>Where does Veeky Forums play? Create or find a Gathering Hall Passcode: 7243 (rage) In Generations, Objective: Gathering In 4U, Target: Fishing In 3U, Help! A, Lobby 9
monhun was shit from the start, 3rd gen made it good
Angel Miller
>something new being better than something old
Fucking impossible
Sebastian Mitchell
Are books of combos worthwhile? Do I have to keep them in my pouch for them to work?
Ethan Cook
In hunts, yes. For Bladmaster are good only bringing the two first. For gunners, four of them.
Gabriel Kelly
Hi, I'm new. I got to HR 2 and Village lv2. I¡m stuck with a lv3 Hunter's Knife, what are some good options for a SnS now?
Lincoln Phillips
To clarify what he said you can keep them all in your home chest, but then they will only work when combining from your chest.
Ethan Howard
Anything you can kill with an element or status SnS, the quick hits make them worth it.
Bentley Phillips
I think they still wroknig for combininf in chest if you have some in your puch in the rest in the chest.
Parker Williams
Best girl
Connor Nguyen
>buy Ocarina of Time just to save edit charms >2 months later soundhax comes out
Ayden Diaz
That's nothing.
>break my hacked 3DS, brick my Japanese 3DS trying trying to hack it >several months later, can't take the lack of MH, buy the Generations 3DS, thinking it came with Gen installed >it didn't >kneejerk buy Cubic Ninja >fuck up the downgrade, stuck at 11.2
Soundhax was my savior.
Cooper Cox
Damn you really cucked yourself lad.
Levi Ward
you're really bad at that, aren't you?
Jason Reed
where can I get medium monster bones in MH4U?
Xavier Martin
Brody Sullivan
Colton Smith
thanks, I'm assuming you mean this database thing on google?
Caleb Campbell
>hack o3DS first try >hack n3DS and transfer data successfully one month later >hack friend's 3DS >he tells others and now I charge people $40 to hack their 3DSes >it only gets easier with Luma and soundhax
feels good not being dumb as shit
Joshua Johnson
not him, but yes also read the OP next time
Justin Murphy
I did all Village 2star key quests that the wiki says there is but the Tetsucabra Urgent isn't popping
Angel Mitchell
Do some Villager Requests...?
Cooper Torres
>coming back to 3U Gunlance from 4th gen Gunlance
Aaron Thompson
I knew a guy like you.
Cucked him out of money by charging people 20.
Colton Anderson
I've done 2 of them
Jace Martinez
go to the villages see those people with yellow bubbles over their heads? talk to them
Oliver Butler
Brandon Cox
>Tama will never kiss you in the forehead while hugging you.
Are hey bringing back the 4U moveset for the CB or is it still cucked to no tomorrow?
Ryder Myers
Nobody knows.
Jordan Reyes
Yeah, dude Also IG is getting it's Triple Up attack buff back, Gunlance is reverted to P3rd era and GS is getting a 1% MV nerf
Isaiah Lewis
Have you got a vid or any articles for refrence?
Jason Gray
I want my precious baby back. ;~;
Landon Young
I love playing with Charlotte's naked pussy!
Jeremiah Brooks
I didn't know he had palicoes
Cooper Roberts
Any room up?
Colton Brooks
>finally reached chapter 7 of the tonfa unlock quest chain >"Hunt 2 G HC Gurenzeburu" >steps on me when he is turning around >70% hp gone >all other attacks are a one-shot
there's difficulty spikes and then there's this
Kayden Bell
Yes, I've been blessed, he gave me a nice cat!
Michael Gomez
Is the Relic trias actually that good? According to this, with my current setup it is doing pretty high damage. This list is all the IG I like the look of and will use, I went with the obsidian/trias but is this actually an accurate representation of the damage or is there a better option? I've already adjusted them for the 30% affinity boost from the speed kinsect.
Kevin Ramirez
le gunner face
Zachary Taylor
can't gun it because of how HC monsters require a certain style rank in the weapon you are using.
the only weapon class i have that can take the quest is SnS
Robert Brooks
Weird question time. Can I convert a US MHG save -> JP MHX, and if so, how? I want to play with my JP friends when MHXX comes out, but I dread redoing all of those damn collect-a-thon quests yet again more less the drag of grinding those armors to lv10, including that the JP version's WORSE with how you get the passes.
Oliver Allen
Bring back ecology videos
Chase Ortiz
anyone have a weapon/style rolling image?
Chase Richardson
If you haven't already, take the time to make the Entora (should be one of the first sets in the list, looks like a priest/nun) set for a new G armor.
It may not look like much but the extra defense and more importantly the free Guren armor gems will give you some very nice starting into G skills. G monsters don't mess around like Fury (Adren + True Guts).
Ayden Gomez
Eat your heart out.
I'll have to do a new for MHXX eventually.
Ryan Jones
The worst part of generations hands down Tells me they didn't give a shit when making it
Trying to pass a variant as a flagship again proves it to me
Hunter Perry
Jeremiah Edwards
Alexander Thompson
why are people so bad at hyper silver rath
Jonathan King
Ecology videos are outsourced. >Trying to pass a variant as a flagship again proves it to me Welcome to Monster Hunter!
Levi Young
Notice the "again" they haven't tried this shit for a long while
Josiah Sanchez
Because he's poorly designed
>b-but everything in Gen is easy Yes, we're all aware that this is the answer you're looking for, but he's still a wind-press fireball spamming shitrath that evaporates health like butter, has god-awful hitzones and flash bombs are just as annoying online as ever
Elijah Cox
yeah i know i probably should but i've been avoiding it since it looks goofy and requires ~gathering~
up until now i've been using halk pots to avoid needing defense against the g rank mons on the quest chain, but i doubt that will work with this one.
free guren armor gems?
Benjamin Richardson
John Davis
Nathaniel Campbell
What does this mean?
Nathaniel Stewart
So they never stopped. Stop looking for exceptions when instead we were just lucky they weren't blatant about it actually being the norm.
Landon Moore
Gen has ecology videos though.
Evan Martin
wow, 4, so impressive they are nice though
Evan Gray
user the only flagship that's a variant is azure rathalos, in no way is that a "norm"
Adam Morris
Who would you want as a Deviant, /mhgen/?
>inflicts sleep and blastblight at the same time
Landon Wright
nigga I ain't gonna lie that would be the most unfun shit possible though it would force people to use utility skills (bio/sleep)
Wyatt Garcia
Just bring back Raging and call it a day
Dominic Lopez
I want a new gore, one that hack rockets and zooms around realy fast
Asher Sanders
What if A magala that opens its eyes.
Samuel Adams
Why not poison and blastblight? They could use the excuse of the slime being toxic.
Nolan Jackson
If it could how would it see if its eyes are not real?
Colton Butler
How about I break your neck kiddo?
Jayden Adams
There's already a poison brachy
James Moore
Holy shit is that the model with the dress and parasol hammer?
Asher Rivera
That was the most bullshit thing to fighter ever.
Landon Roberts
Oh yeah, I forgot about that thing.
Alexander Baker
he looks so bad with the face fins down, he should have them spread like this all the time
Zachary Bell
>parasol hammer Its also a gun, and there are DB that from a bow apparently, and yeah the wing arms are the dress. I'm buying one this week with the last of my money, andits my first figure so I'm exited as fuck for it.
Eli Young
>agnaktor skull on back >one arm is shorter but wider, one arm is longer >fireblight instead of bleeding from long arm, no bleeding from short arm >gravios beam when on ceiling >has a rocket boosted forward dash
Nathan Cruz
Needs a spin2win with arms stretched out
Levi Flores
I haven't played MH in a year and just picked up Gen, what happened to the gunlance? Is it shit or just different now?
Jacob Perez
Slightly less shit than in 4U
Justin Martinez
Sorry, this is a reply to this. >rocket spin2win
Also. >sleep instead of soiled >longer front claws with paralyze >longer tail >no seltas backup
Parker Gray
XX is the g-rank version of gen, I'd suggest pirating one of them so you don't pay 60+ usd for a game barely worth 40