Do you think my tail will also eventually catch a fish?
Oliver Martin
Christian Barnes
Fishes don't bite ugly bitches fem au ra
Parker Butler
i think you forgot the 1
Luis Powell
Julian Anderson
Good thing that mine is a beauty.
Jaxon Morales
dabs birbs
Ian Howard
Post good feels.
Adrian Morris
123 abcd
Dylan Johnson
what feel is this?
Wyatt Harris
I'm still glad it's finally over.
Aaron Scott
>Fem au ra >Not a fucking trainwreck hahaha
Maybe if you fucked more than once in a lifetime you'd know what a tru waifu looks like
Elijah Price
Alexander Nelson
Charles Wilson
What's your problem, nerd?
Evan Phillips
why is there spit all over her hands?
Charles Sanders
why do you hate me elk
Hunter Cooper
He's just baiting you into posting your au ra. Keep going for it.
Jace Williams
who are you
Matthew Parker
Serious question. Part of good farms is being able to adapt when you fuck up, and I have not seen one good ZurvEX farm party that 1) skips Soar as advertised, or 2) doesn't wipe to it.
Alexander Hughes
see i knew u hated me
Luke Morgan
James Hall
That's not how you spell cat, shana. Do you need one on one tutoring?
Nathan Long
I wish my fishing level was higher, so I could wear a better looking outfit.
Camden Myers
his puffy bp gets plenty of one on one tutoring
Landon Ross
mnyes teach me about kit
Nicholas Reyes
Noah Garcia
Ive never leveled Carpentry, Alchy or Goldsmith which do i go for. Note this is on a new character so crossclass skills dont mean anything atm.
Ayden Cook
What's the consensus on the leveling roulette? Should I be using it to get tomes or to actually level other jobs?
Hudson Fisher
post flat
Joshua Moore
knight of ishgard looking for femra to dunk in a toilet while reciting halonic scripture pst
Colton Turner
Do you care more about the gear or the clear itself?
Brayden Stewart
Hudson Thompson
I really miss buttposting...
Michael Carter
>Crossclass skills dont mean anything in crafting.
You won't make it far as a crafter without them.
Elijah Martin
carpentry is the single most important craft due to byregot's blessing making leveling everything else easier
Brayden Bailey
And daily samefagging dance begins
Hunter Jackson
Oliver Johnson
brb jacking off
Luke Bennett
I like GSM the most!
Isaiah Brown
arr rook same
Kevin Edwards
Love the new junkmonger.
Grayson Jackson
I want to bite that one running on the left with the blonde hair
Ayden Watson
I like you!
Juan Nguyen
Man some of these dungeons can be pretty boring
Elijah Reyes
Oh, it's the semen thief.
Adrian Young
>doing Nidhogg Extreme >MT has 1k more HP than me without food, which means higher ilvl and SHOULD mean he can hold aggro >I stole hate from him three times in one fight while Berserking >stuff like this happened with three different MTs, one of which was in a party trying to phase skip (we didn't)
I've done this with lower ilvl MTs all the time and this was never an issue, I even did the phase skip with one before. Am I going too ham, or am I just attracting all the shitters today?
Aaron Carter
Gavin Powell
tfw 2/3 of ur exes streaming rn
Jack Baker
There's just, like....
Nathan Morris
pst meria athera
Jayden Torres
why are you not dpsing making it quicker?
Nathaniel Thompson
Nice game discussion lads. Played any game beside ban evading recently?
Benjamin Richardson
oh my...
who's this?
Samuel Kelly
It's a nigger. Logic isn't something he is good with..
Grayson Martinez
Hey cat, wanna private pf and hang out? I really want to meet you.
Kayden Rodriguez
Lucas Williams
... nothing to do. I should have played a Dragoon
Justin Sanchez
Good afternoon pals
Anthony Davis
There's no escape from me, elfman.
Samuel Jenkins
How do I filter resolutions? Had just about enough
Elijah Reyes
Do a lovely pose in front of lots of water with a nice scenery for me.
Levi Perez
>xivg >game discussion lmao
Jaxson Campbell
> cats with slutty tendencies who dont actually slut it up with randos or alts
looking at you shana and abe and the like
Xavier Myers
Ayden Sanchez
damn you got me
Oliver Fisher
Lincoln Martin
Abe does slut it up with randos.
Caleb Thompson
>tfw flirty >tfw will only lewd people I know or have gotten to know to a certain point and show they aren't going to "fall in love" with me after one ERP session
Josiah Howard
CM back when it was fresh >People stunning giants to save cannons >Healers standing where they need to be >Tanks using ranged pull to grab mobs in the last area instead of walking up the ramps and running through them >People wait for cannon countdown
CM now >cannons on insta explosion >healers running around like chickens with their heads cut off >Tanks running up the ramps >nobody waits for the cannons to load before firing >People dying
This is why everyone is constantly wiping on shit. There needs to be a solo skill gate for shit players. No more carries, You want to enter? you gotta pass the solo skill requirement test first.
Alexander Gray
the fuck's CM
Adam Cruz
Bentley Fisher
Were they drk knights?
Liam Bell
looking for friends or people to grind lore with
please send tell
Colton Gomez
I cant believe you married him.. .
Matthew Mitchell
Castrum Meridianum dude.
Hudson Howard
hug of fug blueberry bum dewey
Zachary Cook
Good feels? At least 6 months ago since.
Lucas Brown
Oh wow I forgot that was a thing.
Alexander Ward
I don't do lewd because I'm not a degenerate
Jayden Phillips
are you just upset people won't erp with your level 1 alt when you clearly know who they are
Evan Howard
Kayden Flores
How am I supposed to do that without knowing what server you're on, or your name? You stupid fucking cat
Gabriel Cook
I don't want lewds. It's a nice one, thank you.
Easton Anderson
I hope you don't spam BB, if you do just watch your emnity bar and use eye once in a while.
Ian Butler
generals made by these fucktards need to be deleted and remade.
Joshua Brooks
tfw you won't get this mount for at least another year
Eli Richardson
A question about crafting, what is the path I would take to craft myself my own set of Ironworks gear, starting with no gear? I absolutely must get the scrip gear, right? And the priority order should be something like weaver->leatherworker->carpenter?
Tyler Parker
You must be pretty ugly then. I hung out with shana for maybe an hour and he was pretty fun/slutty the whole time.
Thomas Scott
>those c@s who say they don't erp but would probably go like a pro if pushed into it Who are they?
Samuel Myers
>tfw alt on old server has 20m but nobody is buying I just want money
Gavin Price
Christian Cruz
Me. I only tell people "maybe" and "no" but that's usually because I don't like the way they come across.
Angel Morris
Anyone want to play diablo...
Christian Sanders
What is even so bad about it?
James Barnes
Honestly, to be an effective crafter, you'll need to level pretty much all of them up due to useful cross class skills they provide.