If you could replay all of Human history since 200...

If you could replay all of Human history since 200.000 years back and change one little thing to see how it would change history, what would it be?
I would introduce the human breed horse to the Americans around the birth of Christ.

They'd just eat them, why bother?

I think if you showed them the value of a beast of burden, especially the tribes who did practice farming they would not eat them.

I would make it so that Studebaker trucks exploded in a huge ball of flame whenever maneuvered by a russian.

You, a single person, could not do such a thing. You'd ride up to whatever village or city you could find. They would freak the FUCK out, and either kill you and your giant beast on the spot or knock you the fuck out.

Only for you to be later sacrificed to whatever god was being celebrated that month of the year.

I get what you are saying, OP, but the only reason tribes like the Chichimeca used horses brought by the Spaniards was because they saw how a few mounted Spaniards and a few thousand native allies could obliterate the long standing Aztec confederacy.

That took time, a lot of people, and a lot of horses. I feel like if you, a lone modern man, showed up with a few horses they would just eat the horses and kill you.

Somehow make the jews disappear. That way they wouldn't manipulate and destroy nations in their typical jewy way.

It would be interesting, both world would probably suffer huge waves of disease during the columbian exchange. It would have been cool if the Aztecs domesticated the giant sloth and used them in war. Or pueblo indians on camels.

I would have the ancient mesopotamian religions not succumb to islam. This isn't me bashing islam or anything, I am genuinely interested to see how the area would turn out if islam never took mainstream hold in the middle east. Imagine what Arabia would have been like.

Arabia would be like Mongolia probably

Giant sloths were slow creatures and difficult to tame (similar to Elephants in the old world). If the Natives had managed to tame them, they probably would have an armies highly reminiscent to Carthaginian/Indian armies. I highly doubt though, that Giant sloths would have been used as beasts of burden.

Better yet, give them wheels. Aztecs (for example) had a calendar, built pyramids, had irrigated fields, giant cities and sword maces out of obsidian shards, but couldn't even come up with wheels.
You could argue about mountains and jungles, but if you can build a pyramid, you definitely could make some fucking roads.

>You'd ride up to whatever village or city you could find. They would freak the FUCK out, and either kill you and your giant beast on the spot or knock you the fuck out.
There is no reason to believe they'd do that.

Personally I'd like to see how the cultures of the Middle East would develop without the Arabization that comes with Islam. Especially the languages.

It's a little known fact that the horse was a disaster to those indians who survived the intial European arrival. Countless peaceful farming communities across the Great Plains were wiped out by savages from the north who gained access to horses and invented the "horse culture" we now associate with surviving indian groups like the Sioux. What we forget is the societies the Sioux genocided just 100 or so years before they were themselves more or less wiped out by the USA.

Not that faggot but there is every reason to assume this. Primitive peoples don't have the levels of social conditioning we are used to today, they tend to be impulsive to an almost child-like degree. This is not because they are stupid or because they lack the capacity for self control, but because the much lower population densities are not so easily or dangerously unbalanced by emotional outbursts and so they are never subjected to the high levels of pressure we moderns experience to learn to control our outbursts and to value such restraint in others. So whilemost of the tribe might just be scared, or curious, the tribe's psychopath(s) will react by attacking you, and the non-psychopathic tribesmen will either watch or join in.

I would make the viking vinland colonies succeed. Just imagine a whole bunch of viking kingdoms scattered around the eastern north america

Take the middle east, replace Arabic with Koine and Islam with Nestorianism and BAM! done. Many of the things we consider typically Arabic, such as the sequestration of women and the ultra-macho honour-based politics were also typical of the Greeks.

They had wheels. They used them for toys.

Given that kind of a head-start I think the whole ofNorth and probably South America would be Norse. Or rather, "Norsified", since the small populations of Scandinavia would have meant lots of inter-breeding and immigration from other Europeans would be required.

Would have been great

>give them wheels

i personally wonder if the native tribes would convert Christianity ,Norse paganism or maintain their religious beliefs as the relative isolation from Europe could easily result in paganism being the dominant religion in the Americas in modern times

If I wanted to save humanity the first thing I'd do is kill Mohammed

If I wanted to fuck around the first thing I'd do is have Hannibal beat the Romans and make carthage reign supreme.

They'd become Christian, norse settler communities in Greenland were slavishly imitative of Old World culture.

>wanting a nation of proto-jewish babykillers to become the cultural archetype for Europe

Here's your (((you)))

Prevent the pope from killing Alfonso Albuquerqué.

He had the will and plan...and army to remove kebab at its source.

They had both wheels and roads you mongoloid. Canoe travel was favored though since it was faster.

Just bring a boat to get Barbarossa across that damn river and you're golden, he would have done the job.

Except groups like the Shoshone had become accomplished horse riders despite having never seen horses until just a few years before and having likely never seen a white man riding one.

Just introduce a breeding population to the Americas, then let them spread naturally until the natives find and domesticate them (like what historically happened, only unintentionally and several centuries later).

They had wheels, but the lack of any beast of burden to pull a cart or carriage made wheeled travel inefficient.

Sure you could have humans pull it, but then you're still only moving at the speed of a human, which isn't an improvement over just walking.

The Incas built some rather impressive roads actually.