League of Legends General - /lolg/

OT: Lulu is best girl edition

this game is fucking shit


First for Sivir (slut or not)

>Enemy mid and jungle getting fed
>Tell team we should just FF since our ADC is autofilled
>They spew about how our garen is fed
>Tell them he's getting lucky and he can just be kited
>They call me toxic
>Queue late game
>Garen is fucking useless due to being kited
>Our adc is useless since they're autofilled and have no items, cs or kills
>Enemy mid/jungle blow up the entire team
>They tell enemy to report me for being toxic

Why are people such fucking cucks, why can't people recognize when they just can't fucking win and insist on wasting time?zz

>he plays a mage "''''''''support"'''''''



What do you evolve on K6 now?

I'm not really aware of the current season's item changes, but you can go for a fulltank build if you wanna be memein'.

Or stack defensive stats in your runes/masteries and go Jungle with her, get a good leash and rush RoA.

>someone says "muted"
>spam ping "?" on them instead

i guess i can't play her mid/top then?
just got sg lulu and wanted to start playing her
what about support? what should i max, buy, use (masteries)?

how do i stop dying

the same

Q>E>R then?

What are some actually good and/or creative LoL content creators, /lolg/?

Kys queer


You still can play her there, but she desperately needs some buffs because rito a shit.

I'd have to look up the current season's items/masteries in a wiki, since i haven't played this game since last april.

Sneaky. For real.

I want the to be ulted against Orianna... so I'd be brought closer to her.

mordekaiser is stronger character lorewise and gameplaywise
this is fact

>livestream highlights = content

Lulu is my STAR!

>female lol player i know from our teamspeak
>plays mostly adc
>"mains" a new champ everyday
>spent over 1k euros on skins already
>classic obese artsy weab
>huge fangirl of gosu
>thinks she is gosu 2.0
>named herself vayneTILT eu after gosus smurf
>4k+ hours played
>stuck in gold
>tilts even in arams
>constantly says "im platin skilled adc atleast"
>talks about slowpush, builds, orbwalking (whatever that is) and other fanzy shit nonstop when shes ingame tryharding again
and she still wonders why i bully her

srsly considering banning her from the teamspeak


Chris Hansen is your DOWNFALL!
Prison Gang Rape is your DESTINY!

>Be darius main
>Some poor soul picks anything other than jayce, kennen or teemo against me
>Consistently shit down their throat
>Beat literally everyone in lane, even 1v2 them and their jungler sometimes
>75% winrate for the past 30 games with a good kda
>Mfw riot is barely giving a slap on the wrist for darius next patch if the changes get through

>be neet
>wake up
>no good streams on
>have to wait until evening for shaclone to come on

ahh the struggles

I live in a CIVILISED country! As in, NOT MURRICA!


heh :3!

Do you have any tips for countering him in lane without picking Jayce, Quinn, kennen, gnar, etc gay ranged top laners

start a discord [/spoiler
don't invite her

everybody knows that
accept it or gtfo

people who say "i mute you" "muted" never do actually mute anybody. they just want to act like they are the ones in control

by knowing your champions limits and not beig some braindead gold scrub who chases everything into hell and back just to blame everyone else for your shit afterwards

ill rek your shit darius with panth everyday. they dont nerf darius because he does not need nerfs. nobody gives a fuck about what is strong in tard elo

you like diablo3? chainerfails is going full ham this season again (14h+ stream per day for the whole season)

>NEW PASSIVE: after each ability cast that effects a target Yasuo gains a small burst of movespeed.

>is now a 3-part ability
>in order to move to the "next cast" the previous cast must hit a enemy target

First cast: 100% Damage to all Enemies in a straight line.

Second cast: 100% Damage to all Enemies in a circle.

Third cast: Launch a tornado in target direction dealing damage and knocking up targets hit

>Windwall now has a charge system
>windwalls are MUCH smaller
>after absorbing 2 champion projectiles Windwalls will immediately dissipate

>NEW E: Yasuo temporarily gains "GHOSTED" and saps a %Movement speed from nearby enemies gaining it for himself for X seconds.

R:kept as is


we like our teamspeak server. also if we ignore all idiots we would end up pretty decimated on our server which means no custom 5v5s with only guys from the server anymore

so therefore we kinda "keep" her. but she is really pushing the Limits atm

Well, that might actually make him a LOT less bullshit

What do you even build on shaco?
Champion.gg says AP, but I thought his ratios were nerfed
Probuilds is indecipherable, with a plethora of builds
KRB doesn't have a clear answer either
op.gg says stattik/ravenous or trinity/GA - a korean says "do not get stattik"

nice samefag

Just make E consume a charge and he can carry 5 charges at the same time and he like gains a charge on champion kill or assist and they regenerate passively too.

Pick irelia/trundle, get in his face, and fuck him up. If you're up against a darius that has very little experience with those matchups, you will most likely win. Always manage you distance from him that he can never hit you with his q. It's a really large portion of his damage. Or pick a tank and focus on surviving the lane. A darius that doesn't get ahead will get fucked by tons of champions, especially that the support meta has a lot of janna/zyra/karma in it.

>Talks about me being in tard elo
>Mentions pantheon as a good pick


>using an outdated convoluted mess

look up shaclone's build

iirc its something like cinderhulk, trinity force, ga, bork, swifties, jungle item (not upgraded)



Always a slut.

Spiders aren't friends.

Kalista needs to be remove.

and by cinderhulk I mean sunfire cape
thanks for the (You)'s

I build this but I'm still experimenting:

machte potions/machete hunters pots
tiamat->boots/sheen->finish tri->red smite runic ehoes/warrior->finish boots->finish tiamat into tit hydra

>2seconds apart
nice try though

I usually play renekton or have the Darius pick into my irelia. Like I understand that I "can" win that matchup but if you misplay once it's basically GG lane over (as irelia)

>i'm not actually retarded, i was only pretending!

I wanna cuddle Jinx
Good morning.

Any news?

>jungle on our team is intetionally feeding and standing in the mid and bot lane to feed them buffs and kills
>he's a bronze shitter no surprise
>enemy says they're going to honor him

Don't start crying then when he ends up on your team and ints.

Like in 6 hours

When did they increase the dodge timer to 15 minutes what the fuck
I havent dodged a game in months so it hasnt been stacking

Lulu is for jews.

Plat 4 EUW, IGN: wuzimus
Add me and lets team up, fgts.

I want a qt league girl to kill me!

ARAM dodge is 15 minutes first dodge.

Normies and everything else is 6 minutes first dodge and 15 second time.

They didn't.

It's 3 and 30 minutes.

Lulu is the best! THE BEST!

Oh that explains it

>fiora's W reduces your attack speed
fucking why

Better not be Blood Moon Diana.

>tfw spending money on lego legion for the first time in years
>for another LR waifu skin
Goddamn it's like jade kryptonite or something

>Main support
>Get secondary role
>Sup won't switch with me since they're a duo with adc
>Bot lane feeds their ass off
>Tell them they shoulda let me sup

>Meet same duo a few games later
>They're on the enemy team
>I'm on supp
>We smash their lane
>Our bot ends 14/7/39
>Theirs is 7/20/11
>Say "lol @ this duo still feeding"

No better fucking feeling, holy shit.

I was confused too but I get why they do it.

Lot of ARAMs get dodged cause people are unhappy with their RNG, and it ruins it for people who might've gotten fun champs or just want to start the damn game.

its gonna be Jhin clearly.

Maybe like Syndra or something else too

I do this too, when someone is feeding and says "Please report X" saying you're going to honor tilts the team harder than that inter ever could. Just ensuring your victory.

Tell me about Talon top lolgen

Kill yourself.

Because you're too slow!

Nigga, please!

Well Ezreal is obviously bottom

>Arcade Blitcrank teaser

>Riven Arcade out of nowhere with him in the pbe

Its gonna be Diana, its time

>oh wow thats such a cool pict..."
>stupid fanservice ass and underboob shot making it stupid impractical armor and no lnger Wallpaper material

anime was fucking mistake
ruining pictures like this should be a felony

Kill yourself.

Why is jungle Pantheon no longer a thing? Other than slow clear speed.

I've been playing it a bit lately to good results. Ez pz to snowball hard.

No. She'll never get a Blood Moon skin this time. Most likely Sol due to him representing the stars in the heavens.
Besides, didn't Diana already got a skin from the Fire vs Ice Event?

No U!

>brand support keeps flaming me for not ganking his lane
>is always oom
>literally can not stop getting hooked
>still doesnt buy boots
>dies instantly when I do actually gank his lane
>"report this jungler"

Dodge Timer Explanation!

Normal Games (3v3s, bots, etc) 6 Minutes for the first dodge. 15 minutes for the second dodge and any following.

ARAM Games 15 minutes for the first dodge and any following.

Ranked Games 6 minutes for the first dodge 30 minutes for the second dodge and any following. You also lose 3LP and 10LP respectively for each dodge, staying at 10LP loss per dodge.

>log in
>get first instant feedback
>tfw this has been your first report in a long while
This asshole deserved it fucking died 5 times in the first 4 minutes flamed the entire team and his support then ran it down every lane then rage quitted. Fucking Vayne mains man.

Daily reminder that ESPORTS and STREAMERS are ruining this game.


Reminder that Yasuo is ruining this game

>give explanation


>Dodge Timer Explanation!
literally just that, no reason for it retard

ruining gaming in general you mean

this is the cringiest attempt to fit in I've ever seen

*melts your heart*

This make a youtube video already you fucking nigger

>attempt to fit in
maybe I'm here because I prefer assholes like myself instead of retards spouting "super awesome math explanation time!" before they give (usually wrong) information

don't you mean with?

T-that doesn't even make sense, baka!

>on terrible loss streak
>Tell myself that I'm going to play one more game
>Get carried by a Xin

Thanks screaming asian man.

don't you mean in?

>wah wah he used an exclamation mark, DELEET THIS REEEEE

I might be an officialy diagnosed assburger, but you guys are full-blown autists.

t. not

>he doesn't get childishly excited at the mere mention of Dodge Timers

>exclamation mark
assburger misses the mark, as expected
its the whole phrase though