Eurocucks, are you even trying?
Eurocucks, are you even trying?
We don't live on nigger infested areas.
>dude imigrants lmao
You do realize that the militarization of your police stands in direct correlation to the demise of your society, right? Having Mexico tier police is nothing to be proud of.
Also turns lol.
Lemmie get dat Explorer and Tahoe so I can sit in it at the empty parking lots jerking to my police reports.
I need that 4x4. hurr hurr durr
Septics got no class.
America is still the world's greatest country, but I'm not very fond of cops having nice cars.
Im for cops having smaller cars in these smaller European cities
But i hate that they only have blue lights
Why not red blue? Best for all conditions
Meanwhile the rest are 1.2L corsas
try again eurofags. Do you watch the news? Have you seen the riots in Paris? Some cop sodomized a black kid
At least here in Germany they mandated blue emergency lights in the '30s because they would be less easily visible from the air in bombing raids because of their shorter wavelength. After the war they simply kept it that way and additionally reasoned that red emergency lights could be mistaken for brake lights, traffic lights, rail crossing lights or even building alarm system lights or air clearance lights. When you see a cobalt blue light it's DEFINITELY an emergency vehicle.
Trying to what, to spend money for shit we don't need?
I have no doubt in my mind European police are far more reasonable to deal with than the police here in the states. Fucking assholes on a power trip, 90% of them anyways.
The sad thing is, I live in a nice white suburb and our cops are such dicks who would pull you over for a rolling stop at a stop sign in the middle of nowhere. Whereas whenever I was in Chicago, you could fly by them going 15mph over the speed limit and they wouldn't even give a fuck because they have better things to do.
There are some shit cars as well
>be German
>steal traffic sign after a night out at the pubs
>run into police patrol on the way home
>run from them
>they tackle me to the ground and handcuff me to take my information
>let me go afterwards
>fine in the mail two weeks later for stealing state property and resisting arrest:
>a 100€ donation to the city fund of public upkeep because I'm white and have no criminal history
In the US you would've spent at least one night in jail and possibly have gotten shot. And still their crime problem is far worse than ours.
He shoved his baton in his ass. Which is funny. Also in yurop we're not scared to get gunned down by a trigger happy cowboy for doing 5 over the speed limit.
>haha, not having real consequences is a great way to deter crime XDD
I, and everyone on the highway, regularly drive 80mph. It is the de facto speed limit.
Stop being such a cuck, Eurocuck.
>implying bongs can afford that
>in the US you would have gotten shot
Lolno. People stole signs all the time in college. Guys that got caught were usually dumb and the cop just made them put it back.
Also how were you dumb enough to get caught?
>Also how were you dumb enough to get caught?
Cops in Europe are pretty athletic most of the time. They can run fast.
Good for you, babe.
>80 mph is the actual speed limit in euroland
who is being cucked?
This. It puts a kinda weird picture when cops drive newer chargers and tahoes than the people do
With ram bars and shotgun racks.
He meant how'd you get caught with the sign, not literally caught, you retard. All you had to do is stick the sign in your trunk and the cop wouldn't have seen it.
>night out at the pubs
>driving home
>not walking the three miles, it was a warm summer night too
>not to mention having to find parking in the center of a European city
Read his post carefully before you start calling people retards.
He said he stole it after a night out at the pubs, which implies that he did it while drunk, therefore he was probably on foot.
The Crown Vic might have been a fat pig of a cop car, but the replacements don't seem any better
>less head and leg room
>Fords are majority FWD only
>don't handle any better
>no ground clearance for the Dodge/Taurus
>Roommates in college had a penchant for stealing traffic signs
>would stop and take any that seemed easy enough to snag
>the basement was full of close to 100 signs of various sizes at one point
>house was broken into one night (very close/in the ghetto)
>have police come to file a report
>the want to go to the basement
>"that's a lot of city property down there"
>"no comment"
we all had a laugh
beep beep best police car coming thru
youre cute
What do you mean?
but lets just forget about your pussy """""""cops""""""" and all the Muslims flooding your country
Ahh, a great use of taxpayers' money in the rich land known as Portugal. In the land where everybody has so much money that they don't know where else to put it, other than to buy a show-off car for the local police department.
>be a cop
>siren and lights dont work
>car breaks during a chase so you have it towed to a BMW dealer and the cost of repair totals up to half the price of the car
t. 40% non-white and worse than any western European country in literally any category of crime
t. muhammad
Crime statistic are racist and islamophobic
He looks like he's seen some shit
>europeans posting these fancy police cars
>not realizing they are in effect paying for them
Eurocucks everyone
It was actually apprehended from a drug dealer.
So you're saying, your cops are such shit, that they need a supercar to catch all those tire-burning sub 1 litre shitboxes?
>American police: do their job
>European police: Fuck around while albanians steal all the cars
So are you, except through sneaky fucking traffic tickets instead of taxes. Stealth liveries and unmarked traffic cruisers are legal in North America literally so they can rip you off better.
Does the police in Portugal just take stuff they like from criminals they catch? Fucking hell, sounds worse than Nigeria.
>implying most people cant see an unmarked taurus or charger from a million miles away
>post shitty cheap police cars
>"lol yurocucks can't even afford good police cars"
>post fancy police cars
>"lol yurocucks paying tax money for fancy police cars"
Yurocucks will always be cucks. Nothing will ever change this.
Can you do this in land of free? Without getting shot like animal of course.
We're a pretty well segregated country though. You can live your entire life in the US without encountering anywhere that's 40% brown and third world. Most of our resettled faggots are asians and they blend in almost perfectly after a few generations (because everyone is already 1/16th chinese/native).
I didn't see a black man until I was fucking sixteen. No mexicans until later. In a "liberal" state. To this date, I only see them in bus windows, and a couple of guys at work. It's not like sweden where the government goes out of their way to put somalis in every single town.
Not the police, no. lol
Of course the State will take your shit if it was proven to be bought with dirty money.
99% will be then publicly auctioned off.
I guess the government thought it would be appropriate to just give that R8 to our police as a public stunt, even though they say it's used for highway interceptions.
I'd rather pay for a 911 than some shitty SUV that has 90% of the budget go into aftermarket cup holders.
Sorry I don't live in a third world country where you have to walk there and back to get drunk at a bar
Tell me, what engine powers those massive Ford SUVs? Then, complain about what cars we should use...
>tfw you or your beloved ones will never get t-boned and killed by a drunk American because you live in a civilized country
I always wonder, do such posters think this is a true, funny or an offensive post? What is the point of it? Or is it really just is a mindless shitpost?
and you think that browns here don't live in ghettos?
Dude, with a simple Google search, anyone can find good and bad examples of any police force's patrol cars.
>American bias detected
seems to be working based on the high crime rate in ameriland compared to germoney
>inb4 minority blaming
The police utility is either a 305hp 3.7 v6 or 365hp turbo 3.5 v6, both with AWD.
Except the ones in OP are representative and not cherrypicked
diseal punto
Americans love getting beaten into submission by their government, nothing new
Hi there!
Das Bärenjüden
>Laughs in Czech
Nutin says freedom like a nightstick in your butt.
Does the burning coolant from the shitty head gaskets also function as a smoke screen?
Don't ask meh. I think they're ok with maintenance.
Left is wrong thats 2 years old, now its black(light tone of darkslate) lettering over black so you can tell its a cop but its not an undercover vehicle, fucking joke.
These low profile cop cars are the epitome of the nigger jew fuck you.
>Amerifats use trucks for police vehicles
my fucking sides
Livng in UAE must be like living in a Need for Speed game. I hope for their sake that the bubble doesn't burst or that ISIS or Trump doesn't chimp out.
If you want an honest answer, I just didn't realize they meant walking because I always have someone else drive home and we have like two beers when we go out, but I thought it'd be funnier to act like an asshole than admit I was wrong.
I've never even seen a drunk driver and I live in a college town...
Not having niggers helps, but Germany is doing their best by importing all those Muslims.
its easy as fuck to spot stealth police tauruses.
they either have the fleet grille, or, if they are civilian versions, have blatantly visible cop lights hidden in the grille, aside from being either white or black.
>Think's BMWs aren't the norm outside Americant police
>europe uses econoboxes as cop cars
"Are you even trying? Look at the cop cars in the US!"
>europe gets sports cars as cops
"Your cops are so bad that they need supercars?"
can't make americucks not hate yuropoors
Shut up pussy. This is literally fucking shark on wheels.
EU hates US. US hates EU
How fast even are the new exploders?
they seem easy to outrun
Supercar? It's only a lotus Evora, not like it's even an expensive car.
how can amerifats compete with this?
only the poor countries have such police cars. In Germany most police cars are all BMWs.