/v/ will sometimes have these threads about which type of fans will favor which game in a particular series. I'm guessing it's self-explanatory enough.
Let's have a Veeky Forums edition.
/v/ will sometimes have these threads about which type of fans will favor which game in a particular series. I'm guessing it's self-explanatory enough.
Let's have a Veeky Forums edition.
Other urls found in this thread:
>filthy Muslims
>Better than glorious Zoroastrians.
Stop being such a contraian, it doesn't suit you
Hoo boy, wait until you find out what Sassanid-era Zoroastrianism was like beyond "it wasn't islam". The parallels between the clergy then and the modern IRI's mullahs are pretty nifty.
Zartoshtis weren't all that great, jigar.
Pleb: Roman Empire
Contrarian: HRE
Patrician: Byzantium
For Germany it would be
pleb: 3rd Reich
fedora: 2nd Reich
patrician: never because Germany was always shit
Whoever told /pol/fags and ex-vikingboos about Byzantium started a terrible thing.
>literally claim descent from the last Sassanid shah to bolster their claim
>filthy Muslims
In general there's plenty of parallels between the two. I read a description of a Mazdaic mourning ritual for Siavash in central Asia of which Muharram is pretty much a direct knockoff.
Seriously, internet Iranians who jack off too hard to the Sassanids are basically the sand nigger version of your white american friend who calls himself an odinist and has been getting weirdly more racist lately.
Kind of related I guess
>implying this isn't accurate
True, Sassanid Persian Zoroastrianism had a highly nationalistic bent, but it's still the only religion to condemn slavery. Setting a slave free (regardless of nation of faith) was still one of the most pious things to be in the Sassanid era
Literally the 16th Century equivalent of fascists having a blinkered view of their countries history
You forgot
God-tier: parthian empire
Failed state-tier: seleucid empire
The Achaemenids were Iranians emulating Mesopotamia and the Sassanids were Iranians just doing their own weird insular thing. But under Islam Iranians became the cultural core of an entire world civilization, admired and emulated by everyone from Delhi to Constantinople. And of course, the Safavids were the greatest manifestation of that culture.
I love the Achaemenids and Sassanids, but they never reached the same cultural brilliance as the Safavids.
Same for Christianity and Islam though. They didn't condemn it wholesale because both evolved in slave-based economies, so a total abolition would result in a total collapse, so they chose a gradual transition.
The jacking off is mostly Achaemenid centered in my experience. Bonus points for claiming that Cyrus the Great was a Zoroastrian and that he invented human rights.
Also, unrelated, what is it with Iranians and liver? I get that "jigareto bokhoram" is an idiom, but what is its root? Is the liver supposed to be where feelings are kept like heart is in the West?
dat artwork
Requesting more Safavid art ITT.
The best stuff is from the 16th and early 17th centuries. I think it got kind of crappy towards the later 17th century as they adopted European influences (the Mughals did a much better job of that).
I'll post a few.
>a non-Zoroastrian Persian empire.
I think not.
>Same for Christianity and Islam though.
>follows with a bunch of stuff that wasn't the same
No. Those are not the same as a faith that considers setting slaves free to be an act of extreme piety.
What transition was that? The one where slavery was only abolished less than 200 years ago in Europe and still continues to this day in some parts of the Islamic world?
That's not so much a gradual transition as it is a non-existent one.
Except they both considered setting slaves free to be an act of extreme piety.
To be fair, most of the diaspora were brought up on 'fuck the mullahs,' without hearing dissenting opinion for most of their lives, whilst being fed a 'we wuz shahs n shit nigga' narrative by people with a superficial understanding of history, theology, etc
Yet both still had slave societies. Funny that.
why do they have east asian eyes
Let me fix that for you, OP
>Pleb tier
>Contrarian tier
>OK tier
>Patrician tier
>JUST tier
That's actually quite clever. I like it.
This. Glory to the King of Kings.
Love this
>you will never be so powerful god himself uses your rank as an analogy for his power
Some people say it's because of Mongol influence, which was a huge factor in the history of Persian miniatures, but they actually looked like that before the Mongols with figures and faces influenced both by Central Asian and Byzantine art. To be honest I don't see what people mean when they say they look East Asian, they don't have epicanthic folds or anything.
kill yourself
Because it was part of the economic system upon which arrived in the world. Both made the act of setting slaves free a great deed. Of course, setting all slaves free at once would crash the economy - so a gradual transition would make more sense.
This actually made me think.
>Pleb tier
Russian Empire
>Contrarian tier
Soviet Union
>OK tier
Kievan Rus
>Patrician Tier
Novgorod Republic
>JUST tier
Russian Federation
Please describe in detail why you think those faiths are "patrician".
You switched pleb and fedora around.
>ultimate source of many master pieces of Western art
top kek.
>pleb tier
Old Kingdom
>ok tier
New Kingdom
ptolemaic period
>pleb tier
British empire
>fedora tier
UK post 1945
>Patrician tier
Pre-Norman conquest England.
You are retarded.
>pleb tier
pre-union England
>contrarian tier
Saxon Angland
>ok tier
>Patrician tier
pre-Roman Celtic Britannia
>Just tier
>pre-Roman Celtic Britannia
More like Welsh nationalist masturbation fantasy tier.
>pleb tier
>fedora tier
Victorian era
>ok tier
Modern Britain
>patrician tier
Thatcher-era (excluding her last days) and Elizabethan era
>JUST tier
50s-70s Britain
>pleb tier
>Contrarian tier
>OK tier
>Patrician tier
>JUST tier
Three Kingdoms
>Achaemenids/Median empire
>680 BC - 330 BC
>duration: 350+ years
>Arsacid/Sassanid empire
>247 BC - 651 AD
>duration: 898+ years
>Safavid/Afsharid empire
>1501 AD - 1796 AD
Sorry, no. Also the whole labeling things as "fedora" or "pleb" or "patrician" is fucking retarded. Sassanids would be more relevant to modern Iranians and Persians then the Achaemenids because Iranians have always known about their Parthian and Classical Persian roots for millenia, the Achaemenids weren't known until the early 20th century. Most of what represents modern non-Islamic Iranian culture stems directly from those times.
Iranians are Mesopotamian. Western Iran is part of the cultural boundary of lower Mesopotamia. And the Achaemenid Persians are simply extensions of the cadet branch of the younger ruling Median dynasty, who were directly influenced by the Neo Babylonians, Elamites, and Neo Assyrians in turn.
>Also the whole labeling things as "fedora" or "pleb" or "patrician" is fucking retarded
Welsh are about as un-Celtic as you can be, do they honestly try to compare themselves to fucking Druids and Gaulic tribesmen?
t. pure blooded Veeky Forums king
What about ROC
The British empire. Whilst fun to read about. Is entry level to the max. It's like the next stop after Doctor Who and Harry Potter for wannabe Brits.
>Modern Britain
If by modern you mean early-modern then yes, that's OK. If you're trying to suggest contemporary Britain is OK then I strongly suggest you fuck off.
>Thatcher-era (excluding her last days) and Elizabethan era
The Elizabethan era is also very entry level. It's also infinitely less interesting and important than the Stuart era.
I dunno because I've never been to Wales and you couldn't pay me enough money to go to that sorry imitation of Mordor.
What the fuck are you doing?
>Sassanids would be more relevant to modern Iranians and Persians then the Achaemenids
If anything that supports OP's image.
a better version desu
this and I'm not a /pol/fag
>What the fuck are you doing?
Not him but if you know anything about Iranian history you know the Medes and Achaemenids are from the same clan:
The Achaemenids are directly related to the Median royal family. Cyrus' mother is Astayges' daughter, his family is the junior line which is why Cyrus' father was the king of Anshan and Persia, and was the son-in-law of his father-in-law's vassal and a kavi.
Two dynasties that are a direct continuation of the same pre-Islamic Empire. Further corrobrated by the fact the Sassanids utilized and employed the same confederations of Parthian royal families to prop up their military, government, and tribute system although more centralized, aggressive, and efficient then their Arsacid forbearers.
Nader Shah was more or less continuing the Safavid Empire while using the last Safavid's son as a figurehead. Iran/Persia was still united and ordered and he kept retaining the same government outside of usurping power till the death of his last successor.
>supports the OP
He just pointed out the Sassanids and Parthian dynasties were more long lived, and relevant then either the Achaemenids or Safavids.
took me a second
Would probably stick it in OK (maybe Patrician) if we were grouping in every single polity/dynasty.
thread related i guess lel
>If by modern you mean early-modern
>rest of the post
I was judging them based on the eras themselves not on whether or not they were interesting. I agree though. British Empire and Elizabethan era are entry level along with the Victorian era.
>patrician tier
>not Roman Egypt
Thats actually nice
What is so clever? Spoonfeed me.
made a template too
there is the meme version of rome often seen in movies, then there are people who read about it
And how is this represented in the image?
By stating that both plebs and patricians will prefer the Roman Empire. The implication is that they prefer them for different reasons.
Ahhh, sorry I'm dumb.
>Roman Reigns
Pleb: FDR
Fedora: Reagan
Patrician: Andrew Jackson
Wtf does this map even represent?
>Actual Patrician Tier
Song Dynasty
If anything Fedora is Jackson, Patrician is Nixon
G. Gordon Liddy, plz.
Pleb: John
Fedora: Robert
Patrician: Ted
Pleb: HRE
Fedora: Byzantines
Patrician: Romans
No my name is actually Spire Ag-....Spiro Andrews...
Uh huh..know the number for a good group of plumbers, senpai?
I'm not Sirhan Sirhan, relax
Pleb:Post-liberalization Turkey
Patrician:Seljuk Empire
Tapes? What tapes? I don't know anything about any tapes.
And that's how they weren't the fucking same. The Zoroastrians were extremely anti-slavery, you putz. Whereas the Bible at least (I've never read the Quran, actually) has justifications for slavery built into it.
>literally not shit tier after ottoman classical era
Plebian and patrician are both titles for citizens of the Roman empire.
>Trash tier
Antibellum Era
>Shit tier
1970's-80's USA
>Bad tier
Modern USA
>Pleb tier
1950's USA
>Fedora tier
1920's USA
>Patrician tier
1890's USA
>Elder God tier
1870's USA
Wrong, the Republic is the patrician's choice.