Prove to me anything or anyone from this Ireland changed anything in history.
Prove to be this entire Island wasn't completely irrelevant
Google Ulster.
John Scotus Eriugena
St Columba
Bernardo O'Higgins
John Philip Holland
Michael Collins
92 IQ island. You can't expect much.
Says entire.
Adam Smith you double nigger
Andrew Jackson
I don't read game of thrones
A bullied can contact a TV on how he was bullied and provide the video of his bullying
Here in Northern Ireland we invented the Ejector seat, the Delorean and I think the industrial tractor but certainly the Ferguson tractor. I think maybe the first jump jet too.
We also built the Titanic which was grand before the English got their hands on it.
James Joyce
The Island itself didn't really do shit. But the Irish themselves when they went abroad were extremely relevant in dozens of countries throughout history.
>he doesn't know how irish monks preserved classical knowledge for western europe
Something other than the saints, scholars, scientists, and writers it produced?
>Ulster Cycle
>Dark Ages
>Irish-American diaspora
>world renouned mercenaries since ever
>drove the blacks out of whatever neighbourhoods they landed in
>helped populate the worlds shitposting superpower
St. Patty's day
St. Patrick's day*
Here. Or are memes the only acceptable source here?
>Did the Swedish save civilization?
>Johan Andersson says they did
Your strawman is showing.
>St Patty's
Fucking plastic paddy, neck yourself.
Ireland was never really relevant, except having God-Tier poets and writers at one point for while.
Also preserved a bunch of records, I guess.
Their warriors were some based mercenaries, and they also lead the way in finding new memeraiding and paramilitary tactics copied world-wide.
Shit book, over exaggerates to the point of fantasy.
Saved civilization? Nah, just didn't fuck up keeping hold of a bunch of books and shit.
As for
It's shit and has been shit ever since Máel Sechnaill Mac Domnaill died.
Ulster Unionists are the most fucktarded, entitled triggered bunch of autists on the planet, and while the republicans aren't near as bad their politicians are utter cucks.
Post 1916 Ireland exists for one reason, and one reason only.
The constant, ruthless and unending eternal triggering of the Anglo.
That is our only cause, our purpose, and we do it just fine.
>What makes you say that, user?
This thread.
>the Island itself didn't really do shit
You could argue they made the demise of the British Empire inevitable
The only reason Ireland left the UK is because UK REEEEEEE'd too hard after the Easter Rising.
Without that, there might not have been enough support for it, and despite the fact support was growing it never would have gained the ground it did because a combination of Ulsterfags and another fucking World War which had much more "morality" dragged into why you had to fight ze germans and any rebellion would have been utterly trounced.
Ireland's freedom is impressive, but largely due to luck and the British being autistic.
You're really minimizing the importance of "didn't fuck up keeping hold of a bunch of books and shit." It affected the entire technological progression of Western Europe. But hey, you keep that "history is only important in a geo-political sense" hat tight around your little head. I'm sure you'll go far as a historian.
they also kind of invented modern guerilla warfare, see Michael Collins.
Yeah, I am a little. But that book goes way too far.
Ireland did have an important role in the preservation of a lot of records and books, but that book implies that without them we'd probably all be in mud huts.
I am Irish.
We did good with pretty much every single thing related to written work.
But to argue that Ireland "saved" civilization is pushing it a bit.
That's what I meant by memeraiding and paramilitary shit.
Even the Troubles in Ulster impressed me. The statement "for 30 years, the IRA showed Britain it could not rule Ireland on its terms" was rad.
>Ireland did have an important role in the preservation of a lot of records and books
You're underselling yourself a bit. Irish scholars were at the centre of pretty much every theological dispute in early medieval Europe. Look at the Synod of Whitby or the Gottschalk Controversy.
If the IRA were such hot shit then why couldn't they kill Thatcher? And I'm not saying this because I love Maggie, I'm just cheesed off the bloody paddies couldn't even manage to blow up the one person who NEEDED to be blasted into goo.
I know that there were usually Irish scholars in just about every single dispute, but I also believe they were often on both sides. I know Ireland was sometimes seen as a cradle of progression and literature but I still believe that the book you posted absolutely oversells it, or perhaps portrays it in the right way.
"Saved" could be swapped for "safeguarded" perhaps.
Troubles only kicked off because of how Irish people were treated.
>Denied jobs
>Denied equal voting rights
>Denied houses
>Generally treated like shit
>Okay fuck you guys, lets get a civil rights movement
>Violently beaten down
>Alright fuck you guys, peaceful protests
>Violently beaten down
>Alright fuck you guys, have a car bomb or 40
All attacks in England were a bit bizarre in my eyes, because it wasn't an attack on England but on England owning Ulster.
I guess technically they went to war with the UK, but the Troubles and all aspects of it were centered entirely in Northern Ireland.
Anyone who tells you "the IRA are terrorists" is correct, but anyone who says they always were is a faggot and probably a Unionist.
Unionists could perhaps be saved from their doom but they refuse to learn their own history, and have adopted the "dindu nuffin, gibs reparations" strategy. Up the RA.
>Prove to me anything or anyone from this Ireland changed anything in history.
James Joyce, widely considered the greatest writer of the 20th century.
You'd struggle to find a work of modernist/postmodernist/new sincerity literature that hasn't been influenced by Ulysses.
This is actually entirely incorrect and cheapens the ironclad discipline the IRA had. Instead of allowing the SAS-backed Ulster militias to draw them in to trading sectarian killings the IRA remained committed to hitting targets in England to continue pressure on the nation and its government.
This doesn't explain why they couldn't manage the simple task of offing Thatcher. Come on, spit the goddamn potato out of your mouth and give me a real answer!
I know very little about attacks in England, which is why I said they were odd to me. From my point of view most issues revolving around the Troubles were centered in NI, and not really a lot to do with England. But I guess England are at the root of it.
Troubles conflict is also quite impressive.
>British welcomed by both sides as people who are gonna stop everything kicking off
>They join the side of the Loyalists
>The IRA are now pitted against the Loyalist Paramilitaries (UVF/UDA), The British Army and the RUC, the RUC and the UDA working in tandem with one another
>Despite this, the Troubles is considered to be a military stalemate
>Noting about the IRA's discipline, notice how more Republicans killed other Republicans than anyone else. Attributed to discipline and "rat" killing.
>Loyalist paramilitaries targeted almost exclusively civilians
All in all, pretty impressive.
>Spit the potato out of your mouth
No potato, they were hunger striking back then user. Besides, no need to waste a bomb on her, they probably figured the Scottish were going to do her in and dig a hole so deep they could hand her over to satan personally.
>never really relevant
>except for being relevant world wide in 3 different areas
Explain yourself
I guess it depends how you define relevant.
Never really invaded anyone, unless you count some shitty bits of Scotland and Wales long ago.
Was never really taken into account by big nations when it came to a lot of conflicts-Neutral in WW2 and assmad in WW1 (although poor handling of the Irish is what lost them most of the country.)
When Ireland wasn't being conquered or fighting itself, it was sort of just there, writing a bunch of shit and bantering at more relevant nations.
Irish people? Sure, they're fucking everywhere. Backbone of a lot of history's most formidable work forces and again, top tier mercenaries and warriors.
Pretty good norse-removers too.
But honestly, Ireland as a "nation" has never been that relevant globally.
More of a "fuck, look at what those paddies are up to now"
Well fug
Fair enough
But i think proportionally we have been much more relevant than would be expected of a country so small, not to mention having to contend with having Britain as our only neighbour.
And we never had the "advantage" of being invaded by Rome and adopting their knowledge and tactics.
I am extremely proud of all we've done in spite of every obstacle placed in our way desu
God Bless Ireland
You are in the same boat as me then when I say that Ireland will never be relevant but by fuck are we good at knocking the anglo rats off their high horse.
>anglos + their high horse
Holy fuck this
I was unfortunately in a room with 150 anglos today and fucking hell they you can feel their own smug self satisfaction infesting the atmosphere
They're just not pleasant people
Not at all. But it's alright, being Irish (especially Irish in NI) is EZ mode to knock them down.
>"Fucking IRA terrorists"
>pls learn history of ulster in the past less-than-a-century
>"Fucking Troubles-IRA terrorists"
>Let me show these statistics of civilian casualties
>"lmao Ulster is British GG Paddy"
>sure is nice having equal rights and the right to a border referendum to lop ourselves off from the UK anytime we like
>Let me tell you about how Unionism is isolating itself from almost all future voters
>Enjoy your caliphate
>mfw there will always be an ulster and an ulster that is free
You know that isn't true, user.
Unless YOU are going to lead the Unionist party that is both competent and consistent but different enough from all the relevant ones to not only attract the new and the young voters but also not split up the Unionist vote entirely, resulting in an immediate republican dominance due to voting in NI still relying on fear.
How are you going to redesign or redo the 11th and 12th seeing as every year it's condemned more and more?
How are you going to make people unlearn their own history and convince them that Unionists literally dindu nuffin?
All this while you yourself being a pro-EU man, seeing as NI had a majority Remain vote?
If you can't do all of the above quickly and incredibly efficiently, and if nobody else does, then Unionism is kill. ESPECIALLY if Scotcucks leave the UK.
Look, you don't know what its like. There's a fate worse than being Irish, you know? It's called being Welsh.
Welsh? What's that?
Do you mean West England?
Irish fag here.
I hate this Island and the mentality of the people. The only useful people of Irish History were under Brit rule and it should have stayed that way, but it didn't, thanks to uppity christcuck bog-trotters. I'll probably leave soon enough, like most intelligent Irishmen. Trying to develop a neutral accent so I'm not blatantly Irish in foreign countries.
I thought it was the Chinese
Well, they ruined America. And pretty much every other country they immigrated to.
Nationalists ITT
t. Brit
>ruined America
Would love some sources on that lad
t. cucked out faggot who doesn't know his own history.
As has been the theme of the thread for a large part, Irish history on a global scale is largely just British History with a few exceptions, but Irish history has plenty of cool shit confined to within it's borders/against the English.
wew, what a nostalgic meme.
Considering every single American I've ever met wants to let me know how Irish they are, I'd say your hostile attitude is a bit of a rare one.
If anything they brought a bunch of cheap labour over which was great because nobody pulled you up for abusing them because they weren't darkies.
The Duke of Wellington was born in Dublin and was pretty relevant to the Napoleonic Wars
They cucked the anglos into Christianity.
>St Patrick
>How are you going to redesign or redo the 11th and 12th seeing as every year it's condemned more and more?
Not at all. 11th and 12th fearmongering is the same every year and laughable to anyone who actually goes out on the 11th and 12th.
Kill yourself
James Joyce
Oscar Wilde
George Bernard Shaw
Samuel Beckett
St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland so yes him and his day are incredibly important to Irish culture.
St. Patrick's Day is an Irish celebration, whether he was Irish or not is irrelevant
my favourite english writers
Upside-down Westeros?
ITT: lads who haven't kissed the blarney stone
Loads of lads go and piss on it for the craic, wouldn't put my mouth on that thing
If you want irrelevant islands try Corsica or Sardinia
Or Australia :^)
Not really, Australia is quite relevant actually.
An Irishman, Welsh man, and Indian man stand in a maternity ward. The doctor approaches them and says,
"We have each of your children, however we mixed them up. Go ahead in and observe their traits closely."
The three men walk in, and see in three baby carts, two white babies, and a darker skinned baby. The Irishman immediately goes for the darker skinned one. The Indian man looks at him and says,
"I believe that is my child."
The Irish man goes,
"I know, but there's no way I'm chancing raising a Welsh baby."
superior genes
>t. cucked out faggot who doesn't know his own history.
>As has been the theme of the thread for a large part, Irish history on a global scale is largely just British History
I said that in the post.
>Irish history has plenty of cool shit confined to within it's borders/against the English.
I can all be mostly dumbed down to "muh Catholicism",
Mad paddy. Why do you think there were so many immigrants (inb4 potato famine)? They were all clearly ambitious and were sick of the bullshit that bog trotters would get upset about and the mundane uninteresting life of farming and barely standard city life, and it hasn't changed one fucking bit since we gained independence. The government have always been lazy pieces of shit and the people aren't far off. Fuck Ireland: the nothing country.
Potato face like most Irish lasses.
West Brit faggot.
The British Union took it at one point
It's not fear mongering, it's "look at how fucking silly this is, half of them don't even know why they're parading except muh 1690"
Then there's the burning of Irish (and ivory coast) flags, effigies of irish people and all kinds of shit.
Only retards and people in full denial say the 11th and 12th don't need changed, you unionist ape.
Bits are probably worse than the Irish, but Ireland is still terrible.
>St. Patty's day
this is new
>got treated like trash in America just because the Brits weaponized memes
Feel bad for the Irish tbqh
It absolutely is.
Flags burn in like 1 fucking second and it's just the sentiments of angry men who can all too recently remember the Troubles. It'll peter out over the decades. Especially outside the inner city estates were violence between Unionists and Republicans is still common and kept fanned by both sides.
I've never seen effigies of Irish people and I regularly make a point to go to the bonnies with Catholic friends were we all have a good fucking laugh and chill out by a big (preferably huge but this year was a bit dissapointing for me) fire all night. There's an excellent community spirit there albeit a very drunken one after say 10 or 11 when the families go home. I literally went to a UDA one with my Catholic friends this year and we got free drink and were very warmly welcomed.
No one cares about the small town 12th, the rural 12th. It's all the inner estate chavs that get all over the news. Doing what they do.
For me it's like having a great christmas and then waking up on boxing day to pictures of Chavs making a hash of Christmas getting shit faced and how their cat bit through the Christmas tree cable and electrocuted itself.
Ofcourse by it's nature it's scummier than Christmas but it's not as bad everywhere as people make out.
You hate Unionists. Whatever. More power to you. I'm Unionist. I love Northern Ireland. I like Ireland alot too. I have alot of fun around the 12th.
There were a few of those at the bonnies this year
Few less afterwards
Yea that's why i mentioned a cat. Every year the same news story. This year a cat got on a fire and the jeering Unionists poured petrol round it and burnt the poor thing according to a friend of the owner after the cat returned singed but somehow alive and walking home.
Last year it was puppy's thrown on the fire (t. No source') as I recall.
I'm not saying that if this was true it wouldn't be horrendous and the fucking pricks should be castrated for it but it didn't happen. It's all bullshit from people with bones to pick with Unionists.
>Hedgehogs and cats burned on Bonfire Night. Always remember to check your fires!
>Dogs chased onto roads by Fireworks on Independance Day. Always look after your animals!
>Cat injured in fire in Belfast. Unionist traditions have to stop. There should only be St Patricks in the North of Ireland.
The 12th is a far more wholesome event when your actually there than St Paddys is in this country. I say that without any qualms to Irish tradition and in all seriousness.
You've got nothing mate. Northern Ireland is fucking great. Look at that hilarious old nutter. I'll be sure to give him Yeooo on the 12th.
Now that the killings all done with there's no country with more amusing politics. My personal favourite nutter; big Gerry himself. I'll be genuinely sad when he passes. All bigotry aside.
St Patrick's isn't as blatantly political, which makes it more acceptable in the present set of circumstances were more people are moving from Orange/Green identities
An issue I have with it is the council having a set of regulations for bonfires, and that the penalties for not following them is to cut the funding in half instead of entirely
No one wants playing fields ruined for the whole summer, houses with shattered windows or carparks full of bedsprings
Me on the right
Well on that we're agreed but that's not the matter of the tradition itself but the handling of clearing up after it. No different to any other public celebration.
Other than the burnt grass it's no different to clearing up after St Patricks in the Holyland, the center of Belfast or, christ, let alone Dublin.
Blatantly political perhaps but not blatantly malicious. It's celebrating a victory in battle 300 years ago no different to Independance Day.
>Irish writers are English if they work in England
>It's celebrating a victory in battle 300 years ago no different to Independance Day.
It's very different from Independence Day, at least as far as casual observations go.
Independence Day in America is celebrating a victory of the oppressed over the oppressor, the Twelfth is a celebration of a victory of the oppressor over the oppressed. I should point out I don't agree with either of these narratives but that's the way most people see it.
I disagree with you about the 12th.
I don't think the way it's done is effective or called for.
I'd adore some sort of "12th fest" where a field or something was set up and it was all historical and informative and maybe even recreations and shit, but that won't happen.
It's not like Independance Day, though.
It's a victory to further push the shit in of the oppressed people, not to free them.
Ulster Unionist "stop oppressing us" attitudes are generally a bit retarded in this day and age, since the Catholic church is so absent in the south and has been for ages.
If you don't agree with them why are you spouting them.
King William wasn't oppressing anyone he was just sticking up for fellow Lutherans who were about to get fucked and in doing so laid the foundations of our ridiculous little country.
I know what you mean entirely ofcourse and you're on the surface correct. I wasn't raised a Unionist and other than the very middle class slow drive past the fires before bed I was an adult before I celebrated the 12th so I believed all the bullshit once too.
I highly recommend even just for novelty's sake going out on the 11th. You'll be sorely disappointed by how badly the 'Unionist apes' [to quote likely a poster other than yourself] get on.
It's all retarded in this day and age.
>I'd adore some sort of "12th fest" where a field or something was set up and it was all historical and informative and maybe even recreations and shit, but that won't happen.
It does happen just go out of Belfast. Ok Ok. It's all drunken chavs and Orange men but when you look past that ...and honesyly sometimes it's not that hard... all of that is there. Reenactments and all.
There's always at least one little reenactment of King Billy's epic personal duel with King James where there five man musket lines fired at eachother with zero casualties [no doubt 1005 realistic] before marching off to clapping and cheers in most towns.
What you're describing is what I want from the 12th and where the 12th is headed but not while everyone other than the Proddest of the Prods sits indoors criticizing it all on facebook.
>I'd adore some sort of "12th fest" where a field or something was set up and it was all historical and informative and maybe even recreations and shit, but that won't happen.
They were trying to do this a few years ago, turn it into a big cross-community family day type thing. It just didn't take, for whatever reason.
It's a shame too, because my history degree mostly focused on early modern Scotland and there was quite a bit of overlap with the north of Ireland and I'd love to be able to get more people interested in it. There was a veeeeeery short segment about more historical type stuff on the UTV coverage of it this year I noticed, and they got quite a lot of stuff wrong, so that upset me a bit.
>I highly recommend even just for novelty's sake going out on the 11th.
I have plenty of times, I really don't like it. I always get spat on or jeered at. Some guys squared up to me and my girlfriend speaking Scots thinking we were speaking Irish the last time I went, and that was what made me stop going to them for good.
>no different to Independance Day
But you're celebrating the victory over the people you share your communities with
From my point of view the celebration is a triumphalist show of superiority
I have no issue with marching but it shouldn't be done in mixed communities or majority Nationalist ones
There are flag free towns like Newcastle, and that sort of non-sectarian vibe is why people live there, and the OO will bus in marchers who solely drink in the Protestant owned bars.
There are times I think marches are organised solely to aggravate
Alright fair enough. I apologize for assuming you weren't speaking from personal experience.
I just despise the us vs them mentality in all of history of NI and ROI.
Try to talk to a bunch of Unionists about Irish history and they're bored until you reach the Troubles at which point they sperg about about """"terrorists""""" and try to talk to someon ein the south about Ulster's history (such as based Mael Sechnaill Mac Domnaill being superior to Brian Boru) and they get all high and mighty and start insulting people from the North.
Can people just not accept that they live on the same fucking island and that island has a history that precedes today's borders? Christ.
As for the ideal 12th, that'd be rad, because if nothing else The Battle of the Boyne is one battle I'd actually like to have seen.
>I've never seen effigies of Irish people and I regularly make a point to go to the bonnies with Catholic friends were we all have a good fucking laugh and chill out by a big (preferably huge but this year was a bit dissapointing for me) fire all night. There's an excellent community spirit there albeit a very drunken one after say 10 or 11 when the families go home. I literally went to a UDA one with my Catholic friends this year and we got free drink and were very warmly welcomed.
God I fucking hate this absolute bollocks
>g-guise looks its ARE culture wer celebratin all denominations are welcom
full of shite, the 12th is a celebration of the beginning of the Protestant Ascendancy and the start of a dark history of persecution for the Catholics in those areas, it's kept alive not because its about "are history" but because it was a victory of Protestants over Catholics, plain and simple
you can tout your lines about how egalitarian it is today in your area but the history behind the celebrations of the 12th is routed in nothing but bigotry against Catholics and Protestant Loyalist triumphalism