PlayStation 4 General #413 - /ps4g/ /ps4gen/ /momgen/

>Old Thread:
Two sides of the same robutt Edition


>Summer Lesson second English trailer

>Accel World vs. Sword Art Online: Millennium Twilight gameplay

>NieR: Automata Taipei Game Show 2017 gameplay

>Ys VIII for PS4 Taipei Game Show 2017 gameplay

>Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 ‘DB Super Pack 2’ DLC, free update launches February

>Digimon World: Next Order details Armageddemon, Meicoomon, Maycrackmon, Network Battles, and free DLC

>Gundam Versus closed beta test set for March in Japan and Asia

>Fate/Grand Order VR feat. Mashu Kyrielight announced for PlayStation VR

>Nioh ‘Two Samurai who Fight for the Land’ trailer


>PS4 Pro vs Slim comparison


>PS+ Current Offerings

>PS Store Updates

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MGS remakes on the PSN don't have dual audio, right?

I'm getting tired of people calling me fat.


2booty is love, 2booty is life. in b4 delete pic.

I fucked up and bought a 2tb hdd without informing myself and I find out I can't use it. Is there anyway to format it to use it with my ps4?

new nioh vid from nip god. git gud souls babies.

Cool another deleted image, do you do this on purpose?
Stop being fat and retarded then lmao

Anyone happen to know if physical copies of God Eater 2: Day One Edition still have the codes for GE: R active? Not really a dealbreaker because I plan on buying it anyways but it would be a cool bonus.

ur fat beaner tho

It's not like they're reprinting the day one edition

>jap autist abusing the lack of balance in the game
Is this supposed to be impressive?

post your r1 spam fag.

what if we already played 1/3 of nioh already from all the alphas+betas? that would suck...

Are you guys getting anything off the current sale?

You are fat though

If the game is 15 maps only including side maps it's not bothering with anyway until a massive sale

I'm literally skinny, suck it faggot.

Okay, so I've been in bootcamp for the past 2 months, what happened while I was gone? I'd the Pro worth getting if I already have a regular PS4? What games have come out that are MUST BUYS?

There's no reason for it to be that short, it reuses enemies and assets over maps as far as we know.


2B's lips

>what happened while I was gone?
literally nothing
>I'd the Pro worth getting if I already have a regular PS4?
Only if you're a graphics whore or a massive fanboy
>What games have come out that are MUST BUYS?
Gravity Rush 2, Nier will come out at march

We have seen the pic of you and your fat ass on a bike. No reason in denying it

I want to fuck her face

He'll say it's not him. He'll also deny his faggoty ass name Eduardo.


can't wait for all our favourite jap games to get censored!

thanks america!

>thanks america!
No problem senpai. I am sure in a few years once Trump sends us back to the stone age you won't have to worry about having games censored

t. libtard

So, can I play Yakuza 0 first? Some people say yeah, some say no and call me a faggot.

Please my nakamas, which is it?


tr_Sublime is a Trump supporter, and I like tr, so I am also a Trump supporter.

It's a meme series about gook bandits

Gonna need proof

It's literally a prequel set 20 years ago

Don't even deny it fatty.

Fuck fuck fuck I've been busy all weekend and never got around to Ni Oh. How much longer is it up and how long will it take me?

I think it's already over

Be honest.
How many times did you jack off to that image.

None because I'm not into fatties or shit shoes.

Gotta admit that's a killer bike tho. I've only got a shitty scooter lmao. Did you get to ride it, or just sit on it?

nice monobrow

More importantly how did it not buckle under the weight of your fat ass?

Your heads a weird shape too.

i'm glad i voted trump.

>this is the guy calling everybody a virgin


What a handsome face, the rest of you are jealous.


Fuck off Krownye you fat cunt.

>Implying you faggots are attractive
Wew lad is this the part we all lie over the internet?

Kroni's very handsome! Be nice to him!

Senpai I can get a gf you couldn't get a dog to fuck you

Bikes are pretty sturdy, my friend owned a shitty chinese copy of some bike and it could carry both him and my fat ass at the same time well enough

>a gf

Krownye, you look like the kid I bullied in school.

If your initials are E.M tell me.

Nice eyebrow my dude



where was this found? exposed.

Exposer user exposes Citrus and Krownye in ONE

he or she doesn't reveal his or her methods.

What is yokai water pot even for? From its description it seems it just spawns stamina drain zone which is not useful at all, and the thing even requires a fucking kappa shell to craft

so how do we know its legit? lame.

It's YNA, he told me

Because exposer user is legit.

Everytime it's posted his shitposting slows dramatically. He's scared

What's YNA?

he knows

I am going to get every easy plat in existence just have more plats then everyone here and to piss you guys off when I mock you about how I have more plats

Just remember to have fun.

Absolutely terrified.

>get all the telltale and VNs
>get a turbo controller and put a wrench on X
>tfw earning plats while I sleep

We don't. People love to "expose" people on here, whether it's true or not

Which one to play?

this nigga weeb af. didnt support his brothers in watch dogs 2, bf1 and mafia.

Citrus? One of her "fans"? Krownye?
You smell like damage control

Gundums senpai.

Because I know everything about him.
His name's Sergei (srsly) from LA.

doesn't look like a rusky to me.

>he hasn't played re4

barehanded in nioh is fun

He's originally from Kremenchug, Ukraine.

I really don't know why he looks like that desu, but my information is legit.

>my information is legit

Did you just grab his sword with your bare hands and then stab him with it?


Guys I need a quick opinion
I've got yakuza 0 and resident evil 7 preordered
I played the demo of Nioh and loved it
I'm not regretting my preorder of re7 but I'm thinking if I should switch it out for Nioh preorder
What's your opinion


Are you implying it's not?

What's it like being a highschool drop out, faggot?

Yeah, you can get a barehanded parry in the Ninja skills tree.

no idea if it works on yokai though.

That's the only way to execute that move. Have to be weaponless

RE feels like it'll be shit tbqh. Call me crazy but I preferred the over the top action game 6 was over the outlast clone walking simulator this seems to be.

What the fuck did I miss? Did Krownye just get exposed?

First nyonmyan, then citrus, now Krownye?

Interesting. Exposer user seems to go only for attention whores.

nioh gonna have more longevity due to online.

According to leaker, the demo was a farce, the later part of the game is heavy combat FPS.

that sounds even worse. Japs can't into fps, should stick to character action. RE6 was probably the best non platinum action game last gen.

We need to expose the exposer. He can't keep harassing our angels

>Everyone but YNA got "exposed"

Nyonmyan? What was he exposed for?

because his butt is so used we don't need to expose him he does it himself

fallout 4 was my 2015 GOTY, though i was mildly disappointed at first
it's more FPS-y than NV or FO3 were, but a fun wasteland simulator
shadow warrior is pretty good
dishonored is a great stealth game, platinumed it

>fallout 4 was my 2015 GOTY

>bloodborne was 2 years ago

So what are the sub missions? I just beat Tachibana, wondering if I should try to do subs first or the twilight mission.

>fallout 4
>witcher 3

I like ps4g and the people in it. Krownye and Citrus' posting was turning the place to shit. I had to get people to understand Citrus was a man, and people need to stop orbiting her and flooding the thread with citrus vs. nyonmyan shit. It had some effect because I don't see nearly as much citrus posting.

I'm showing everybody who Krownye is because he's a bully. Everything he posts is an attack on somebody else. I don't like bullies. I doubt it will stop Krownye posting though. I want people to know they are better than him.

YNA doesn't ruin the thread for me. Maybe it's because I spent all my vitagen years seeing him post, but I find it easy to ignore him. Plus he's poor and I don't wanna be mean to a poor person.

I didn't "expose" anybody. I just want to keep my safe space the way I like it.

Nothing, he was mistaken.

no sub missions this time. just Muneshige and the Ogress mission