Is working at WalMart as bad as people make it out to be? It seems like a very easy job

Is working at WalMart as bad as people make it out to be? It seems like a very easy job.

don't know, they always refused to hire me. I interviewed something like 12 times.

Working for any big chain retail is awful. You're treated like shit by customers, your bosses and by some of your fellow co-workers. Not to mention this is all for minimum wage in most positions.

I worked as an unloader for about a year. They expect you to work unreasonably fast, and we were usually understaffed. We hardly got everything done, but what can you do? I doubt retail anywhere else is any better.

All in all I didn't mind it too much.

Not being homophobic, but you realize gay dudes have the most t?

Shit wages. Work in a factory and you will make twice as much while doing similar menial tasks

Please go back

The one at my place starts at 10/hr. Minimum is 7.25 here.

>Muh safe space

I'm the only Veeky Forums person on here though, all the posts are written by me.

Because its degrading
Customers treat you like dirt and you're forced to take it because "the customer is always right" and you are paid for "customer service" aka dick taking.

It ruins your self confidence because it follows you back home.

Its only degrading if you take it seriously.

Its an easy low stress job if you do it ironically.

>Its an easy low stress job if you do it ironically.

get a load of THIS fucking moron.

"haha bro i'm a chump change bitch boy but it's totally ironic so it's cool man yeah hahahahaha man i can't wait for bernie to give me free shit"

Veeky Forums is an 18+ website you stupid little shit. fuck off. now.

Not him but that's a lot of projecting, life is easier when you aren't so bitter

My friend worked at a Walmart as asset security.
Apparently you learn to be very racist very fast.
They pay relatively well, but apparently not well enough to retain their employees.

Certain Walmarts (the ones in ghetto areas) have an "us vs them" attitude--the employees have adopted a culture where they're essentially fighting back against a horde of zombies.

It goes without saying that the Walmarts in nice areas have a great environment though.

>stooping so low as to consider working at Walmart

I was a miserable wagecuck working at a Walmart years back in my early 20s. Forgot how much I was making, but I'm sure it was less than $10/hour

I worked in the back as a package handler unloading trucks and then pulling freight out to the floor at night, so I was able to avoid customers most of the time,. But the ones I did encounter were real trashy assholes.

Most of my co-workers were double digit IQ moronic scum. But we would bant in the back and talk shit all day with the boys, that was kinda fun.

Job itself was kind of easy, if you don't mind unloading packages. But it could get stressful if you didn't have any help. We would get yelled at by the morbidly obese managers for not unloading shit in time, even though we were short-staffed. I would steal food during lunch break and eat it in the back.

I am not. My friends who work there complain about it nonstop. So far it sounds like an okay place to work at according to these posters.

You'll find three kinds of people in Wal-Mart, as far as employees go. The louts who never had a chance, the burned out who tried and got shot down by the inherently toxic nature of the world, and the corporate kool-aid drinkers who think they're the lucky ones.

Couple that with each store being run by members of Group Three who are having trouble understanding why the other two groups hate their lives and just want to go home or by people who never had to callous their hands doing actual labor that don't understand or frankly care about their workers. Now, add in Corporate, a level above: This is where you stop being able to call the entities within the company "people" because that word implies there's some kind of personality or metaphorical soul involved in there. These manage to somehow care even less than your management staff about you, and will use little bits like "but we pay you $10/hr" to leverage treating you like garbage and finding every other possible way to fuck you over within the limits of the law just to make sure that as much of that $10/hr comes back to them as possible because you won't afford to be able to go anywhere else. And if you don't let them fuck you they'll just replace you: After all you're a broken machine to them, not a human being.

The customers are shit, yes, they're shit everywhere. That's the downside of corporate coddling them without touching them by forcing you to do it. But it's the coworkers above you that make you want to die while working there.

>the store manager has fucked the budget
>your bonus is $40
>it wouldn't be if your boss used the budget to repair or god forbid maintain equipment
>it wouldn't be if your boss had enough things ordered that were in high demand and stopped pretending the only things you sell are TVs and clothing because she worked in shoes and electronics (as a manager) that one time
>it wouldn't be if the equipment that can potentially injure workers was in proper working order
>this is, however, somehow not her fault
>no, the giant cash machine we didn't need or new locker system for scanners we didn't need and most don't use anyway isn't a waste
>nevermind that we caused a blackout for a day with it and that nobody wanted it, the store within our own company we compete with for no reason has one so we need one
>bonuses are bad because you employees keep getting hurt and not working
>productivity is low because you won't cram 80 hours' worth of work into 40 hours' worth of time for below a living wage
>because this is low and the budget is fucked, we won't cut the upper-level managements' bonuses, no, that would be sensible
>instead we'll cut the part-timers' hours, trim down the full-timers and fire people who think this is asinine
Yeah no.

They should have known better if they were going to get a job in the most popular superstore in the world. The more popular retail is, the more shitty it will be.

Sometimes you don't have another option. Sometimes all your better options get shit on because the bigger players spend time and resources fucking anyone who isn't them just as hard as they do fucking their own people. Sometimes it doesn't matter if you have a skill and work hard at it and do what you can to make it into a living, because luck and hoping a bigger fish who sees you as competition doesn't see you doesn't play in your favor.

People get pushed back to the bottom just as often as the people who are born there and stay there.

Agreed. Hope they fix this job situation in the next 8 years.

>Veeky Forums is an 18+ website you stupid little shit. fuck off. now

let me quote you

i work at a Home Depot in a nice area and previously worked at one in a shithole, and i can totally see that culture here. we have a lot of regular customers and big name contractors with big accounts that are known on a first name basis and spend tens of thousands here every month. i can never see that kind of relationship in a shitty wal-mart full of drug addicts and shoplifting single moms.

Doesn't pay enough.

Is it bad?

Probably not. I've heard shit about their corporate culture being shit tier, but that's not most walmart jobs.

From personal experience?

Are you getting mad?

Wal Mart doesn't pay minimum wage anymore. They have a decent 401k plan even.

I don't work there, I just end up having to read enough shit about them to help people on this board out. The work conditions are probably shit and the people are probably horrible and there is 0% chance of any real advancement because even the general manager is probably not making $13 an hour, but as a bottom tier job you could do far worse.

Working retail has its ups and downs. I work at a Sam's Club and the leadership there sucks but sometimes there are easy days.

>some days I just stock stuff out and help customers with things
>management knows I do my shit so they leave me alone (sometimes)
>some people I work with are cool with me so not much drama to deal with

>management complains about too much stuff and doesnt do anything about it.
>my supervisor doesn't know shit and when I try to help him, he doesn't want to take my advice so our area is shit right now
>some co workers don't do shit and management complains about stuff not being done even though they complain about it everyday

I'm pretty sure any job has its shit going on, just depends if the person is willing to deal with it.