Fighting Games General /fgg/
>Boss character is a Jesus rip-off
Play Smash
Should I quit sfv for melee
>110k viewers without Nintendo sending out a single tweet
It's over
Melee is dead, broken, and figured out
Smash 4's meta is still evolving
Nitendo isn't supporting that game anymore
play smash 4 it's a better game
genesis is hype as fuck
Play Goober Gear.
It's now got those Sword Tits you wanted.
kofxiv's update didnt' do anything to fi the online
objectively false
Do devils cry?
I never asked for Baiken
They may
does this bitch only got one arm?!?!?
Why don't any popular games use two button dashes? They are great and get rid of an unnecessary barrier.
That's sad
I could overlook the graphics but I don't think anyone on the EC plays it so if the netcode is trash there's no reason for me to play it
Marvel does
Yes. She can fufill your katawa shoujo fetish if you so desire.
wud smash!!
Yes Baiken, Yes Buy!
>m2k lost
feels bad man
Don't ever rudepost at me again young man
armada just won't fucking go down.
does anyone here play guilty gear or just shitpost about it/at it
Hopefully he doesnt get to down and makes a solid losers run
Is gf or losers finals?
Why is this still going on?
wow gay!!
look at the top of the stream
its losers semis
wow rude!
Go play 10 matches against another person and think about your choices
How come melee is so much more hype than SFV?
no ingrid no life
I might be able to agree with it if the top 8 didn't take 5 hours or so. Smash really needs to make their shit go quicker.
DI keeps the game fresh, no combo is the same, percent of opponent changing hitstun makes comboing more interesting, yet there is still some setplay
toppest fighting dykes
movement speed/options
commentators that sound like they actually enjoy the game
the falling up air on stage is the chillendude not the swanton bomb
i play, but no one here plays with me
People would rather watch 5 hours of Smash than 2 hours of some dead kuso
Fighting dykes you say?
>everyone spamming "DELETE" in chat because Scar said Matt Hardy
I wish Ethica would grapple my pussy...
> Pick up BBCF
> Decide to main Bullet because I like her design
> Do some of her challenges and decide to take my Day 1 Bullet online
> Get bodied free
> Ok, spend a week doing her training challenges, looking up combos listing, plaything through arcade mode and leveling up
> Go back online
> Get Bodied free
> Try out Es who was my second choice
> After a day of training go online and win my first match
I don't think I'll ever be good enough to pick a low tier in Blazblue.
Because you're a loaded question asking smash babby.
why wont capcom make a dragons dogma 2
the puff is dead!
m2k vs mango is gonna be sick
es is low tier
Because Dragons Dogma was a flop
>there are 3 more matches of bo5
>its already been 5 hours
In a completely different way from Bullet which makes all the difference.
we live in the darkest timeline where resident evil 6 sold well and dragons dogma was left behind
>complaining about 5 hours of high level melee play
Dont like it? Walk out.
play ddo (no gaijins allowed)
We have been in that timeline longer than anyone in this thread was born. You cannot escape from fate.
To FD we go
>wins game
>allowed to change character
Wait, they're allowed to switch characters even when they win?
Stop supporting shitty devs that keep changing their target audiences.
The stage counterpick is considered stronger
>mfw melee new fags
theres no character lock
happy birthday pickles
I want Falco to win!
The counter pick goes
>Loser picks stage
>Winner picks character
>Loser picks character
>/v/ is going through melee threads every 30 minutes
Holy shit this game is crazy.
Why did she marry Kai when he's just gonna die of old age? Does she really want to be an immortal widow?
why are people posting about smash in the fighting games general instead of the dedicated smash general? i dont understand
>he's just gonna die of old age
Not anymore, he got gear aids
because there isnt a smash general
smash 4 discord kids killed it
I wish Dizzy would give me lizard aids
Armada vs Mango
this is it
Bullet is bad enough that she's not even really on a tier.
Play Makoto instead.
does daigo play smash?
How can she be that bad
Bobby Scar speaks exactly like Mike Ross, this shit is scarry.
What does Mango have against pants?
they are friends, both work at twitch, scar also dabbled in usf4
im sure they rubbed off on each other
She is a joke. Has been bottom since she was added.
They ended up being friends IRL after Mike got his Twitch job
Did you miss the crossovers where Scar was playing SF4 (he mained Makoto) and went on excellent adventures and maybe an early cpt and Mike Ross went on Scar's smash show
i didnt ask for this
i asked for a pretty boy swinging giant fans and making butterflies out of thin air
Good morning, anyone up for EU PC fighting games?
Why is /fgg/ discussing party games?
scar definitely played ryu
>loved melee as a kid and played it all the time
>also the original one and brawl were fun too
>can't for the life of me give a single fuck about smash competitively
something about it just isn't exciting to watch for me. watching people jump around and fling eachother off a map while casters commentate on it just feels like one big joke.
Maybe I'm just getting old
if seen im in tournament play both
he mained Makoto
WOO BOY, JUST GOT THAT streetfighter x TEKKEN ps3 for THREE BUCKS.
What am I in for boys? I'm gonna play the shit out of this game. Got all the dlc and everything from the vita version I've never touched.
thats the same as sf except its people beat each other up in a room reminiscent of an insane asylum
What games you looking for?
Just poor character design. Moveset's not great and her Drive is more of a burden than anything else. There's nothing you get out of her that you can't get better from someone else.
If you wanna grapple though you can play Tager, he's actually good now.
Pretty fun game, not very active anymore though unfortunately.
damn man armada really put his footdown
If I played BB I'd play Kokonoe, Rachael or Azrael
>M-Melee is so hype guys
he just refuses to lose. it's unreal.
>Beat some Spanish dude in Tekken
>sends me a salty message in Spanish
>sorry dude I don't speak taco
>stupid fat American you suck