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Azura a shit

As opposed to whom?

Fuck off Lushitnafag

>Tfw Lyn and Guy are dead in FE6 because Saint Karel killed them

Camilla a best!


How do an axe user and a sword user make a magic user? No sir, this does not add up. Hector could NEVER have Lyn.

Is her hair blue or purple?

These are the important questions, /feg/.

Who tf cares shes fucking hot anyway

This is my cumslut.

Blue in that image

Real talk, how can anyone even like her? She doesn't even have a personality other than "i'm so mysterious, but everyone likes me anyways"

Don't most characters dislike Azura, at least more than Corrin?

All me :^)

You learn more about her in supports.
Like how shecs a fat fuck who eats a lot.

Neither does a pegapony.

Speaking of Hector x Lyn, and since we were talking about Mia before, their support blew my mind back then. The C-rank sets it up as your standard "Guy insults girl's ability to fight, even if unintentionally, girl beats up guy to assert that girls > guys and guys are sexist pigs" thing, even though Hector wasn't being sexist. But then Hector actually wins. That seemed incomprehensible to me because males were almost never allowed to beat females at anything.

Takumi hates her. It's kinda weird, considering everybody else in his family loves her and he's been living with her for like a decade and his reasons for it don't really make sense and I think it's completely dropped after that one scene.

Only Takumi

Azura is just a poor man's Ninian.

Niles of all people immediately starts sucking her dick

All the more reason that she's shit

I like say'ri


It's not like he can fuck around with her. Her resting bitch face wouldn't get it.

Hector is a chad so he's immune to arbitrary rules.

How big is Azura's dick?

Azura x Sakura is her best support but it's still pretty shit like the rest of the supports in the game


I like Hana

>using Lon'qu in my Awakening run
>get Say'ri
>give her a few levels and she becomes just as good as Lon'qu minus maybe a few points in strength
>keep both cause they're awesome
>recruit Yen'fay
>second seal him to Assassin immediately
>he's even better than Say'ri now
The memedons in this game are ridiculous.

It's weird because characters like Niles seem to dislike everyone but since the game mechanics forces them to like characters they can marry their personalities get thrown aside completely.

>He thinks our lord Hector and his lineage are bound by the rules of their world

>his first tripped post ITT
>but doesn't say he is a new IP

Say'ri is love, Say'ri is life


Also, they both have shitty childhoods in Nohr. They can relate to each other a lot because of that along with their distaste of people. Their personalities aren't thrown aside at all

Considering the post below mine is part of an ongoing conversation it's safe to assume they've already posted before.

Reminder these two literal whoes will get amiibo before Corrin.

Aside from the fact that Azura was a fucking princess living in a castle, was kidnapped from Nohr when she was 4 at most, and it is ridiculously out of character for Niles to go "muh tragic past"

There are other characters who had shitty childhoods in Nohr, and he doesn't suck them so hard.

Probably random locations in the middle of those fields.

>and it is ridiculously out of character for Niles to go "muh tragic past"
Didn't he do the same once Camilla told him her past?

Obviously he isn't going to suck off every character who had a shitty childhood in Nohr or else his gimmick would be that he sucks off every character who had a shitty childhood in Nohr.

>was a fucking princess living in a castle
Do you not know that she was still treated like shit by just about everyone except her siblings because she wasn't Garon's actual daughter?

None of them were as bad as Azura's, and as said before, Niles probably knows that he wouldn't be able to phase Azura with his usual antics.

They're only whoes to the western demographic.

Who else is excited for the new lewds?

Alm looks awful but at least his hair is okay. I wonder if the final product will look anything like this or if it's going to be shit like the other FE amiibos.

>None of them were as bad as Azura's
You really can't say that, especially since she spent much of her life in Hoshido where she was treated well by so many.

>new lewds
The only good thing about FE having monumental popularity.

They still won't get scanned/translated anyway.

>where she was treated well by so many
>just about anyone outside of the royal family didn't like her being around because she's from Nohr
>they literally tried to assassinate her
Even then, her childhood in Nohr still seems horribly traumatic

I don't masturbate, so no.

Asking in this thread too

Let's meet up and fight each other to the death in a massive free-for-all.

The only way /feg/ will ever solve its issues is by literally killing each other. All this pent-up frustration and vitriol has to be let out.

>None of them were as bad as Azura's
Beruka was a child assassin and Charlotte was poor, at least Azura got to live in a castle.

Now why'd you have to go and do that?

You know, except for the many assassins she had plotting against her just because she was a Nohrian tainting their pure Hoshidan royalty.

Can't forget this blessed soul either, truly the epitome of the all-loving, all-inclusive Hoshido dynasty

she got to live in a castle while being abused, bullied by other children, and hated by every adult

I'll give you Beruka, but I think being poor is better than being traumatically abused and beaten by other children

Shouldn't it be an NDS file?

didnt azura stand and watch as her mother literally melted to death and bubbly puddles trying to warn real-garon about anankos?

>It's an Azurafag mental gymnastics episode

I'm just lurking but if /feg/ wants to box I'm down.

Some did. She even says her time in Hoshido wasn't bad at one point, though she downplays it because the game desperately wants us to think of how hard she had it and how strong she was.

Meanwhile the Nohr royals aside from kind of Elise spent their whole lives in that shithole, Peri watched her mother get brutally murdered and was only given positive attention for killing, Beruka was pushed into having her emotions killed and being nothing but a killer, etc.

>she got to live in a castle while being abused, bullied by other children, and hated by every adult

Again, she was kidnapped before Elise was born. She could have been four at the fucking most. How the fuck would she know?

Azura isn't that deep you cuck. Fuck off with your edgy fanfiction.

Clearly you never even read her supports, so I don't even know why you're trying to argue.

Speaking of Azura, this is not the first piece of Azura!Rhajat art I've seen. I wonder if Japs like the pairing for whatever reason.

Post short hair

Saying Azura is deep is like saying Haar is deep because of how hard it must have been for him to be a defector, etc, when he has like one line about it and doesn't really seem to care.

I'm not a fan of Celica, even though her design is objectively great. I'd rather have 500 more pictures of Camilla

Stale meme aside, I feel like there's room to make good arguments for defending Azura (Corrin too) using actual information that is in the game, because it does exist, but the plot contradicts itself so many times that it's just not worth the effort. People right now are bringing up good points like support [x], plot point [x], but the other guys are saying but what about support [y] plot point [y], both are valid

In the end, it may well just be better to call it a mess, move on

I just hope they don't make Echoes another waifu/husbando pandering game where every character has to be somebody's niche fetish.

I don't now why but there's only a delta file instead of nds

Not really.

Too late, it's already catering to patricidesexuals

Probably because it gives Rhajat white hair.
Do you have any art of Basara Rhajat? Or Sakura!Rhajat? I like her quite a bunch.

She's better than your shitty waifu, keep licking the spic ass.

Try a different rom.

Not an argument.

preorder cancelled

What do you guys think of this?

user are you blind. Also here, I think it's the only Basara art I have.

You don't even need to go outside of individual supports, there's one where Azura murders an assassin trying to kill Corrin (how the fuck he gets into my castle I'll never know) and then talks about how sad murder is despite presumably standing only a few feet away from his corpse.


Oh never mind I was being retarded and didn't read the instructions, I did need to patch it

Wait, no you don't have a rom. That's just the translation. You need to find a rom, drag it onto the batch file.

Literally a boy

Whoops, meant to say nice. Also thanks.

Gaiden was already pandering to me I mean look at this shit. Instant boner.

>murders an assassin
I can't tell if you're serious or legitimately retarded.
It's called defense of others.


>what is self-defense

People die when they are killed.

I want to black Tharja.

>Sophia is weak and degenerate
>Rigel is strong and proud
>Sophian Resistance still manages to BTFO Rigel
Who will Rigel ever recover?

It does look nice on her I guess. Also here's some Sakura

Got any Rinkah!Rhajato?

ITT Azurafag degenerates don't shut the fuck up when they're told facts as to why their waifu is shit

This good?


I'd prefer one more accurate and less fan-arty. Thanks tho.