/csgog/ - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive General

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[FREE] cevo.com/event/cs-globaloffensive/downloads
[FREE] faceit.com
[PAID BOTNET] play.esea.net

>Betting/Trading/Item Related
Always inspect in game, always assume the worst. Bet what you can afford to lose and most importantly always do the opposite of what /csgog/ says.

>Game Mechanic Info
Damage Chart: schuzak.jp/cs-go/dmgchart.html
Recoil Mechanics: twowordbird.com/articles/csgo-recoil-mechanics

>Ranks & Stats

>Game Enhancements

>Watching Streams
Livestreamer: docs.livestreamer.io/
Open Source Twitch Chat: sourceforge.net/projects/getchatty

>Watch this everyday

>Old Thread

gg ez thanks 4 skines

>mixwell throwing

>Op Tic

REMINDER: Not everyone is cheating



>VP and OG being generous making the game long for easy drops

>he fell for the optic meme


not everyone but most everybody is using a low fov aimbot sadly

gimme a god damn dlore volvo


>Burgers lost

stay put redditor


stanislaw was too heavy to carry

post your career stats itt

i'll start


nice try cheater your social engineering won't work on me


>tfw I could be Major winner if cheats were banned




dear /csgog/ im 25 and never had a gf

is this normal?

Tbh that "Major History" video at the start was pretty hype famases.

>This is what DMG's actually believe


It's not a big deal honestly, I've had 4, and I don't really care. Doesn't feel special at all.

same man :D

bro Im GE
Facit 10

She's mine, HECK off!

You've had pretty shit gf's then lad

Why is this chink allowed to work in esport?

Whipping out my old OC meme. Reddos not allowed to touch it.

pasha is a funny little jewish boy


>no case drop

optimal way to jew the system for package drops? would leaving a phone on work?

i want to fug smix

good skills

yes girls are invaluable princesses that completely change your life xd

t virgin anime watching neet

can we share?

i want to stick my tounge into her poohole

Not really, having a gf isn't that great at all. In my opinion, people should spend their youth on themselves, and not bother with shitty relationships.

smix is the best part of this entire tournament desu
hope navi gets fucked

snax is a big pig

snax more like hax

>bet 20 odllars on OG

end me magog

No, FROG off!

you have 24 hours to get a gf

how do you do it?

If you put VP as 3-0 in your sticker challenge you've just won that pick. They won't be stopped now.

buy one from thailand.

It's fine, vp are /ourguys/

why are dabs the only cringe thing at CSGO tournaments?

That round where bomb was planted on A, and snax was awping behind wood, and won the 2v1, Rush clearly aimlocked him through the wood when he was lurking, so he knew snax was there. He just tried to cover his cheats and pretend he didn't know, expecting his teammate to not be a retard.

>he doesn't have twitch prime

i hope smix gets fucked =)

ez 4 navi???

>he pays money for... literally nothing

I'm married to my cute wife!

vp literally never lost to an american team in a major
are you dumb user

lmao just end this already

You shouldn't spend any time on a shitty relationship m8

settle for uggos and fat chicks and girls with no future and sluts and gf's(male)

Smix looks like moon man

would you guys fuck moon man?

>in high school
>friend dares me to get a gf in 24 hours
>go up to this cute hipster nerd
>tell her I've had a crush on her for a long time, and want her to be my gf
>turns out she felt the same way
>broke up with her a day later after the dare was over
>still feel bad about it to this day

Getting a gf is easy.

>Russia vs Germany

Oh boy here we go

Sieg heil, I hate Germans - s1mple

ur not the boss of me

>he doesn't have amazon prime

But my 20 dollars.

I was hoping for an upset.

>free shipping
>free movies and tv
>free books
>huge discounts
>literally nothing


fuck off normie


There is no good relationship when you're young. Why bother wasting time with a gf, when you can be doing so much other better things? You can have all the relationships you want when you're older.



fuck off normie

yeah, but I claimed her first, so I win and you're just being retarded.

amazonians pls go

prime will ruin twitch if they keep trying to avoid ad-block

>everyone in the world is American

Fucking arrogant faggots

>"do you wanna play against the pros?"
>shows NIP
Nice joke facecucks

>gaming ad thats not cringy as fuck

well done faceit

but i still wont use your shitty botnet

I'm a virgin neet now, and watch anime and play video games all day, contemplating suicide 24/7. But getting a gf is easy. The only requirement is to be a human being.

>gaming ad thats not cringy as fuck

What do you mean?

>guardian with a literal neckbeard

Is there anywhere I can bet on s1mple hitting a jump awp this game or do I need a bookie to do that


>much other better things
such as?
It's not like my gf doesn't allow me to do things that I want m8

>another fucking cobble game

end my suffering

jelly khv detected

i seriously dont understand that company
WHO WOULD NEED IT!??! For what would you need it?!?

my classmate lives with her gf already while i sit in my dark room alone talking to people on a mongolian image board
maybe if youre super hot and can pick up girls having a girlfriend is not the best in your 20s but otherwise it must be good to have someone you can trust in desu

>he doesn't want more souvenir drops with Guardian/Simple stickers


who /chrisJoint/ here?

>james cbble banter

Literally one(1) german in the team

>unironically having a gf

fucking redditors I swear

>someone you can trust
90% of women are vapid whores who care only about money, sex, and what other women think about her

>this clusterfuck round

european cs everyone