place atm
he'll overcome it as we all do
your words clearly show that you are not in fact happy
good luck mang
hate is poison
don't let it ruin your life
yeah Im sure you have a masters in psychology or something and can tell everything about people
have a good one user dont hit your head anymore
no formal education user
i know a bitter man when i see him
i used to be just like you
angry af
hope things work out for you man
some of us actually genuinely give a shit about you
yeah those silly Dems, they don't work at all! that's why they pay the majority of taxes that help inbred hicks with black lung stay alive and vote for Trump1!
Please go back to your containment board
or better yet kys
How about everyone stops or is taking into custody
I work for the french gvt and I bought two MAGA hats, one for the car on the back window as you do and one for me
I don't know about the US but outside my workplace's private parking lot and my driveway I wouldn't let it inside the car. Just in case
t. busrider
Very likely. Know a veedubber whose hatch window was smashed because he had German writing on a sticker. People are going fucking crazy.
How did he know that they did it because of the sticker?
Leftist triggered snowflake cuck detected.
Get a job faggot
Fucking hippie. Just get a job and die like the rest of us
It's not worth it. As much as I wish we could display our opinions without fear of vandalism, niggers gonna nig.
til you eat the wrong berry out in the woods or get impaled by a deer while hunting
>any year
>not ironically putting the losing candidate's bumper sticker from the first presidential election after its model year on your car
Actually there's very little correlation between states' unemployment rates and states' political leanings, apart from field-specific boomtowns like the Dakotas. Mississippi is the most unemployed state in the union and it's bleeding heart Republican.
It's literally impossible to refinance a mortgage if you make more than $40k/yr or qualify for a $10k loan if your small business doesn't have $1.5 million in assets and revenue thanks to Dodd Frank.
sad that this is what you look forward to in your "life"
why fuck would I want to work as soon as summer hits Im out of here
thanks for paying for my food until then though
so why waste time working
>Life is decay
Not until about 25.
>You will always be truly alone
I share half of my DNA with my mom, and half with my dad.
>You are expendable
>Nothing happens for a reason
Quantum mechanics.
>You're going to die
>You will be forgotten
>It will be like you never existed
With the exception that I did.
>I share half of my DNA with my mom, and half with my dad's best friend
fix for you m8
and hes already a contender or being one of the worst ever
It was a passerby that yelled something about nazis as they threw a rock into his window.
As much as I would like to express my political views or support my local law enforcement, I just know some fucking faggot would key my car or find some way to damage it.
By doing literally nothing wrong?
>muh poor mexicans and muslims that dont contribute anything to our country!
>^^ piss off 99% of your allies
>non stop gagging on Putin balls
>civilized world is already looking at alternatives that don't involve dealing with an orange thin skinned idiot (bye bye sphere of influence)
>lie so much, you have to make up a term for it
>"drain the swamp" then proceeds to fill cabinet with cronies, campaign donors and utterly unqualified retards
but hey at least the muzzies and spics are b-buttblasted amirite
I didnt but i live on a military base and also a previous owner smashed the whole side in so not much more they could do except key the other side or knock out my lights or windows. Wife drew lines crossing out the words in a silver sharpie u cant even see and then the hat dissappeared completely i suspect the wife
I think the giant ass fartcan pisses more people off than the hat did