League of Legends General - /lolg/


Space Nipples edition

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Can someone tell that filthy spic to never play Lee Sin again? Also get Ray out of there ASAP

Ever since lift lift retired NA LCS's adc talent has gone to 0

I have no adcs I look forward to watching desu

I want to GRAB LeBlanc by her SHOULDERS and let her KNOW I'm not FUCKING around.
I'd tell her that I LOVE her and that despite the GAMES she plays, I'm dead SERIOUS about putting a BABY inside of her!


Best girl.
Best cupcakes.
Best wife.

Wow are they seriously fucking spoiling the other series right now??

He's the best!
c-could we stop feeding lulufag all the (you)'s?

>Just ban the cancer

Remember me? Do you still doubt me?

t. doubleshit

>No LeBlanc pic
You had one job.

Remember lulufag let us know if we need to send you help or not.

why does azir wear the mask?

Didn't the black comunity of america said that people from egypt are black and a important part of the black culture

every day we stray further from god's light

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>Mfw Maokai is in enemy team

>Space nipples


>No lebalanced pic
You had one job you pathetic mortal

it makes him look cooler

Who is your main and why?


I mean he's not wrong.

Then again the west in general has really shitty ADC talent. The only ones that can even hold up to Koreans are Zven and Rekkles

Is that a mask i thought the ascension make him a golden bird guy

lmfao digs comms

>""""NA"""" team
>full of gooks
>teamfight comms is just korean

Why do people hate Bard?
Almost every game I play I end up controlling the game entirely with stuns, portals and ults.

It did, he still has a bird face under his bird mask.

Because Riot had a helmetless concept but didn't go through with it because logic.


You should post that in the Jinxfag general in /co/

If we take it off, will he die?

>those dig comms

I can't imagine how it feels to be xpecial right now and having to try comprehend that jibberish



literally this (t h i s (THIS)) pathetic

JFC I hope you just dodged.

i think it might be really painful. that's why i want to see an unmasked azir skin.

C9 Challenger got bought and renamed to Flyquest,and they still use their previous players on top of using a plain white shirt with the FLY logo on it, people have been calling the original C9 as C9 Blue and Flyquest as C9 White because of that.


Because Demacia.

I am no hostage
I am a part of God's flock, as He is my shepherd.

Does C9 need to give up LB/Rengar/Camile and ban the Maokai?

He's a big guy. I want a skin where all his feathers are plucked, and we can see his thick avian muscles.

I'm so goddamn stupid. All this time the truth was right in front of my face and I didn't even realize it.

Success in League isn't about mechanics or in-game knowledge; it's about recognizing when Riot unbalances the game, knowing what will give you an unfair advantage and exploiting these openings. At last I am enlightened.

He at least plays safe and has solid positioning, which is better than literally the rest of the west's ADCs.

why blue and white

>Lulufag went full autism and baited the general for yous
>LCS match with niche picks like TF and Azir for once and I missed it
>Jinxfags migrated to /co/

Holy fuck I've only been gone for a few hours or so to get groceries and cook dinner but literally what the fuck just happened to /lolg/

Karthus because I want to see the fear in peoples eyes when I press R.

For that guy asking about "C9 White" - Flyquest has 3 founding members of Cloud9: Hai, LemonNation and Balls. So people are calling it "C9 White". the teams aren't actually related at all beyond that.

>Space Nipples
>He doesn't want to let Aurelion Sol fuck him

Cry more silver shitter.

>Jinxfags migrated to /co/

Because of their shirt colors you STUPID fucking CUNT


new jhin skin

l-lewd! i hope you're not a duck poster.

Team colors.

>na scene
>literally all gooks

what did they mean by this

how fucking DARE you?? this man is a devoted husband, devout Christian, and a goddamned patriot


y-you too

Azir because I like him in literally all aspects.

I want to MATING PRESS diana

Wasn't there a /k/ meetup or something where one of the people brought brownies and he admitted later that he jacked off into the batter?

>the only people who complain about this flawless game are bronze/silver players
Not a fan of this meme desu

I'm platinum 5. Not the highest elo, but at least I got here with balanced champions while you abused Poppy to get Gold 5 lmao


Anyone who accepts food from strangers (except from a professional kitchen) is going to have a bad time.


I want Diana to kill me!

Is Faker the only midlaner who can play Katarina at pro scene?
How come there is no other autist like him.

Diana is a buttslut. You'd have to press her anally!

So results only get posted when you win?

>Space Nipples

I always post bets and results when no one else does.

Faker waits for his team to initiate. Other players blow their load early and get fucked because of that.

I dunno man. I cook for other people all the time and I have yet to jizz in any of my food either accidentally or on purpose. Maybe if I was going to a Veeky Forums meetup I would be inclined to try it in order to continue a tradition.

>accepting food from strangers
>accepting food from 4channer

Quinn. Because fuck top laners.

Oh, you thought I was gonna get into a dick slapping fest with you? Ahahaha! Limp dick loser!

Why's there an X on Ken?

It true

Any press is good as long as she ends knocked up with plenty of babies

>Warwick raped Lamb
>Lamb becoming a slut
Furries, man.

Kind of like Rengar in Season 4 (I think it was then that he was OP?), it takes a good mindset, knowledge base, and flexibility of play in order to utilize these picks to their OP potential because of their squishy assassination nature. It's not so much that Faker is the best at this regard, but more that other teams don't understand how to utilize the champion as such.

When will Riot give Ezreal a big, black boyfriend that makes all the other male champions feel inadequate?

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up on NA
pass vidya
please join

I think he left.


me on the right playing jax

>want to play warwick
>cant because not in PBE

>complains about me making assumptions and then proceeds to make 3 in a single post
>thinks plat 5 is an accomplishment when that's the real most notorious bad rank

And let me guess, your idea of "balanced champions" are just ones that don't get played by pros and you completely ignore the fact that pro play and low level solo queue are completely different and thus different champions are OP in either format because you spend more time in lolgen bitching about what's currently happening on stream that what actually happens in your games.

I'd come but I fucking suck.

What would you change in league that hasn't already been suggested?

Faker is just really one of the smartest players to play the game. Hell, he's so ahead of the other pro players because they waste time practicing champions with skins.

What champion would you abuse out of love?

>C9 losing to dig
>Fucking DIG

this post

i made a shitpost about automatically adjusting damage/healing/shielding dealt according to some function of rolling daily play/winrate. no one gave me any (you)s though.


Literally, __Fiora_. I'm sure she could take it, though.

complete rework of crowd controls. It's a dated and uninspired mechanic that promotes unskilled designing and a unhealthy state of the game

here's a better question, which qt league girls would kill you?

Oh come on there has go to be someone!

Not to take away from Faker's accomplishments, but it's more of the infrastructure around Faker and Korean Esports in general that has resulted in the talent that he has produced. To use an example: there's only one Bjergsen, but if Faker disappeared today, there would be someone to take his place because of the depth of the Korean player base. The Koreans in general understand how to take the game to another level. It's something other regions CAN do, but it's a question of whether they want to or not and how hard they're willing to work for it.
